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Messages - darxbane

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49] 50 51 ... 56
Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:25:20 PM »
It would certainly be easier to kill a Skaa than a nobleman, particularly an acolyte to the Ministry.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wild Theory: Hemallurgy and Atium Geodes
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:22:10 PM »
That's right.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Hold on a minute.  At the end of book 1 didn't Vin and Sazed realize that mixing Feruchemy and Allomancy together would allow TLR to live indefinitely?  That was why Atium was so important to him!  He would store age, then burn the Atium to increase the effects.  He would protect his stash more than anything else.  He would never let it dissapear completely.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn movie
« on: April 01, 2008, 09:15:08 PM »
If Bronson Pinchot is the Lord Ruler, he should have to do all his speaking parts in the Balky voice from Perfect Strangers. :D  Come on, people! The Mist Thong?  LOL!!  Fellfrosch = Win.

Ladka as Spook?  I think Breeze would be better.  Try reading one of his lines in the book using that accent.  Priceless.

They couldn't use Tony Danza because there is no one named Tony in the Mistborn series.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wild Theory: Hemallurgy and Atium Geodes
« on: March 31, 2008, 08:33:28 PM »
I also wonder what, if any, Feruchemical power Atium possesses.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: March 31, 2008, 04:30:37 PM »
Another point on the Hard to replace scenario.  What if, in order for maximum power, each sacrifice had to be a Misting?  Infusing that ability into the associated metal (for example, a smoker is killed and a copper spike is infused witht he power, then inserted into the body).  A regular person could be used, but it would be far less potent, like an allomancer burning an impure metal.  This would mean that the new Inquisitors are far less powerful than before, as they used Skaa slaves who most likely were not Mistings.  The person that was found dead where Kelsier and Vin were supposed to meet Marsh in book 1 was most likely another misting Obligator who was working with Marsh at that post.  If you remember, the Lord Ruler had stations set up throughout the city in order to help control it: a Soother and Rioter to control emotions,  a Seeker to look for Skaa Allomancers, and a Smoker to hide what they were doing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium Mistings?
« on: March 31, 2008, 04:07:54 PM »
Didn't anyone else find it odd how Marsh left Sazed alone to explore for a while, but was suddenly in a big hurry once Sazed found the plaque? There was no real reason why they couldn't have waited until Sazed read the whole thing, except of course for the fact that the last line blew the entire prophecy out of the water!   That section of the story was practically beating us over the head with how "different" Marsh seemed to be acting, especially when you look back on it knowing what we know now.  Marsh definitely completed his task there, which I believe was to restore the Prophecy of the Hero.  If Sazed had read that last line, Marsh would have killed him right there.  Instead, it was placed on a rubbing, and then in metalminds, both of which could be manipulated.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: March 31, 2008, 03:52:09 PM »
There is an annotation for Mistborn 1 that alludes to the Lord Ruler's armbands having Hemallurgic powers.  Also, I am sure he would have added the Piercings of the Hero to his body.  The Inquisitor's power being fabricated blows a big hole in the theory that they get the Allomancy bead when they become inquisitors.  Also, if you re-read Sazed's fight with Marsh, there is mention to the fact that the two metal spikes in his head look different, like they are made of different metals.  However, now it makes sense to me why they are called Steel Inquisitors.  It is not because all of the spikes are steel, it is because the most important one, the one that will kill them if removed, is steel.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Origins of Allomancy *Spoilers*
« on: March 28, 2008, 09:25:47 PM »
Maybe it means Feruchemy is created, as well.  Maybe there is some secret way to gain that power.  I have to disagree with the magic bead being given to Inquisitors.  I have a feeling that he wouldn't even let them know where the Well was, which means they didn't have any additional beads to give to all those new Inquisitors they made at Seran.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wild Theory: Hemallurgy and Atium Geodes
« on: March 28, 2008, 09:15:35 PM »
No, no, no, going after Brandon's laptop would be wrong.  Besides, I don't want to slow down his writing of AMOL.  I do feel that RAFO is short for Restrain And Flog Ookla! :P  I am going to find out what your getting for christmas this year and not tell you!  Ha!  What do yo think of that!  I am kidding of course.  To be honest I think it will be worth the wait, and we can continue to theorize until then.  We may even give an idea for future books.  Who Knows?  The journey is more important than the destination.  That is why I like the Wheel of Time so much. 

On a topic related note.  I have a feeling that there is another metal (and alloy) that is made up for this story.  Unless one of you know of a real life metal that grants Allomantic abilities.  ;)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Atium Mistings?
« on: March 28, 2008, 08:45:46 PM »
That's what I think happened.  He vanished shortly afterwards.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The 16th metal's power--Potential spoilers.
« on: March 28, 2008, 08:44:08 PM »
Good work on this!  I have one question; how did you determine which symbols were for which metals?  Just a guess, or did you find some clues somewhere?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: March 28, 2008, 07:39:40 PM »
Wow.  We are getting a little out of control here.  Let's clarify a few points:

First, Vin's explosive headbutt was due to a Duralumin enhanced flare of Pewter.  Her piercing of copperclouds was the only definitive strength above Kelsier, and she didn't appear to have any clear advantages over Zane. In fact, when Zane countered with his own duralumin he sent her flying.  Also remember that the only other person we know of who could pierce copper clouds was the Lord Ruler, and he was using all three magic systems.
Second, we know of three "Skaa" Mistborn, not two, and there is no proof that there aren't more out there that we just don't know about.  The only difference between Skaa and Nobles are that the ancesters of the "Nobles" were sympathizers of the Lord Ruler's cause.  Brandon has said that the work Skaa is another word for peasant.  That does not lead me to believe that Skaa are a separate race of human from nobles.

Third, Kar implied that only a relatively pure bloodline would lead to a Skaa Mistborn who was this powerful.  It does not mean that it is impossible for other nobles to bear Skaa Mistborn.  Straff proves that with Zane.  In fact, all of Straff's mistings are also born of Skaa mothers.  The lord ruler didn't want Skaa to become Mistborn because he didn't want his gift given to those who opposed him.

Fourth,  if the Lord Ruler had enough of these allomancy beads to give to  all the noble ancestors and continue to make Inquisitors (they do die after a while), then why all the spikes?  If he wanted a way to control them, why not just the one in the back?  Has anyone thought about the fact that in order to see, an SI would need to burn Iron or steel at all times? 

  I do believe that Elend will be more powerful than Vin. If Tevidian (sp?) was from a very pure line, then there may be little difference, however. 

Finally, I will throw in a theory of my own.  Let's say that Vin's mom did, in fact have Hemallurgy powers of some sort.  There has been no mention of what would happen to a Mistborn's abilities if one of their parents were Hemallurgical.  Maybe that is the source of her overall strength.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Ruin and Preservation
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:35:56 PM »
Well of course we are missing something!  :) And, I am sure reading MB3 will answer all of these questions.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: ***Spoilers*** Poll Question***Spoilers***
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:14:23 PM »
I don't think it was trust as much as it was hubris.  Straff was far too arrogant to believe one of his Skaa mistresses would try to harm him, mostly because they knew he would kill them, which is exactly what happened.   Vin killed Straff, not the poison.  It is one of the most visual parts of the story.  It is so easy for me to imagine this little spec fly through the air, slowly taking Vin's shape as it moves closer, giving Straff just enough time to realize he is screwed before she splits him like a puddin'.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread
« on: March 26, 2008, 06:51:20 PM »
Right, and Hematology is the study of blood.

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