Author Topic: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!  (Read 5185 times)


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Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« on: June 08, 2010, 03:48:38 PM »
From what I have read (my main sources are the Way of Kings prologue and Mistborn), It appears that physical objects can be stored in the Spiritual Realm. See: shardblades, Ati, Leras, Vin, Sazed. Their bodies were no longer physical when they didn't manifest themselves as such.
Now, this, to me, implies that physical objects can be 'stored' temporarily in any of the realms, and if this holds true, intellectual and spiritual objects can be stored in any realms as well. Further evidence: Memory can be stored in copper by a feruchemist. I am of the opinion that once memory is stored there, the coppermind becomes an access gate to the intellectual realm where those memories exist. It's either that, or the memories become 'intellectual' objects stored in the physical realm.

Am I making any sense?

Carrying on. There are other metals that you can store physical attributes in: weight, strength, etc. It seems to me those physical properties are stored in another realm, and when accessed, can return to the feruchemist they are bonded to, just the way a shardblade can return to the person it is bonded to.

Now, Nightblood is a physical object that has had a personality bonded to it. For that to happen, my theory is that an awakener would actually spend breath to open a permanent access gate to each of the realms, and with a command, select the personality that the bonded object receives.

Also, pulling physical objects from the spiritual realm seems to be cold. but that's rather unrelated to the rest of my post.

Anywho, please ponder and discuss. Oh, and shoot holes in this so that they may be filled by glittering, tasty blood, please.

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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 10:18:27 PM »
Wow...that's an amazing theory! I don't know if it's true but it makes perfect sense.


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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2010, 11:34:23 PM »
I'm going to agree with your latter opinion on memory storage. I've always believed it to be a transfer from the Cognitive realm to the Physical realm for storage. I picture the 3 realms (cognitive, physical & spiritual) as a big 3 sided weight system. It always has to be balanced at some point.

On your Nightblood theory: (which I completely agree with, for the most part.)

I can see the access gate being permanent but with one flaw in the theory..

Lets say that Nightblood's personality comes from the Cognitive realm (obviously). His powers come from the spiritual realm (I assume this only because they don't seem like an intelligence factor) his bond (the sword) is the physical (again, obviously).

Now! His powers only manifest during his removal from the sheath, I say that with the assumption (again) that his ability to talk to people is coming from a HIGH cognitive ability.

Would this permanent access now be a doorway that can open and shut? If it was completely permanently open, his powers would manifest THROUGH a sheath.

So many assumptions, man this is fun.
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2010, 02:37:14 AM »
Hmm... I forgot about the sheath thing. In that case, the spiritual 'access gate', the one that is actually magic is closed when the sword is sheathed, while the intellectual is always open, because he can still think while sheathed.
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2010, 02:49:04 AM »
@Roberts have you ever considered a career in piracy?
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2010, 04:48:19 AM »
ONe thing that I had always thought about was that Austre is right (to a point).  Breaths are part of the soul, or for those realmanticly inclined, they allow us to exist in the Spiritual Realm. When Tom gives his breath to Steve, Steve now exists doubly (or nearly so) in the Spiritual Realm.  Why nearly so? Because I believe that Tom still has somewhat of a Breath. Just about 1% though.

What happens with Nightblood? Well, I believe that Steve (and parts of Steve) can travel between Realms. This means that when Steve draws Nightblood, my Breaths (stored in the Spiritual Realm) flow through to Nightblood, allowing him to affect the Physical Realm (make walls vanish, etc.)

Awakening is interesting. The Three Harmonic Tones are equivalent to the Three Realms. There is Breath (Spiritual Realm), Words spoken in native language (Cognitive Realm), and Color (physical realm).  When you awaken something, you give your breath to allow it somewhat of a mind (cognitive, and it needs to have somewhat of a mind to obey), and movement (physical).

Returned are.. interesting. I don't know what to make of them.. yet.

Oh. One more thing. I'm pretty sure Sazed says that he doesn't actually store weight, he just changes how gravity affects him. 


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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2010, 02:10:02 PM »
OR! ... A human is comprised of three parts, a body, a mind, and a spirit. All three manifest in the physical realm. The spirit is what gives people magic. As such, Breaths are that spiritual component. They are magic trapped in the physical realm.

So, for the most part I agree with you, but Seeing as it is possible to store physical objects in the spiritual realm, I think that humans can only see and interact with the physical realm, unless they are using magic. Otherwise, one would be able to see a shardblade even if it wasn't manifesting physically. Therefore, all three components are tied to the body, and are stuck in the physical realm.
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2010, 02:15:22 PM »
Valkynphre, I agree with you. We have our body (physical), our mind (cognitive), and our spirit (spiritual). I agree that we interact mainly with the physical realm. But in some cases (like with the shards/Nightblood), there is some connection on the cognitive.


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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2010, 06:33:57 PM »
OR! ... A human is comprised of three parts, a body, a mind, and a spirit. All three manifest in the physical realm.

What's to say that the three parts of a human aren't ALWAYS existing in the three separate realms? Wouldn't that make sense considering what the three realms are? Merely transference from one to another could be anyhing. THOUGHT could be described as a stream of information from the cognitive realm as needed.

What if that gate we think needs to be held OPEN (nightblood theory) is already always open. Merely being closed by the sheath. My backup to that would be the squirrel that Lightsong awakens.. that creature has some semblance of personality and brain power, hence why you can give it a more complex command then say a bunch of sticks. But where is that brain power coming from if not from the cognitive realm? Sure as heck ain't the thing's dead brain doing it.  :D

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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2010, 06:46:50 PM »
OR! ... A human is comprised of three parts, a body, a mind, and a spirit. All three manifest in the physical realm.
THOUGHT could be described as a stream of information from the cognitive realm as needed.

What if that gate we think needs to be held OPEN (nightblood theory) is already always open. Merely being closed by the sheath. My backup to that would be the squirrel that Lightsong awakens.. that creature has some semblance of personality and brain power, hence why you can give it a more complex command then say a bunch of sticks. But where is that brain power coming from if not from the cognitive realm? Sure as heck ain't the thing's dead brain doing it.  :D
When telepathy is involved, I'd say it's definitely traveling through the cognitive realm, otherwise I guess every mind is an open limited access gate to the cognitive realm. Limited because IQ is limited and Realms are limitless (or at least nearly so).

But this is all speculation... so, who can say which is truth?
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2010, 06:51:04 PM »
OR! ... A human is comprised of three parts, a body, a mind, and a spirit. All three manifest in the physical realm.

What's to say that the three parts of a human aren't ALWAYS existing in the three separate realms? Wouldn't that make sense considering what the three realms are? Merely transference from one to another could be anyhing.
I don't think so. I keep picturing these realms as parallel universes that interact. Things can be transferred from one to another, but existing in more than one realm at once without magical means doesn't make sense to me.
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2010, 06:55:22 PM »
OR! ... A human is comprised of three parts, a body, a mind, and a spirit. All three manifest in the physical realm.

What's to say that the three parts of a human aren't ALWAYS existing in the three separate realms? Wouldn't that make sense considering what the three realms are? Merely transference from one to another could be anyhing.
I don't think so. I keep picturing these realms as parallel universes that interact. Things can be transferred from one to another, but existing in more than one realm at once without magical means doesn't make sense to me.

I see your point. I'll concur. You win this time sir!  :D
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2010, 08:50:59 PM »
I disagree, I think the three realms are all fundamental aspects of the same space, it is simply the level and type of existence that separates the three.  The reason most of the interaction takes place on a physical level is because don't really have a way to observe the spiritual and cognitive realms, as they don't have spiritual or cognitive "eyes" so to speak as they have physical ones.  The use of magic is what expands your observance of these different components, but it is still the same place.  For example, a Seeker's use of Bronze allows him to hear activity in the spiritual realm, specifically the pulses created by the use of allomancy.  The use of allomancy has a component in at least two realms, with Bronze allowing you to observe the other half of its influence.  Another example would be Brass and Zinc which have an influence on the spiritual and cognitive realms but have no discernible effects in the physical one.  This is why you can't tell whether or not you are being Soothed except by examining your own thoughts and feelings for abnormalities.
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #13 on: June 10, 2010, 05:30:29 AM »
I will concede that that is also a viable theory.
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Re: Spoilers! Realmatic Theory and You!
« Reply #14 on: June 10, 2010, 11:38:11 PM »
Addendum to Theory: Spren are creatures from the Spiritual realm. They lack bodies and possess little intelligence, but have magic. They exist in the physical realm, likely brought into being by a cataclysmic event that frayed the boundaries between realms and left beings from each realm trapped in others.

Yeah, ok.... theory is a bit to strong of a word. Also, Sharblades are awesome.
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