Alternate Realities > TW(i)G

Bestiary of Azmoth

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I understand not wanting to do the system stuff now.  But I do think we need some of that info for the setting.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I'll think up some cool names as I can then. Give me sugestions if you have them. I want to stay away from names like "ogre" or "goblin" though.

I think how I would break them up is different from how you want to.  How I would is take the different size catagories (say 4 or 5) then under each of those seperate them by element.  so lets do water (useing D&D names just for refrences sake), size one: kappa, size 2:Kelpe, size 3: doger, size 4: water Elemental, size 5: water Demon.

Then do that for all of them.

SE or Kije have either of you read my above suggestion for Darkling classifications?

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
I want to think about it, but my mind has been on other things. I don't know if I want to make up so many darn names. If we even do 3 sizes for each elemental type, then we're looking at 24 names. That's too much. Much too much.

I'm much more satisfied by calling them "big darklings" or little darklings, or whatever. Since their abilities don't alter that much by size (well, bigger = stronger usually, right) there's no reason to make so many distinctions in terms of what people would actually call them. I always thought that it would be a continuity too, not that there are several sizes that fit nicely into boxes, so there'd be no where to cut it of at any point.

basically, they'd be identified by about how big they are, called darklings, and if it was relevant, there'd be a reference to which kind of elemental magic they used.


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