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Messages - Aen Elderberry

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Deseret News Article
« on: March 12, 2007, 04:42:49 PM »

I can't wait to read this.

"Each of the freedom fighters has an unusual but surprisingly powerful magical skill, such as the ability to arrive late to appointments."

Wow!  To discover in my 40's that all these years I've had powerful magical skill.

Go CntlZed!   

"and "Mistborn" even has its own alphabet, designed by Isaac Stewart, who also drew each of the maps.
      Stewart, a close friend of Sanderson's and a prolific fantasy reader, said he likes Sanderson's fresh take on the genre."

But this should have said " a prolific fantasy reader, AND WRITER"

Movies and TV / Gamers: Dorkness Rising
« on: March 05, 2007, 07:42:25 PM »
Has anyone seen "Gamers: Dorkness Rising?"

I learned about it from the D&D podcast.

The "Uber Goober, the documentary on role-playing gamers"  sounds amusing as well.

Movies and TV / Re: Avatar Movie by Shyamalan
« on: March 05, 2007, 07:39:29 PM »
Thanks to this thread I've been watching Avatar with my children.  Lot's of fun!

Chimera (or anyone else), do you have other recommendations?

Everything Else / Re: Marriage-A Luxury Item
« on: March 05, 2007, 07:30:22 PM »
Most of us are also in school, trying very hard to better our lives for our children and ourselves.

If I understand the article correctly then you're quest for education puts you in the upper end.  You are in the lower income bracket right now but that's just because you're still in school.   It's in the "uneducated and staying that way" segment where marriage is least popular.

'"We seem to be reverting to a much older pattern, when elites marry and a great many others live together and have kids," said Peter Francese, demographic trends analyst.'

I don't know if the article is 100% accurate but it seems believable.  Is pop culture driving this?

Rants and Stuff / Re: I'm bemused
« on: March 05, 2007, 06:28:47 PM »
I told my boss at the wine store when I got fired over the phone that I wish she had the courage to do it in person and that I thought she wasn't much of a person for not being able to look me in the eye and fire me considering the work I had done for her. When I got off the phone I thought she was going to cry. But you know what? People should say that, they should expect enough human courtesy from their employers. I am not a machine.

I wonder what would have happened if you or SE had responded to the "you're fired"  With something like "What?"  pause then say "That's you, isn't it, Bill?"  (some imaginary friend's name)  "You really had me going there for a moment.  You even sound a lot like our manager, although he doesn't sound as whiny as you.  Ha! Ha!   But I wish you wouldn't make prank calls while I'm at work.  I've got a lot to  . . . [ mention here all the great things you're doing for the company and how you're keeping moral up despite the idiot management].   So call me back AFTER work.  Bye."   And hang up. 

If they call back just say "Sorry, Bill, I told you I can't talk right now.  And the jokes getting old.  I've got work to do.  I'm the only one keeping this store afloat."   Hang up again.

Then they'd have to come in and fire you in person.

I once worked at a place where the company accountant told me that he didn't trust the CEO.   How's that for a bad sign?  They had a huge turnover of professional people.  You'd have thought it was a fast food place.   And each time the entire software team turned over they'd pretty much be starting the whole project over from scratch.  Stupid way to run a business.

Site News / Re: Happy Birthday
« on: February 23, 2007, 11:48:48 PM »
Happy Birthday Chimera!

Eric James Stone / Re: Tabloid Reporter to the Stars
« on: February 23, 2007, 11:19:54 PM »
Here's some of what Jason Sanford of storySouth had to say about "Tabloid Reporter to the Stars":
This wonderfully written science fiction story deftly pulls off laugh after laugh while also illuminating critical issues surrounding science, religion, culture, and, most importantly, what exactly is that thing we call truth.

Cool review.  If I buy it online, how do I get you to autograph it?

Writing Group / Re: Pen names
« on: February 23, 2007, 11:10:13 PM »
I think it would be fun to use an anagram of my real name
I know it's silly but I had fun.

Here are a few of mine:

Aen Elderberry
Red Ranbeer
Rare Bender
Bard Rene Leery
Rye'en Reel Drab
Render E. Bleary
Bean Reeldryer
By  Leer A. Render
Rye, a Rebel Nerd

Everything Else / Re: A Warning Concerning Swords
« on: February 23, 2007, 10:19:59 PM »
If the neighbor was playing something with a woman screaming for help (which might be hard to prove) then isn't that a bit like yelling "Fire" in a theater?   If you're in a swimming pool and scream "I'm drowning" and someone jumps in and pulls you out of the pool then you can't blame them if they jump in and haul you out.

I'd say the man with the DVD should be prosecuted for causing a false alarm.

Site News / Re: Jade Knight's thread of Proofreadingishnesses
« on: February 17, 2007, 06:24:02 AM »
This thread is only for proofing articles on TWG and not anyone's site nor the forum.

Sorry!   My mistake.

Site News / Re: Jade Knight's thread of Proofreadingishnesses
« on: February 16, 2007, 10:55:05 PM »

"Yesterday I had diner with Parker,"

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: February 11, 2007, 04:28:48 AM »
What?   They don't really work?

Oh, darn!  I wonder if it's too late to cancel my order.  I had big plans.   >:(

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: February 09, 2007, 06:01:07 PM »

I want the Wave Disrupter.

Rants and Stuff / Re: For Brandon - Religion (Potentially sensitive)
« on: February 06, 2007, 10:43:17 PM »
God can only answer in one way because that is the "perfect" way.  The only way in which God knew he was going to answer from the beginning of time, the only possible way.

I don't know if this changes your second scenario but have you considered that there may not be one "perfect way?"

I think God's goals are not along the lines of "this is how I want the world to be" or even "this is exactly what I want you to do" but more along the lines of "this is what I want my children to learn" and "I want you to help that person feel loved, I don't care if it's by baking them cookies or by smiling at them or listening to them but just do something." 

It may be that I need, for God's plan for me, to go to school to meet a particular person or be prepared for some future situation but perhaps it doesn't matter.   Perhaps his immediate goal for me is for me to learn patience, kindness, and compassion and I'll learn that whether I go to school or not.  Perhaps I'd learn those things quicker in at school.  But he can still find ways to teach me even if I don't listen to the answer to the prayer.  If I later regret not listening and express in prayer my regret he'll find another way to teach me.

In other words in my mind following the answer to a prayer can be important because of the outcome but most important is being willing to submit my will to his.  It's not to help God create the perfect version of the world.  In fact it's Satan's plan, not God's plan, to force everyone to create the Perfect World.

(Did that rambling make any sense at all?  It sounds like I'm claiming that Satan is Lawful Evil and God is Chaotic Good.  :)  )

Or has keyless entry so you can just walk around pushing the unlock button.

Sounds like a magic item.  Should be worth something.

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