Local Authors > Stephanie Fowers

Hurray for somewhat finished projects!

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If you want 'real guys', you just need to add an occasional belch, and a scracth or two.   :)

Faster Master St. Pastor:
And a widescreen HDTV used exsclusivly for monday night football.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
No real guy uses his widescreen HDTV *only* for sports. A real guy also uses it for violent movies.

And video games.


--- Quote ---So, now I've just sent it out to my test group, the 'uneducated readers' as OSC would say. A bunch of friends who aren't editors at heart, but like a good read and are also painfully honest. It might help me cut it down even more once I get it back from them, I guess, though it's pretty good size now.
--- End quote ---

You know that if you ever need a reader, you can always send stuff my way!


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