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Hello, I'm Sean. I have been writing for a long time (with no formal training really). Shorts, screenplays, and unfinished novels most recently. I am also a filmmaker and photographer, currently living in Southern California, and I look forward to connecting with other writers here.

A few of my favorite authors are Robert Jordan, Mark Twain, Ray Bradbury, Shel Silverstein, William Goldman, Charlie Kaufman, Neil Gaiman, Stephen King, Jean Shepard, Steve Martin... wow this could go on for while, just know I left out some huge influences.

Some of my favorite films include, The Big Lebowski, The Princess Bride, Monster Squad, Toy Story, Ratatouille, Finding Nemo, Star Trek (JJ to the A), Black Swan (saw it last night and it is still with me), Inception, Magnolia, The Red Violin, The Bicycle Thief, City of God, Rope, Inglorious Basterds, Made, Ed Wood, Fantastic Mr. Fox, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Jerk... and this list is even longer than the writer's one, and again just know, a lot of great influences are left right out.

I am a big Disney nerd. Especially Disneyland, old live-action feature films, feature length animations and the old cartoons. I am a film buff (out of the game for the last few years though due to something that would take a long time to explain). I draw and paint and make maps, and just create whenever, however, and wherever I can.

All in all my taste is very eclectic.

I am currently reading George R R Martin's A Clash of Kings and love it.

Hello all.  Sam here.  I live in the Atlanta area and am 41 years old.  I just bought a slew of Sanderson books from B&N with a pair of Christmas gift cards so I'm getting ready for a lot of good reading.  The few names that I can drop are that I met Brandon and Dan at the Decatur Book Festival in September when they were in town for DragonCon.  Dan said nice things to me about my blog because I quoted one of his blog posts on mine.

My favorite authors are Brandon, Dan, Robert Jordan, Pat Rothfuss, John Scalzi, Tobias Buckell, Scott Lynch, Eoin Colfer, and Stephen Donaldson, among others.  I've been pursuing writing as a hobby the last two or three years but am hoping to get more serious about it in 2011 and see if I can finish something that comes out at more than 50-55K words.  I'm the perfect NaNoWriMo author, but useless (so far) for anything longer than that.

I have been listening to Writing Excuses from the beginning and finally was inspired to come post a writing prompt.  I have posted a dialog exercise response on the writing prompt thread, and will try to check in with more prompts if they catch my fancy.  Looking forward to it.  Nice to meet you!

old aggie:
"old aggie" saying Hello (no, that's not my real name...)

Long-time fan of scifi/fantasy including LoR, CS Lewis, B5, Scalzi, Jon & Lobo, et al.

By trade, I'm an E-Learning Manager, which means that my writing is considered "not boring" by only a few people.

Located near Cleveland - bad weather, but the best orchestra on the planet, which IMO is a good trade-off.

Started following Brandon after picking up Mistborn 1 at the library. Kind of wish he wasn't doing WoT so we could have more of hiw own stuff, but it's all good.

I don't always find that guessing what will happen increases my enjoyment of a book, so usually I avoid that by reading fast. But with the huge gap between these SA books - well, one has to keep one's mind busy...

I'm not fond of my own introductions, so I'll keep it brief. Student in university studying pharmacology, finished reading the Mistborn trilogy and was thoroughly impressed.

I'm also a bit of a aspiring writer, though reality seems to be crushing me beneath it's unbelievable weight. A far-off dream, but better to have one, yeah?

Really just here to go through some notes as I indulge in writing Mistborn fanfic - for myself, really, to sate my interest in the universe.

My name is John.  I have degrees from Harding University and UALR. My education includes a BS in Chemistry, M.Ed. in Secondary Biology Education, and MA in Chemistry. I currently teach high school chemistry.  I often work in the summers for one of my former professors doing things such as radio-tracking snakes for ecological studies.  I have been published in Toxicology Letters and Herpetological Review.  However, I do not consider myself a writer.  I may one day become one, but only if I get around to ending my membership in Procrastinate Now.  For now I am a nitpicker and have, at times, put that to constructive use as one of several proofreaders for GURPS books authored by one of my friends.

My preferred method of relaxation is reading. I prefer really well-written science fiction.  Sadly, such science fiction is rather hard to find. For me, even a well-written novel is easily ruined when the author describes a person with a hole in their chest a meter wide, an asteroid with a core temperature of -475 Celsius, or a space craft 250,000 km long that is hiding behind a moon. Such mistakes seriously irk me due to my aforementioned nitpicking tendencies. As a result I actually read far more fantasy than I do science fiction.

Some of my favorite authors are Robert Heinlein, Charles Sheffield, David Weber, L.E. Modesitt Jr., Larry Niven (especially when teamed with Jerry Pournelle), Orson Scott Card, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, Terry Goodkind, Piers Anthony, J.K. Rowling, Peter David, Robin Cook, Tom Clancy, and Michael Crichton. 


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