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Messages - sortitus

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn as a Video Game
« on: August 14, 2010, 09:02:15 PM »
Actaully, I kinda like the 4-button metal control idea, with a toggle to switch metal groups. BUT I don't think there's a good reason to allow anyone to be mistborn. I think that setting the game in the Mistborn 2.0 world would work better for those who like parties. Personally, I hate parties, but some games manage to be enjoyable despite them. With a party of allomancers, you can access multiple metals without the problem of having those overpowered mistborn dudes running around.

As an RPG, MMO or otherwise, hemalurgy or Lerasium could be used at level up to grant new metal usages and attributes. For example, if you start as a normal person, once you have enough X (money, xp, alignment points, quests, etc), you can get 1) a bead of Lerasium that adds the ability to burn a single metal or increases your power with a metal, 2) a hemalurgic spike to grant physical, mental, temporal, or sensory prowess (as the super-Inquisitors had), or 3) a hemalurgic spike to grant additional feruchemical or allomantic abilities. Then again, these could be handled outside the leveling system as permanent (lerasium, unremovable spikes) and temporary (non-harmful hemalurgic spikes) bonuses via an inventory screen.

The biggest disadvantage I see to this is that hemalurgy requires killing people. Killing people to level up, while an accepted method in video games, would make the character evil, period. And I really hate it when I can't play neutral.

What was that game that showed character hands and feet from first person and the acrobatic female main character? Is would remember, but I never played it. :P I haven't gotten around to Mass Effect or Bioshock yet either, but they're just after the Knights of the Old Republic games on my list, and I just got them. Yeah, I'm a little behind the times.

Anyway, as Brandon has said, it's not the abilities of a magic system that make it exciting, but the limitations and what clever things the character can do with them. A mistborn who breaks into an impregnable allomancer-guarded fortress? Totally normal. Someone who can do it with nothing but nicrosil? Bad. Ass.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did the Lord Ruler survive a beheading?
« on: August 08, 2010, 08:02:31 AM »
I don't know. If I saw someone survive a sword cutting through their entire neck, I'd say that they survived beheading, even if they technically never lost their head. There would likely be blood anyway (depending on just how quickly he healed), so it might look at first glance that the blow was clean enough that it didn't even shift the position of the head on the neck while still having done the job. I can just imagine TLR getting up after that, with a ring of still wet blood around his neck. Creepy and awesome.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: How did the Lord Ruler survive a beheading?
« on: August 08, 2010, 06:30:46 AM »
Though, couldn't he technically heal a cut right behind a blade if he used enough gold? His head would never separate from his body, but he would have survived a sword passing all the way through his neck.

Everything Else / Re: Cool Stuff Found on the Internet, again
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:18:00 AM »
Twenty minutes long and really interesting.  Radio guy has a bet going with a video editor that posits the whole thing was done in a single shot.  Pretty cool stuff indeed.
It's cool to know how they did it. It was certainly a stupid idea to bet against it being one shot (though technically it was two for the diamonds). Betting on whether the horse/diamonds were CGI or not would have been a smarter bet.

Ee: awesome trailer, okay game, terrible movie. ;D

Everything Else / Re: Vader vs Batman
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:47:12 AM »
Sorry for the revival of a near dead topic, but nobody has mentioned something that is important: New Jedi Order.

In the New Jedi Order series, we learn that the Force only exists in the galaxy that Star Wars exists in. So, if the fight takes place anywhere else, Vader will be fighting blind when it comes to the force. No matter where they're fighting, unless Batman has studied and accepted the Force, it will have no effect on him (as mentioned in the KotOR clip). Jedi can detect anything with mass that is native to their galaxy, including (to a limited extent) the air.

Basically, a victory for Vader requires more unlikely scenarios than one for Batman. He only wins if Batman somehow goes native in the Star Wars galaxy. In New Jedi Order, the Y.V. (extra-galaxial (galaxular? galaxative?) invaders) have a huge advantage in fighting because they have "ninja training", and the jedi are so used to using the force for everything that they get destroyed almost universally. Only the jedi who have good fighting skills, fast natural (non-force) reflexes, and learn quickly survive.

Also, if the Batarangs are not made in the Star Wars universe, they can't be affected by the force. Looks a lot like the fight would be a one shot from Batman as he was on his way to fight a real villain. Of course, I didn't read enough of the New Jedi Order to know if dark force powers can affect the Y.V. You can certainly force throw stuff at them, but I doubt that force choke would work. Force lightning's operability is anyone's guess.

Everything Else / Re: Google wave invites
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:41:17 AM »
Yeah. I have an account but never used it much. Did anyone else notice it using nearly all system resources? Maybe that's from my firefox extensions like noscript and flashblock. Without it trying to blow up my computer, I would have given it a chance.

Writing Group / Re: I need bad supernatural YA - really, i do.
« on: August 07, 2010, 12:16:08 AM »
If I understand you correctly, what you're wanting to do is let the audience know that it's murder, and go over the top with the humor and horror. If the audience doesn't know that the kid is murdering people, it reduces the potential for funny (IMO).

As far as similar fiction goes, I don't know anything. Sorry.

Movies and TV / Re: Inception (Potential Spoilers)
« on: August 02, 2010, 07:43:44 AM »
Lethalfalcon made the much better point: does it matter? No, it doesn't. Cobb settled his issues with his subconscious and Mal, so dream or not, he is ready to go home. And that's good enough for me.

If you choose to care about the MC only, yeah, it doesn't matter. Every named character suffers if he doesn't wake up.

The little wobble at the end could indicate that it's real, but I think it wobbled when Saito threw it at the start, and it was doing its CGI thing when we came back to that scene.

Gah! The more I think about it the more inconsistencies I find! *headasplode*

Movies and TV / Re: Inception (Potential Spoilers)
« on: August 02, 2010, 04:04:47 AM »


The last two were never seen waking up, though the rest of the team was tracked back through the levels. To leave limbo apparently takes dying, and we didn't see the deaths of Cobb and Saito on screen, unlike everybody else who was dreaming sedated. On the timed dreams, we didn't always see them wake up either. The biggest obstacle I can see to the shown ending being in the real world is that when Ariadne wakes up, she has to go through the previous three levels to get out. I don't know what them not existing would do to that, and though Cobb and Mal were stated to have been at least two levels down before limbo, there was no wake sequence through those levels for them. There was a wake sequence for Ariadne, but she was somehow able to fall to get out.

How one could dream themselves into limbo on purpose isn't explained either. If anything, Ari and Cobb should have had to kill themselves on the third level to get to a 20^4 time multiplier limbo. I fully expected Ari to just shoot Cobb and herself when she said that they had to follow Fischer. I was disappointed about that.


Ee, I agree half way. I think it could have used a bit more exposition at the very beginning and less everywhere else.

Movies and TV / Re: Inception
« on: August 01, 2010, 06:43:33 AM »
I saw it tonight, and it was good. There was an audible response from the audience at the end in my showing too.

I went in without seeing any promo other than "OMG!" tweets and this thread title, which definitely enhanced the experience. I'm not sure that I've ever seen another movie without any clue as to its content. It was different and fun and a little disorienting at the start. I agree that some things didn't make sense, and some ideas certainly could and should have been taken further.

The end? I think it was meant to be a reinforcement of a previous indication of ambiguity that many viewers may have overlooked, not a reveal. It's hard to say much without spoilers, and I can't ever remember the spoiler workaround when I need it.

I'd be interested in a group meal.

I've eaten at Sam Hawk, and it was indeed delicious. I got food poisoning, but I've never met anyone else who has been poisoned there on accident. Then again, I can't guarantee that my poisoning was an accident either...

My brother who lives up there took me to a pretty delicious pizza place near BYU campus last time I visited him. It was delicious Boston-style thin crust, near the Pizza Factory. I don't remember the name, but it was delicious. The cook is a Bostonian, so I imagine it's genuinely delicious or whatever.

The Creamery is a stop I make on most visits to Provo. I think it's Utah famous for being good.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 26, 2010, 11:43:24 PM »
Twitter tells me that Obsessiforge has the official word. I'll let him tell, since he did the work.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 26, 2010, 07:09:54 PM »
Yeah, I was having trouble deciding between Ringworld and Ringworm, but I think I made the right decision.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Mistborn Movie-Casting?
« on: July 26, 2010, 05:59:52 PM »
Terrispeople haven't always lived in the region they live in now, correct? TLR built his citadel where there were mountains, but turned them into plains. Apparently, Luthadel was difficult enough to reach pre-TLR that several people in the expedition died before arrival. Of course, some of them were killed, but to get back on topic... I think TLR forced them all to move up north when he took power. That's what I'm going to do to my family.

People can tell the difference between the nobles, Skaa, and Terrismen by sight. Not all Skaa can pass as nobles, but some can (just those with noble blood?). I don't remember seeing anybody mistake a Terrisman for anything else. Then again, they all dress funny and stuff. Just cast people that look similar enough for each race and it doesn't matter what was intended?

I have to stick to the Tennant-Jackman Kelsier-Marsh combo I suggested a while back.

Kelsier will be played by Rand al'Thor (he already has stuff on his arms!).
VinGT will be played by Megatron (boyish figure and good looks!).
TLR will be played by the Ringworld.
Spook will be played by Dolly the Sheep.
Sazed will be played by a ball of yarn.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Going to the Los Angeles signing on Monday.
« on: March 20, 2010, 05:52:58 AM »
Well, even if my theory is right, Atium and Electrum would still be two different metals, just put together to get what we've observed.
Atium is just Atium. The Malatium we see at the end of tFE is Atium+Electrum.

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