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GW Black Library and Metaplot

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I wondered about this since Entropy brought it up in another thread and I didn't want to hijack it.

Is GW advancing their metaplot?  Other than the introduction of new races, I thought that the main plot hadn't advanced for (real world) years now.  If so, I'm curious as to where they're going with it...and if someone will finally unplug the Emperor and let him die.  Death to the false Emperor!

GW are advancing the metaplot through novels, the new codexes (and new armies thereof) and the worldwide campaigns.

This is how it stands.

Hive fleet Behemoth is busy munching the eastern fringe. The Tau are holding them back, the imperium aint so lucky. Another hivefleet (cant remember the name) is advancing up the galactic spiral, aiming towards the homesystem (earth).

The Necrontyr have awoken from their 60 million slumber, and boy are they pissed. The book "Nightbringer" detailed the awakening of one of their gods (the C'tan Nightbringer). Another one is on mars, possibly pretending to be the machine god. Yet another one (the C'tan Deciever) started the Gothic war (as in BFG) in order to remove the Blackstone fortresses which were eldar weapons of war designed to kill the C'tan. Most were destroyed; the remainder were held by Abbadon. This will probably be another world wide campaign at some point (2005 is my guess). The Necrons are clashing with everyone, attempting to land on mars, and hunting down human pariahs, warp resistant abberations, for use as soldiers against the eldar.

The Tau have turned up. Not much happening on that front as yet.

The orks have united to a great deal under Ghazghull Mak Urak Thrakka. The war for armageddon continues : black library just released a book detailing all 3 wars for it and a lot of background info.

On the chaos front, well. The Inquisitor Czevak, the only man outside the eldar craftworlds with knowledge of how to get to the black library (the eldar library containing information on the specific nature of the chaos gods), has died - commited suicide i think. This failed in its purpose - to prevent Ahriman to get the location of the BL. He managed to get it from the inquisitions network, following the crumbs in the data vaults (he got a imperial savant to do it, amusingly enough). Thats bad - he now has the potential to become a veritable god.
Otherwise, all the legions have united under Abbadons banner - the 13th black crusade is due to begin. The exception are the iron warriors who have, for some reason, declined to join in. We will probably learn why later. In return for not fighting, they took a citidel on Hydra Cordis, which contained thousands of geneseeds - enough to create a whole new legion of chaos marines, or to bolster the existing ones massively. This was described in "Storm of Iron". Bad news.
There is some interesting stuff on the Abbadon front - he knows about the C'tan on mars, and wants its power. He will also likely achieve daemonhood during the campaign, or as part of the metaplot afterwards.
The 2003 summer worldwide campaign "Eye of terror" will include the following metaplot advancements :
The entire Cadian command structure will be assassinated by abbadon prior to a massive invasion.
The eldar and the darkeldar will fight a war in the webway - the eldar have decided they cannot allow abbadon to win, the dark eldar think that allowing him to win would be a really cute thing to do. The ulthwe crathworld will use the webways to act at the precise moment of necessity, aiming to turn the balance against abbadon.

Thats all i can remember right now. Essentially, the Imperium is screwed. ;)

Wow, I'm impressed.  Before 'The Vow' I was happily and slowly building a Necron army (still have a large number of unpainted warriors) so I know a bit about them.

It sounds like the summer campaign is going to be pretty exciting this year.  

A couple other notes:

GW is also using White Dwarf to advance the metaplot. I got a lot of information listed above from that.

The Tau were going to invade an imperial world, but never did because the commander, one of O'shovas deputies, was assassinated by an inquisitorial team (Last Chancers : Kill Team).

Ghazghull is missing. The black templars have launched (yet another) crusade against him. The guy in charge of imperial space defence around armageddon is dead, along with the head ork machanic dude.

And the warhammer metaplot is beyond my knowledge - a lot is contained in books i have not read. But the high and dark elves are kicking each other again, Teclis is back in the empire, the empire, dwarfs and kislev are preparing for war against chaos, and Archaon has the crown of command and is rearing for a go. THere is also a disincorporated daemon prince around there somewhere.

In all honesty, while I preferred WFB as a game to 40K, 40K has a much, much more interesting fluff.  WFB is pretty generic fantasy.


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