Author Topic: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]  (Read 4974 times)


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Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« on: September 18, 2008, 12:12:53 AM »
Hey folks,

Long time lurker, third-time poster :) I'm Alex Flagg from Crafty Games, the guys who are working with EUOL to develop the Mistborn RPG currently on track to come out next year! I wanted to say hello, that we're listening to the discussions (well, most troll-free ones) going on here, and really excited to be developing this property!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you can check out this press release; if you have no idea who Crafty Games is, go here. I'm sure many of you could illuminate the joys of Mistborn to some of our own fans in our Mistborn boards, as well.

Thanks - I look forward to picking y'alls brains from time to time :)

Alex Flagg
Crafty Games


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #1 on: September 18, 2008, 12:49:55 AM »
Hey Crafty- Good to hear about the project. Look forward to the end results. On a side note I just jumped to your forums and idk if your posters are ready for most of us. they are in the beginning of their reading and we would confuse the crap out of them. I will most likely check your boards from time to time to check progress though. Good luck and do us proud.

Ok just to make this clear. It took me a little while to realize these guys are talking about making a real time DnD type of game. Nothing against it but disappointing only because I don't think I could find any players to come over and play Mistborn with me. I mean If its that type of format can it be played on-line? idk, help explain if you can.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 02:20:30 AM by GreenMonsta »
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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #2 on: September 18, 2008, 01:49:41 AM »
Yeah, we tend to be very confusing for the un-initiated. Heck, we tend to be quite confusing to ourselves, with our rampant theorizing of Book Three. Rest assured, though, once we get that Tome of Awesomeness in our hands, everything will become clear.

I, too, am extremely interested to see how this turns out. Keep us updated! - The Official Brandon Sanderson Fansite.

Oh SNAP, I'm an Allomancer.


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2008, 04:15:25 AM »
One of my friends desperately wants to play as a Kandra, and I was wondering if you'd have Terrismen as well.  Also, how would Mistborn work out?  If you have them as an NPC superclass it's off putting, but if you have it as a starter option, then that puts all the other Mistings out of a job.  Would you have to level up into a Mistborn? 

How would running out of metal work too?  It works more (in my mind) like an MP bar rather than anything with rigid numeric value.
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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2008, 04:36:33 AM »
Hey guys,

Hey Crafty- Good to hear about the project. Look forward to the end results. On a side note I just jumped to your forums and idk if your posters are ready for most of us. they are in the beginning of their reading and we would confuse the crap out of them. I will most likely check your boards from time to time to check progress though. Good luck and do us proud.

Thanks! Keep in mind we only announced recently, and since our main line is called Spycraft (an espionage game, natch) many of them are sort of playing catch up. They'll come around eventually ;)

Quote from: GreenMonsta
Ok just to make this clear. It took me a little while to realize these guys are talking about making a real time DnD type of game. Nothing against it but disappointing only because I don't think I could find any players to come over and play Mistborn with me. I mean If its that type of format can it be played on-line? idk, help explain if you can.

This is a pen and paper RPG, generally meant for face to face playing. However, we do have people who play in play-by-post or through third-party applications that set up a virtual game table and chat. So you might be able to find a group after all :)

Quote from: spejoku
One of my friends desperately wants to play as a Kandra, and I was wondering if you'd have Terrismen as well.  Also, how would Mistborn work out?  If you have them as an NPC superclass it's off putting, but if you have it as a starter option, then that puts all the other Mistings out of a job.  Would you have to level up into a Mistborn? 

How would running out of metal work too?  It works more (in my mind) like an MP bar rather than anything with rigid numeric value.

Funny, we've had requests for playable Kandra on our boards, too :) My hope/plan, nascent as it is ATM, is to open up options for playing whatever options would allow for fun roleplaying, player interaction, and balanced play experience. That probably means Koloss and Inquisitors will probably sit outside the player realm (again, this is all pretty early) as they're both wicked powerful and pretty dang one-dimensional!

As for making Mistborn playable, I'd say that's a pretty central hope of a lot of players. My partners and I have been doing game design for a LOOONG time as a team, and we have many devious plans to make playing even a skaa peasant enjoyable when you've got Mistborn and Kandra running around. All shall be revealed...eventually.

Metal stores scream charge-based to me too, especially with flaring being such an important aspect of Allomancy (and even Feruchemy). Don't worry - we're fully aware that making Allomancy feel "right" is perhaps the single most important aspect of this game, and we'll be focusing on it as a core aspect of the game.

Thanks for the questions! I'll be happy to answer any more that I can at this early stage (and without giving away The Master Plan, as it were...)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2008, 04:38:44 AM by Crafty_Alex »


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2008, 04:39:03 AM »
I'm liking this the more and more I hear of it. Now I just gotta find a group of people to play with.

I'm one of those people that can't really play pen & paper RPG's unless it's physically with another group of people, but then again, I'm weird like that.  :D


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2008, 05:20:29 PM »
I'm liking this the more and more I hear of it. Now I just gotta find a group of people to play with.

I'm one of those people that can't really play pen & paper RPG's unless it's physically with another group of people, but then again, I'm weird like that.  :D

Me too...I still run a weekly game (generally, playtesting products) with many of my closest friends. It's the only time most of us can get away from work/wives/girlfriends and hang out, so it's pretty cool. Good luck in assembling your group - maybe you can seed some MB books with friends then lure them in as the game gets closer...


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2008, 10:11:19 PM »
Hey CthulhuKefka your from Millis and Im from Braintree all we need is a couple of others and we're set. Seeing how I don't know of any other people who would play I am gonna leave that up to you.
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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2008, 01:27:35 AM »
I wonder how many rulebooks it's gonna have.  Dnd has a bazillion rulebooks for almost everything under the fantasy sun, but I wonder what's gonna be up with this one.  If you have more than one, you have more options for sucking away or monies, but if you do, that decreases our chances of being able to find all the rulebooks offline.
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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2008, 04:41:53 AM »
We're not real big on book-bloat - our strategy is to make stand-alone books with supplements in electronic format. How this will play out for the MBRPG, however, is way too early to say :)


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2008, 12:43:51 AM »
What's the goal of this RPG? Mistborn obviously makes an awesome setting but the press release says next-to-nothing about the design goals.

a roleplaying game based on his epic fantasy trilogy Mistborn. The game will arrive in 2009 and let players create their own exciting adventures in the Final Empire.
This tells me the setting is based on Mistborn's setting.

a product capturing the unique magic, action, and intrigue [of] Mistborn
Sounds nice. Does this mean you aim to capture the feel of Allomancy? Does it mean you want to recreate Brandon's theory of magic in writing, i.e. codify the rules completely but make them complex enough to be useful for solving interesting problems (e.g. Portal in a pen&paper RPG)?

I’ve looked forward to the day when I could help adapt one of my properties as an RPG setting
Hm, maybe this is just a setting supplement to Fantasy Craft? Dunno.

Do you have any goals for it yet other than "setting == Mistborn" that you can tell us?


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2008, 04:38:28 PM »
how would the combat work out?  In the book all the fighting is very three dimensional, with huge jumps and leaping off towers and stuff.  With my (small) tabletop rpg experiences, I've noticed that most of the battles are earthbound, although that could just be my GM's fault.

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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #12 on: September 23, 2008, 08:26:43 PM »
Spejoku, I have found that most GMs are hampered by the laws of physics in the world that they play in. If you were in a D&D game where you had control of a flying creature, then sure, they could do something aerial. Unfortunately for me, and it sounds like for you, there aren't many table top RPGs, that I know of personally, that have the ability to have aerial battles. I'm sure there are exceptions, and my experience is rather limited to D&D, some Cyberpunk, and Earthdawn. I was just trying to help out a bit.

As for whether or not we would have aerial stuff in the Mistborn RPG, I would assume that would be a definite yes. It is an ability that is well documented and should be a blast to GM. :) Good luck with the games and I hope you find a group that you enjoy :)


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #13 on: September 23, 2008, 10:52:21 PM »
What's the goal of this RPG? Mistborn obviously makes an awesome setting but the press release says next-to-nothing about the design goals.

I find that press releases are a poor place to discuss design goals - that's for blogs and forum threads :) This is still VERY early in the process. We are finishing Fantasy Craft, 1 book that's over half finished already, and are then on to Mistborn (most likely starting somewhere before the inbetween book is done).

a roleplaying game based on his epic fantasy trilogy Mistborn. The game will arrive in 2009 and let players create their own exciting adventures in the Final Empire.
This tells me the setting is based on Mistborn's setting.

That would be goal number 1! Reading a novel series and playing within that world are two *very* different exercises. Not everyone will want to play Vin and  Kelsier (though I think there will be some fans who do), nor will every character come up or spend most of their time in Luthadel. Part of our goal will be to assemble a clear and playable world to be explored, interact with iconic characters, and shape the fate of the world. We'll be assembling and fleshing out details, collecting information and providing a visual reference to Mistborn with this product just as much as we'll be making a game.

a product capturing the unique magic, action, and intrigue [of] Mistborn
Sounds nice. Does this mean you aim to capture the feel of Allomancy? Does it mean you want to recreate Brandon's theory of magic in writing, i.e. codify the rules completely but make them complex enough to be useful for solving interesting problems (e.g. Portal in a pen&paper RPG)?

That's design goal number 2! People love Brandon's magic systems, and having Allomancy/Feruchemy feel "right" is critical. Having a system that is knowable but allows for creative uses will be vital for that feel.

I’ve looked forward to the day when I could help adapt one of my properties as an RPG setting
Hm, maybe this is just a setting supplement to Fantasy Craft? Dunno.

Mistborn will be a standalone book. What the ruleset it will use remains to be seen as it is still early in the process.


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Re: Raising the flag [Mistborn RPG!]
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2008, 10:55:34 PM »
how would the combat work out?  In the book all the fighting is very three dimensional, with huge jumps and leaping off towers and stuff.  With my (small) tabletop rpg experiences, I've noticed that most of the battles are earthbound, although that could just be my GM's fault.


I think a system can easily be created to allow aerial/wuxia styled combat by giving it the right tolerances. In a grid-based game, it's tough to add the Z-axis without the proper tweaking (what you're noting here). Sometimes, a more narrative system does the job even better - after all, 50 ft away from a person can be above, below, or to the side of them...  ;)