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Reading Excuses / Re: 1-12-09 Aspirations
« on: January 12, 2009, 05:51:35 PM »
Ok, I read your first chapter and have not been able to read your other submissions, but your summary brought me in quite well.

I have to say, I really like your MC.  He is cleaver and his humor amuses me.  Two lines that really made me laugh:

I carried a dagger but had no idea as to how to use it effectively.  I mean it couldn’t be all that difficult, pointy end goes into opponent’s body, and repeat.
- Loved this, don't change it.

Contemptuously I moved my gaze away from him, scanning the rest of the crowd for any other like-minded idiots.

Ok, just a few suggestions:

You could do with a little bit more description instead of telling us how your characters feel.  For example:
“We don’t have to go there if you don’t wanna.”
“Thank you!  They were the ones who put me out for sacrifice.
  Maybe instead of just having her say "Thank you" you could say, "Her eyes lit up immediately as she clasp her hands together and graciously thanked me...." Not the best wording, but you get the idea.  The point is, help us to know how much that means to her, more than just saying, "Thanks."

I think you can get rid of this sentence.  You kinda already eluded to him in the paragraph before:
I paid special attention to this one man because of his warring emotions, if he’d been able to keep them to just one or at least two that complimented each other, I would have over looked him completely. 

Here's another time where describing her body language could say more than just telling: 
“Who?  Oh, you mean Javik, yes, we need to leave.  He is very dangerous to me or anyone around me.  Where can we go?”
  She doesn't seem scared at all.  I would say something like,  "Angel shifted around nervously, looking over her shoulder for someone." Or something like that.

The mother sounds a little Asian in this sentence:
Is she like prize won at fair?
lol, just me I bet.

That she was mad at me was clear, I just didn’t know why
I'm not sure why your MC doesn't understand why she is mad.  She just got done telling him that he had put them all in danger.  Maybe he could say, "She was mad at me that was clear, but how exactly I put everyone in danger was a mystery to me."

I feel like there could be some work done on separating the internal dialog and the character dialog.  In this paragraph, I didn't know he was speaking out loud and yet suddenly she is correcting him.
I felt like burrowing my way under a log and living with whatever was under there.  How did I have such a talent to make women I meet cry?  Sorry?  I felt wretched, like pure scum, anything under that log was better than I was.  When I said as much, she threw a stick at me.
“You will not say such things!  You may be an uncaring oaf, but you are better than bugs.”

Ok, overall I really liked it.  The pace is good and the MC is a hit.  I personally didn't care for the whole crying over the hot girls shoulder and telling her about his dead wife.  I understand your MC needed to let go or release some built up pressure, but it just was a disappointment.  I was hoping that there was going to be some romantic flame built between Angel and him but instead they only held hands and he cried all night.  It's just me.  I do get that he is torn between the memory of his wife, a vampire lady who I missed out on, and Angel. know the story, if this scene is 100% necessary, keep it.  If not...lose the crying and get some kissing going on! lol

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 09, 2009, 06:55:36 PM »
I want to agree with Flo...however...

If we all agree to at least critique 1 submission a week, with over 26 member of RE, then that should guarantee several critiques for all submissions.  We can ask everyone to try for more, but I really don't think that will be necessary.  The key will be to look for those submissions that have not been critiqued and start there.  I agree with Flo that 3 or 4 a week is kinda a pain.

Maybe you might think that will lead to less critiques, but I only got 3 critiques for my last submission.  But the 3 that I got was more beneficial than I could have imagined.  I appreciate that.  Anything else probably would be repetitive.

I say stick with the weekly submissions.  My two cents.  ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 09, 2009, 05:48:46 PM »
Do you mean, how are we doing at critiquing them or how are we at being ready to submit?

I personally can submit every week, but don't need to in order to give someone who doesn't submit often a chance.

As far as critiquing goes?  I would hope everyone can at least critique 2 to 4 submissions  a week.


Reading Excuses / Re: Jan 5th - Untitled
« on: January 06, 2009, 04:58:26 PM »
Good story so far.  It is a little slow for me but nothing I would be too worried about.  Ok, here are just a few suggestions I have:

Dorjan, Dillon, Dilore...You use "D" for all three and maybe more if I missed it.  The point is, this can be confusing.  You don't want your readers getting tripped up on who said what.

Your two girls on opposite sides seem VERY similar.  I don't have a problem with this, but if you are trying to swap their lives, then it is too obvious from the get go.  We already guessed it from chapter one.  If you are not trying to swap their lives, then I suggest making them more distinct from each other.

Just a small suggestion: 
soldiers used had vaporized the whole of the already gloomy countryside, leaving only small tufts of grass here
  I would probably say, "small tufts of grass here and there".

Another thing that is minor is that you have really long paragraphs.  This "can" be distressing for some readers...not all.  I would break the paragraphs up some.

Ok, overall opinion...I like it.  I like it because...well...(nothing against anyone here) it didn't reek of magic systems and superpowers.  I like those type of novels, but after reading one after another on this forum, yours was a breathe of fresh air. 

I think that you could speed it up a little.  The pacing is a little slow for me, but I am definitely interested in reading more.  Great job.

Reading Excuses / Re: 1-5-09 - Ace Tomato Company - Chapter Two
« on: January 06, 2009, 03:33:25 AM »
The only thing that I found inconsistent was their size.  Six-one is adult range and they’re acting like children.

Perfect...I nailed it then.  They are acting like children...immature teenagers tend to do that.  Yes, in the "future" they are in their early 30's. 

They are not brothers, just friends.  Thanks for the critique.  I appreciate it a lot.

Reading Excuses / Re: Midnight Sun chap. 1
« on: January 06, 2009, 12:25:28 AM »
I think Frog nailed it on his critique and answer to your question.

IHO, cut the monster part all together.  It didn't make sense.  Cut the mask thing too.  Start with the time stopping and go from there, just slower than you started. 

My two cents.  Good luck!

Reading Excuses / Re: 1-5-09 - Ace Tomato Company - Chapter Two
« on: January 05, 2009, 09:02:13 PM »
Wow, really good points Frog.  I appreciate it a lot.  I'll go back and fix it so the mom and other characters aren't over characterized.  Thanks again.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:19:03 PM »
I agree with Frog.  I think if we at least give 3 or 4 critiques a week, that is more than enough.  We shouldn't be expected to critique all of them.  There isn't enough time.  We would end up reading more than writing.  My goal isn't to stick with one story, but to find the submissions that don't have a lot of critiques and start there. 

Reading Excuses / Re: 1-5-09 - Ace Tomato Company - Chapter Two
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:16:29 PM »
I think you are right about the move from 3rd person omniscient to 3rd limited.  The reality is I wrote those two chapters 7 months apart, so I need to go back and fix that.  Thanks for catching it.  Also, just for others reference, this chapter is just to get you to know the characters better, not to know the past of 323 and why it is so bad.  Thanks wcarter4! ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: Midnight Sun chap. 1
« on: January 05, 2009, 07:11:09 PM »
Ok, time to tear. 

I too felt like I was reading about a new recruit to X-Men.  If this is your source, I would seriously consider changing the plot, cause it's been done.

Ok, I like to start off with the 'nit-picky' stuff first, grammar, spelling, structure....

Your internal dialog of the character needs to be more obvious, here are a few times when you could maybe put his thoughts in italics to help the flow:
Oh right, everything was at the dorm
Why had they picked him, of all people?

Ok, I had several problems with the story.  I know that I usually tell people to get to the conflict quick so you can hook the reader, but in your case I would SLOW DOWN.  (just me, others might disagree).  I really like how it started, the MC is great, I like him.  I like how he comes in and waits at the airport...but the whole monster/shadow thing happened so fast that I was left feeling...well...I didn't like it.

Here are some things that bothered me. 
Amazingly, the monster backed away a little bit.   They could be hurt!
  I never assumed they couldn't?  Are we supposed to assume that they are invisible? 

It screeched, almost sending Thomas to his knees.  Almost, but not quite.
- Almost but not quite?  You just said before that it "almost" sent him to his knees? It is redundant to put that last part in.

It seemed that the smaller shadows at least couldn’t go through doors.
  Once we are left to assume that the shadows can penetrate things?  I must have missed something.

Anise turned and smiled at him for an instant before going back to swinging with the extinguisher. Thomas could feel himself blush again.
  This part and the end when he gets her number was wayyyy to rushed.  They are flirting in the midst of a monster chasing them?  The last thing they would be thinking about would be flirting and getting someones number.  Make this a traumatic event, not an everyday occurrence.  This girl seems like she is only part of the story because you want  a romantic interest for your MC.  Remember in Writing Excuses they talked about this pitfall.  Give the girl more depth and THEN make your main character fall for her. 

Thomas’ mind gibbered
Gibbered?  New word for me...but...I liked it...if it is a word.

The creature tried to spew those black bullets of shadow stuff
I agree with wcarter4, this description needs serious work.

With no more apparent effort than picking a grape, it pulled.
Didn't care for this personally.

“Come on, we should get out of here before people come to look at the destroyed door.”  Anise said.
  Why is she worried about that?  They just got attacked by a monster...seems trivial to be worried about that.

Ok, this really bothered me:
Well, there was that mass hallucination, but that wasn’t real, and he got a girl’s number out of it.  He wondered what chemical they put in the ventilation system to do all that.
  Your MC writes off the whole thing WAY to quickly.  I was really bugged by that. 

Ok, this was probably the hardest critique I have given, and I apologize if I came off negative.  I like the story, don't get me wrong, but it was just too rushed.  I liked the idea of this kid who is supposed to be smart, but he doesn't see it.  Maybe work bringing in the whole mask thing later in the story.  Just have a monster attack them in the beginning, but make it vague.  Leave your readers wondering, "what the heck was that?".  Don't over describe the monster, you leave us to no imagination. 

Reading Excuses / 1-5-09 - Ace Tomato Company - Chapter Two
« on: January 05, 2009, 04:21:52 PM »
Ok, here is my brief synopsis of chapter one in case you forgot or didn't read it.

The name of the main character of this book has not be revealed and is simply referred to by his Intel Op name 323.  At this point the reader should not have much of an idea what an Intel Op is.  323 is trying to graduate from his training to be an Intel Op, so at the moment he is still just in school, not in the field.  For his final test, he is given an objective that he must complete all the while he must incorporate the help of two civilians as part of the test.  These civilians are hand picked by him, which causes a minor dilemma for 323.

Chapter one is set in the year 2010 (a new change I added based on feedback).  Chapter two starts some 13 years in the past and the book begins from here.  This chapter was originally my opening chapter but I decided to add my present chapter one as a means to hook the reader, because Chapter two is designed to introduce the three main characters of the book.

Ok, hope that wasn't too confusing.  Thanks everyone, and I WILL start critiquing more submissions this week, sorry I'm so behind.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 02, 2009, 07:33:27 AM »
I'm just barely getting back from the Holiday break and still haven't read any submissions (BUT I WILL!!). 

Nevertheless, please sign me up for the next submission date.   ;D

Reading Excuses / Re: 12-15-08: Ace Tomato Company
« on: December 27, 2008, 07:11:35 PM »
Thanks everyone for your thougths.  I'll take them all into consideration.  I think with the whole summary paragraph before the new submission, I'll be able to explain any nessary changse I have made and continue on with the story.  So I'll probably submit chapter two.  Thanks everyone!

Oh, and I won't be re-writing my entire project based on one session of feedback.  I'm already 200+ pages into it, so I don't plan on starting over.  The ideas given to me helped me to fix the beginning and then a few pages here and there along the way.  Thanks again everyone!

My 1.23 cents worth (devalued even with bailout).
  That really made me laugh....too funny Karl

Reading Excuses / Re: 12-15-08: Ace Tomato Company
« on: December 26, 2008, 08:41:46 PM »
Thank you so much Karl for your critique.  It will help me out a lot.  I appreciate you giving me advice on different approaches with the "B" characters in the story.  Even more importantly, thanks for helping me from getting sued by using Dementors (I never even thought about the ramifications on that one, just sounded good when I wrote it.  I will take it out immediately).  You also gave me some good points on my main character, I'll be sure to use them.

As I said before, I think I may resubit this chapter based on all the feedback I have receieved.  I have made substantial changes to the story (killing my darlings) and I think it is much better.  If anyone reads this, I ask a question:

"Would resubmitting a chapter to RE be benefical or a can of worms?  Would you readers want to critique a chapter you have already read that has been revised?  What that be irritating?  Let me know. 

Reading Excuses / Re: What would you like to do?
« on: December 22, 2008, 09:38:45 PM » do we sign up again?   ???

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