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Local Authors => Brandon Sanderson => Topic started by: Miyabi on September 16, 2008, 12:19:22 AM

Title: Election Day!
Post by: Miyabi on September 16, 2008, 12:19:22 AM
Seen as how this topic has become more and more fervently argued I decide to hold elections.

I would like to request that both parties involved write speeches and I will post them within this post of the topic.  All debate on said topic should be done here.  At the end of the week September 20, 2008 our election will close and the results will be revealed.  At that time we will know who the REAL HoA is.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Please do not vote until the speeches have been written. ;)

EDIT:  After all.  This is how Elend would want it done, ne?

And here they are!  The speeches!

When in the course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one person to be elected over another as the Hero of Ages, it is obvious that the person selected should have both skill and intelligence. When all of the candidates meet these requirements, you should choose the one who has the more heroic name. Obviously, do you people have to have me prophesy everything for you?

The above is an excerpt from the Prophecies of the Terris Religion. How did I get it, you ask? Well, you see, I am the Hero of Ages. I know everything about the Terris Religion. I have it memorized. But I'm not allowed to tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. It's in my contract. So don't ask.

Now, I obviously have the more heroic name. I mean seriously. We have Chaos2651 (What kind of hero has a number in his/her name anyway? That's like me being named Andrew the Gr8. Seriously. Who can take that seriously?) and Andrew the Great. Andrew the Great rolls off the tongue easier, it is more pleasant to read...You can memorize it without spending hours thinking about, "Is it a two or a five there? No, it's six. Dang it!" Why would a hero do this to you? He obviously would not, which is why my name is more heroic.

Now, I would like you to notice a trend. This board was dark and dreary in the days of 2007. There was much discussion and theorizing, but little to no progress toward discovering the truth about Mistborn 3. Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

But if you need more proof, look to Chaos' signature.
Chaos will reign, and not just because it's my name. I blame entropy for it.
As you can see, Chaos does not wish to steer the world into a better state. He would turn our fair world over to the mercy of Ruin, and let him turn it into an chaotic wasteland! We must not, nay, cannot let this happen!

Besides, I am consistently on these boards. We need a strong, consistent force as the Hero of Ages. Not someone who takes a week-and-a-half-long leave of absence for as ridiculous a reason as, "I'm going to college and can't post for a week because my computer's in a box." He refuses to take his computer out of a box and post! How can we trust him to have the commitment necessary to be the Hero of Ages? We cannot.

It is obvious that I am the Hero. Let us stop this farce and move our world forward to where it truly belongs!!!!!

This message has the full approval of Andrew the Great. (Green, you can quote that at the bottom of yours if you want... but only if you change my name from Andre to Andrew in the first sentence)

I would like to begin with the story of the Lord Ruler.

This is the fiend in the world who claimed to be the Hero of Ages, and in this false claim that he defeated the Deepness, he made the world his own, and by doing so, he had destroyed the world. He sat back, content in his godhood, while he let the world stagnate and suffer through his oppression.

My friends, my countrymen, this is the enemy we must fight. Stagnation, Preservation, and worst of all, Complacency.

My name does not mean destruction; to say so is ignorance, at best. It does not even mean an "without order", despite the common Order/Chaos duality. No, my friends, I am not the embodiment of destruction as my opponent and his squad of attack dogs would like to claim. I am the spirit of change.

We live in a world constantly changing, a system that changes dynamically. One hundred years ago, the world was without the computer, and yet, this entire election now takes place on the Internet, a thing that hundred years ago could not be conceived. New ideas constantly materialize, and old ideas constantly fade away. It is dynamic: no one can deny this. Two years ago, neither Andrew nor I walked this forum, which--at least in my life--has profoundly altered my ways of thinking.

You see, "Chaos" is not some harbinger of destruction, but the analog for change. Things change all around us, unforeseen and unknown until it happens. Change is essentially chaos because it is not "ordered", or structured as a king demanding that a person become, say, a blacksmith. True, it has the semblance of change, but really, like the Lord Ruler, it is stagnation. In fact, all who study thermodynamics can clearly see that, as in my signature, chaos always does reign. Every change corresponds with an increase in entropy, or "chaos". All biological processes result in an overall increase in entropy; in fact, none of us could do anything if it was not for the nature of chaos.

Opposing the idea of "chaos", logically, is the worst possible decision one could make. Opposing chaos means opposing any change, and opposing change opposes the world, because the world could not exist without constant changes. None of us could breathe, because the eternal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is a dynamic system, never stagnating to one side or the other.

I am not trying to be subtle in my message here, my friends. Andrew "the Great" is the king I refer to in my previous statement. I am fundamentally different from Andrew--we are, in a sense, diametrically opposed. This man stands for stagnation in all of its forms. He would vilify the honorable name of chaos and side, instead, for a world which could never change.

The fact that he claims to be the Hero of Ages is exactly the same as Rashek's logic. Rashek virtually gave him a title for himself when he slew Alendi. Andrew, similarly, gave him the title of "the Great" when he arrived on TWG. That he would be so atrociously arrogant to bestow upon himself a title reserved for people with the stature of true greatness like Alexander the Great shocks me to the core. For all we know, Andrew killed for his title just as Rashek did, and look what that did to the past thousand years.

I gave myself numbers in my name to show my uniqueness, not in any underhanded ploy. In fact, if you Google "Chaos2651" or put it into AIM, MSN Messenger, or YIM, it is me. I make no effort to hide the past, because any Google result for "Chaos2651" is me. I do not think I could say the same for my opponent. Now that I Google "Andrew the Great", we can now see that he really does think of himself as a saint, irreverently stealing the title from the "Church of St. Andrew the Great Cambridge". I am not arrogant to assume that I am a saint, I only set out to convince you that I am the Hero of Ages--I will not steal the title as Andrew stole "the Great", or proclaimed himself to be "the Great". I will firmly follow the rites of democracy.

You see, the truth cannot be obscured. My opponent would obscure the truth, or even flat out lie. He hides behind his "contract" claiming to know everything about the Mistborn World. Can we risk believing him? Can we risk another Lord Ruler? I think not.

The truth is, I am the Hero of Ages, and will prove it by dispelling Andrew's web of lies, the most obviously false being this:

Quote from: My Opponent
Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first noted the duality between Ruin and Preservation on the forum. Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first created the Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread when it was truly needed, and never mind that I came up with the first real theory upon how Hemalurgy actually operated (Andrew posted a similar theory a page or two later which bore an eerie resemblance to mine).

The record clearly shows that I am the more competent in the lore of Mistborn, while my opponent insists that he really does know more, but could never tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. These are fear tactics; fear tactics which should not be tolerated.

Apparently, we should give the fate of the world over to someone who steals his own titles and then, in the same fluid motion, proclaim that his own ill-gotten title makes him more heroic. Never mind his lies, never mind he appears to be the reincarnation of Rashek reborn, and certainly never mind that would put his false "contract" to persuade you. He makes no attempt at transparency, merely believing in his arrogant heart that you should just name him the next Lord Ruler when he has nothing at his side except being an Allomancer (again, with no verification).

My record stands for itself, my friends. I am a seer, while he is a liar. I hide nothing, while he hides everything. The last thing we need is another Lord Ruler; we need someone who can stand up for truth and honor like me. Most of all, I will never be manipulated into falsehoods--this speech should say that much, that I will never stand falsely before you.

I humbly plead for you to vote for me instead of this tyrant-in-the-making.

This message is approved by The Chaos2651 Campaign for All Ages, not just 2008, because this is for the Hero of Ages, not just a single year.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 16, 2008, 12:23:03 AM
This shall be fun :D.

EDIT: This isn't my speech, but I thought I'd quote this loving endorsement of me.

You know what because I like both of you and Chaos has a follower I think I'll throw my lot in with Andrew. I mean how could he not be the HoA with a name that ends in The Great. Plus Chaos gets fell points and thats not sweet.

Your church vs. mine!

It's definitly Chaos2651, think about it. The HOA will hold the greatest power in the known land, The HOA will have the ability to change worlds, create and destroy anything.

Which makes him dangerous. Remember what we read in the begining of book three, knowing the power is different then understanding it.

And so i argue, my fellow followers to be, who can better avoid and understand how to keep way from such disasters than CHAOS itself? CHAOS is not his name! NO, it is who he is. Rashek did not know what the consequences of his actions, he wasn't aware of the manner in which Chaos emerged. And so, from his foolishness, it came, and usurped the world, killing all beauty and crippling life! We need a HOA that knws the innerworkings of Chaos so that he might avoid setting them off....If he so chooses, that is.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Hero of Ages on September 16, 2008, 01:17:13 AM
Uuuuuuummmmm, It IS my name.  Wouldn't you think it is me??
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 16, 2008, 02:39:16 AM
As a registered supporter of Andre The Great I feel it is my duty to make a statement.

I ask who among you wants a man who apparently embodies Chaos? Who would willingly decide to take the path of daggers? Not I. not a man who has faith in Andrew The Great. Since when is being chaotic a good sign for an elected party. Since when does following the unknown give you strength? I for one needed to put my faith in someone who can be followed. A man who has earned the title Andrew The Great. "Oh" you say, "Andrew The Great" you say "what makes him so great?" well I say what doesn't. He is a consistant and strong force on these boards, a man you can have faith in to tell you like it is. He is a man who has always put things in a new perspective for me. Ask yourself, how many times has Andrew The Great posted something that you were going to post. How many times did he post something that was unexpected and insightful. I say pick a candidate that doesn't embody Chaos and follow someone Great.

This endorsement was not authorized by Andrew The Great 2008 and is subject to any alterations mandated by Andrew The Great.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on September 16, 2008, 02:52:48 AM
September 15, 2008

To whom it may concern:

It is a genuine pleasure and honor for me to recommend Chaos2651.  Chaos worked with me in the Posting Department at TWG for 1 years. He began here as Poster and continued to serve with increasing skill in that capacity .

During Chaos's service with us I admired him for his many valuable qualities, and regarded him with evermore respect.  Very goal oriented as well as a team player, Chaos was always punctual, yet easygoing.  He was keenly devoted to his work, but being a real people person, he was also enjoyable to be around.

Chaos demonstrated from early in his tenure that he understood what business is all about. He was well organized and thrived under adversity. He kept a sharp eye on the bottom line, but realized too that customer satisfaction is what makes or breaks your business. I suppose doing well in business is easy if you are, as he was, driven in equal measure by both quality and efficiency.

I would like to be very clear about why Chaos is no longer with us.  Chaos is available for new challenges only because of his desire to learn and grow further. We would have loved to see him stay, but certainly understand his need to advance beyond the positions we have available.

In closing, let me say I have no hesitation in recommending Chaos2651 for any position pertaining to Hero of Ages.  I feel confident he would be an asset to your organization.


Ookla The Mok

Doesn't anyone get the point? It doesn't matter for squat that Mr. Andrew the Great, Esq.'s continual falsifications of history neatly illustrate his adherence to alcoholism. What's far more relevant is that Mr. Great is destructive -- maybe "disgusting" would be a more applicable adjective. The nitty-gritty of what I'm about to write is this: Mr. Great is absolutely determined to believe that he has achieved sainthood, and he's not about to let facts or reason get in his way. He may unwittingly dump effluent into creeks, lakes, streams, and rivers. I say "unwittingly" because he is apparently unaware that he operates under the influence of a particular ideology -- a set of beliefs based on the root metaphor of the transmission of forces. Until you understand this root metaphor you won't be able to grasp why in public, Mr. Great vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, Mr. Great never fails to deliver an additional blow to dignity and self-worth.

Mr. Great may be sincere, but he is also sincerely incorrigible. He says that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all utterly justified. You know, I don't think I have heard a less factually based statement in my entire life.

By allowing Mr. Great to create an untrue and injurious impression of an entire people, we are allowing him to play puppet master. He serves as a conduit that carries the élan vital of hedonism. But let's not lose sight of the larger, more important issue here: his lecherous, chthonic beliefs. What we're involved in with Mr. Great is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it.

This is a free country, and I assert we ought to keep it that way. I am not fooled by Mr. Great's homophobic and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly accept the responsibility of notifying others that if Mr. Great can't be reasoned out of his prejudices, he must be laughed out of them. If Mr. Great can't be argued out of his selfishness, he must be shamed out of it.

Mr. Great works from the false assumption that most people actually want evil autocrats to organize a whispering campaign against me. Of that I am certain because Mr. Great commonly appoints ineffective people to important positions. He then ensures that these people stay in those positions because that makes it easy for Mr. Great to make my stomach turn. As this letter draws to a close, I want to challenge you, the reader, to admonish Mr. Andrew the Great, Esq. not seven times, but seventy times seven. That's what I intend to do until my last breath.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 16, 2008, 03:27:34 AM
Uuuuuuummmmm, It IS my name.  Wouldn't you think it is me??

Obviously not, that would be too obvious.

Now, for my speech:

When in the course of Human Events, it becomes necessary for one person to be elected over another as the Hero of Ages, it is obvious that the person selected should have both skill and intelligence. When all of the candidates meet these requirements, you should choose the one who has the more heroic name. Obviously, do you people have to have me prophesy everything for you?

The above is an excerpt from the Prophecies of the Terris Religion. How did I get it, you ask? Well, you see, I am the Hero of Ages. I know everything about the Terris Religion. I have it memorized. But I'm not allowed to tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. It's in my contract. So don't ask.

Now, I obviously have the more heroic name. I mean seriously. We have Chaos2651 (What kind of hero has a number in his/her name anyway? That's like me being named Andrew the Gr8. Seriously. Who can take that seriously?) and Andrew the Great. Andrew the Great rolls off the tongue easier, it is more pleasant to read...You can memorize it without spending hours thinking about, "Is it a two or a five there? No, it's six. Dang it!" Why would a hero do this to you? He obviously would not, which is why my name is more heroic.

Now, I would like you to notice a trend. This board was dark and dreary in the days of 2007. There was much discussion and theorizing, but little to no progress toward discovering the truth about Mistborn 3. Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

But if you need more proof, look to Chaos' signature.
Chaos will reign, and not just because it's my name. I blame entropy for it.
As you can see, Chaos does not wish to steer the world into a better state. He would turn our fair world over to the mercy of Ruin, and let him turn it into an chaotic wasteland! We must not, nay, cannot let this happen!

Besides, I am consistently on these boards. We need a strong, consistent force as the Hero of Ages. Not someone who takes a week-and-a-half-long leave of absence for as ridiculous a reason as, "I'm going to college and can't post for a week because my computer's in a box." He refuses to take his computer out of a box and post! How can we trust him to have the commitment necessary to be the Hero of Ages? We cannot.

It is obvious that I am the Hero. Let us stop this farce and move our world forward to where it truly belongs!!!!!

This message has the full approval of Andrew the Great. (Green, you can quote that at the bottom of yours if you want... but only if you change my name from Andre to Andrew in the first sentence)

Now, for those of you who have question regarding this election, I suggest you take them here. (http://www.timewastersguide.com/forum/index.php?topic=6074.0)
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Czanos on September 16, 2008, 03:35:31 AM
It's in my contract. So don't ask.

[. . .] (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.)

All this talk of your "Contract" has made me very suspicious that you are, in fact, a Kandra. Can you prove that you are not a Kandra?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 16, 2008, 03:39:23 AM
That goes in the Heroic Debate thread. But yes, I can. You see, I can use allomancy. I am, in fact, a time-traveling mistborn (not the same one that's supposed to be killing darx. He's a rather sloppy colleague of mine.) But the point it, I can use allomancy.

However, I am not allowed to show you any allomantic abilities or confirm any Mistborn 3 theories until after Mistborn 3 is released. You see, Brandon approached me and asked if he could write my tale, but as a stipulation required that I sign a non-disclosure contract (the contract I was referring to) until after the release of Mistborn 3.

Doesn't anyone get the point? It doesn't matter for squat that Mr. Andrew the Great, Esq.'s continual falsifications of history neatly illustrate his adherence to alcoholism. What's far more relevant is that Mr. Great is destructive -- maybe "disgusting" would be a more applicable adjective. The nitty-gritty of what I'm about to write is this: Mr. Great is absolutely determined to believe that he has achieved sainthood, and he's not about to let facts or reason get in his way. He may unwittingly dump effluent into creeks, lakes, streams, and rivers. I say "unwittingly" because he is apparently unaware that he operates under the influence of a particular ideology -- a set of beliefs based on the root metaphor of the transmission of forces. Until you understand this root metaphor you won't be able to grasp why in public, Mr. Great vehemently inveighs against corruption and sin. But when nobody's looking, Mr. Great never fails to deliver an additional blow to dignity and self-worth.

Mr. Great may be sincere, but he is also sincerely incorrigible. He says that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all utterly justified. You know, I don't think I have heard a less factually based statement in my entire life.

By allowing Mr. Great to create an untrue and injurious impression of an entire people, we are allowing him to play puppet master. He serves as a conduit that carries the élan vital of hedonism. But let's not lose sight of the larger, more important issue here: his lecherous, chthonic beliefs. What we're involved in with Mr. Great is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person -- every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility -- must concern himself with it.

This is a free country, and I assert we ought to keep it that way. I am not fooled by Mr. Great's homophobic and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly accept the responsibility of notifying others that if Mr. Great can't be reasoned out of his prejudices, he must be laughed out of them. If Mr. Great can't be argued out of his selfishness, he must be shamed out of it.

Mr. Great works from the false assumption that most people actually want evil autocrats to organize a whispering campaign against me. Of that I am certain because Mr. Great commonly appoints ineffective people to important positions. He then ensures that these people stay in those positions because that makes it easy for Mr. Great to make my stomach turn. As this letter draws to a close, I want to challenge you, the reader, to admonish Mr. Andrew the Great, Esq. not seven times, but seventy times seven. That's what I intend to do until my last breath.

In this libelous  statement, Mr. Mok only proves that he is increasingly radical in his ideology. He also proves his inherent out-of-touch-ness with our current world situation.  He tries to disguise his own self-righteous pride in his (lack of) ability of political analysis behind obscure and repulsive statements designed to lead the public astray. i would urge you voters out there to avoid the lies of Mr. Mok, and instead formulate your own opinions based on the countless examples of quality posts you have seen from me. That is all I have to say. Thank you.

Side note: Am I the only one who is currently unable to view the results of the poll? I wish to see how things are progressing.

I would also like to point out that Chaos recently gave up his Biochromatic Breath to Brenna in the new mod thread. He also swore fealty to her. These are obviously unacceptable things for anyone claiming to be the Hero of Ages to do.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Czanos on September 16, 2008, 03:41:35 AM
So, essentially, there is no way to tell if you are a Kandra or not until after elections are over?

[Further Discussion in the aforementioned thread, please.]
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 16, 2008, 05:30:48 AM
I would like to begin with the story of the Lord Ruler.

This is the fiend in the world who claimed to be the Hero of Ages, and in this false claim that he defeated the Deepness, he made the world his own, and by doing so, he had destroyed the world. He sat back, content in his godhood, while he let the world stagnate and suffer through his oppression.

My friends, my countrymen, this is the enemy we must fight. Stagnation, Preservation, and worst of all, Complacency.

My name does not mean destruction; to say so is ignorance, at best. It does not even mean an "without order", despite the common Order/Chaos duality. No, my friends, I am not the embodiment of destruction as my opponent and his squad of attack dogs would like to claim. I am the spirit of change.

We live in a world constantly changing, a system that changes dynamically. One hundred years ago, the world was without the computer, and yet, this entire election now takes place on the Internet, a thing that hundred years ago could not be conceived. New ideas constantly materialize, and old ideas constantly fade away. It is dynamic: no one can deny this. Two years ago, neither Andrew nor I walked this forum, which--at least in my life--has profoundly altered my ways of thinking.

You see, "Chaos" is not some harbinger of destruction, but the analog for change. Things change all around us, unforeseen and unknown until it happens. Change is essentially chaos because it is not "ordered", or structured as a king demanding that a person become, say, a blacksmith. True, it has the semblance of change, but really, like the Lord Ruler, it is stagnation. In fact, all who study thermodynamics can clearly see that, as in my signature, chaos always does reign. Every change corresponds with an increase in entropy, or "chaos". All biological processes result in an overall increase in entropy; in fact, none of us could do anything if it was not for the nature of chaos.

Opposing the idea of "chaos", logically, is the worst possible decision one could make. Opposing chaos means opposing any change, and opposing change opposes the world, because the world could not exist without constant changes. None of us could breathe, because the eternal exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide is a dynamic system, never stagnating to one side or the other.

I am not trying to be subtle in my message here, my friends. Andrew "the Great" is the king I refer to in my previous statement. I am fundamentally different from Andrew--we are, in a sense, diametrically opposed. This man stands for stagnation in all of its forms. He would vilify the honorable name of chaos and side, instead, for a world which could never change.

The fact that he claims to be the Hero of Ages is exactly the same as Rashek's logic. Rashek virtually gave him a title for himself when he slew Alendi. Andrew, similarly, gave him the title of "the Great" when he arrived on TWG. That he would be so atrociously arrogant to bestow upon himself a title reserved for people with the stature of true greatness like Alexander the Great shocks me to the core. For all we know, Andrew killed for his title just as Rashek did, and look what that did to the past thousand years.

I gave myself numbers in my name to show my uniqueness, not in any underhanded ploy. In fact, if you Google "Chaos2651" or put it into AIM, MSN Messenger, or YIM, it is me. I make no effort to hide the past, because any Google result for "Chaos2651" is me. I do not think I could say the same for my opponent. Now that I Google "Andrew the Great", we can now see that he really does think of himself as a saint, irreverently stealing the title from the "Church of St. Andrew the Great Cambridge". I am not arrogant to assume that I am a saint, I only set out to convince you that I am the Hero of Ages--I will not steal the title as Andrew stole "the Great", or proclaimed himself to be "the Great". I will firmly follow the rites of democracy.

You see, the truth cannot be obscured. My opponent would obscure the truth, or even flat out lie. He hides behind his "contract" claiming to know everything about the Mistborn World. Can we risk believing him? Can we risk another Lord Ruler? I think not.

The truth is, I am the Hero of Ages, and will prove it by dispelling Andrew's web of lies, the most obviously false being this:

Quote from: My Opponent
Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first noted the duality between Ruin and Preservation on the forum. Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first created the Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread when it was truly needed, and never mind that I came up with the first real theory upon how Hemalurgy actually operated (Andrew posted a similar theory a page or two later which bore an eerie resemblance to mine).

The record clearly shows that I am the more competent in the lore of Mistborn, while my opponent insists that he really does know more, but could never tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. These are fear tactics; fear tactics which should not be tolerated.

Apparently, we should give the fate of the world over to someone who steals his own titles and then, in the same fluid motion, proclaim that his own ill-gotten title makes him more heroic. Never mind his lies, never mind he appears to be the reincarnation of Rashek reborn, and certainly never mind that would put his false "contract" to persuade you. He makes no attempt at transparency, merely believing in his arrogant heart that you should just name him the next Lord Ruler when he has nothing at his side except being an Allomancer (again, with no verification).

My record stands for itself, my friends. I am a seer, while he is a liar. I hide nothing, while he hides everything. The last thing we need is another Lord Ruler; we need someone who can stand up for truth and honor like me. Most of all, I will never be manipulated into falsehoods--this speech should say that much, that I will never stand falsely before you.

I humbly plead for you to vote for me instead of this tyrant-in-the-making.

This message is approved by The Chaos2651 Campaign for All Ages, not just 2008, because this is for the Hero of Ages, not just a single year.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on September 16, 2008, 05:41:42 AM
Is not Chaos the very aim of Ruin itself?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 16, 2008, 06:07:53 AM
As a registered supporter of Andre The Great I feel it is my duty to make a statement.

I ask who among you wants a man who apparently embodies Chaos? Who would willingly decide to take the path of daggers? Not I. not a man who has faith in Andrew The Great. Since when is being chaotic a good sign for an elected party. Since when does following the unknown give you strength? I for one needed to put my faith in someone who can be followed. A man who has earned the title Andrew The Great. "Oh" you say, "Andrew The Great" you say "what makes him so great?" well I say what doesn't. He is a consistant and strong force on these boards, a man you can have faith in to tell you like it is. He is a man who has always put things in a new perspective for me. Ask yourself, how many times has Andrew The Great posted something that you were going to post. How many times did he post something that was unexpected and insightful. I say pick a candidate that doesn't embody Chaos and follow someone Great.

This endorsement was not authorized by Andrew The Great 2008 and is subject to any alterations mandated by Andrew The Great.

"who. wants. a man. who embodies.... chaos?" he asks. He tells you that his Andrew is great. That he is straight forward--but he means pompous. He says he puts things in new perspective--i say he's mad.

People of the forum, mistborn is in a time of incredible strife, everything that is decent and civil is being challenged. Many people have died, Infact, this evil, has claimed many a great man--what makes another great man any different?

We must fight this Venom that poison's civilzation with Venom! A scholar is a great man to many, can he help here? IS sazed not a great man? What good would he be when faced by the deepness? What good would an army of great men serve?


*in a soft vioce*

If one is lost in the middle of the sea does he wish he bore a sailor or a great man?

*screaming now*

No, he wouldn't wan't the great man, infact a pirate would he prefer over such a man--because that is what he needs. NEEDS.

If you needed to conjure up a spell that would kill your nieghbors dog, would you call a
man or a warlock?

now i ask you, we have, in are midst, a threat of Disaster, annihilation, and terror--the foundations of Chaos! So make you wish, what do you need, a master of Chaos(2651) or a great man?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 16, 2008, 06:11:25 AM
Is not Chaos the very aim of Ruin itself?

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to elaborate upon that point that I introduced in my speech, my dear friend. The very nature of chaos implies disorder, and so often in disorder, there is destruction. Ruin, that terrible force, wishes to use that sort of chaos for destruction. However, without some semblance of "chaos", in small doses, there could not be change. The science of thermodynamics does not allow for such a thing to exist, for in every change, the entropy (chaos) increases.

Change, of course, is not inherently bad, for without it, we would stagnate into a state as the Lord Ruler placed us in. It's unfortunate that chaos being inextricably intertwined with change is always equated with destruction.

EDIT: elmandr1, you have a way with words, my friend. Please modify in my approval message (see the end of my speech for it), because I wholeheartedly approve your statements.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 16, 2008, 06:22:23 AM
My friends, My Opponent claims that I am the embodiment of stagnation, and he the embodiment of change. However, he has never once stated how he wishes to change things as the Hero of Ages. In fact, he seems to hold the fundamental belief in his naivety that all change that he could make would be for the better. This is not so. While progress toward entropy is indeed, a necessary change, it is not necessarily a good one. While the change my opponent speaks of to try to inspire you is good, the changes that he will try to force upon us later will not be. While the change that leads to the progression of society is good, the changes of extreme chaos that lead to the total destruction of society cannot be tolerated. My opponent freely admits to being for making the changes that I am talking about here.

I, on the other hand, have the advantage of not being attached to either Ruin or Preservation. I have never once claimed that I am opposed to change as my opponent would have you think. Nor have I ever said that I will not change the world as the Hero of Ages. The very nature of the office of the Hero of Ages is to change the world. But to change it for the better. My opponent speaks blindly of how he will change the world, but never once states that these changes will be a good thing. I, if given the honor of this office, would use the power bestowed upon me not to advocate total change as my opponent seems to, but to carefully balance the forces of change and preservation, preserving our culture and those parts of our society which will help us as a people to function more effectively, while simultaneously changing those parts that stagnate us, that hold us down. In this way, I will keep our world alive and together, but progressing at rates previously unknown to our society.

There is a point that needs to be clarified here. I am not opposed to the idea of chaos, but to the idea of total chaos.

Quote from: My Opponent
The fact that he claims to be the Hero of Ages is exactly the same as Rashek's logic. Rashek virtually gave him a title for himself when he slew Alendi. Andrew, similarly, gave him the title of "the Great" when he arrived on TWG. That he would be so atrociously arrogant to bestow upon himself a title reserved for people with the stature of true greatness like Alexander the Great shocks me to the core. For all we know, Andrew killed for his title just as Rashek did, and look what that did to the past thousand years.

And who is to say that you claiming to be the Hero of Ages does not follow Rashek's logic as well? I did not syle myself "the Great" out of arrogance, but out of the hope that I could one day rise to fill the shoes I had taken upon myself. I did not take this title to equate myself with the likes of Alexander the Great, but out of the hope that I could one day be seen as half so great a man as he is.

And what is it that makes my opponent think I feel the need to style myself after a saint? No, I use my given name, Andrew, instead of feeling the need to hide behind the mask of a screen name. I have been more open than my opponent from the beginning, even in the choosing of our names. How many on this forum can truly say that they know Chaos' true name? But every one of you knows mine. Thus it is that the pattern is set. If My Opponent is elected, he will continue to hold back information from you and act in his best interest. I will continue to be open and act in the interest of the entire twg.

Quote from: My Opponent
Quote from: My Opponent
Then I came to the boards, and suddenly everything changed. I, being omniscient in regard to the Mistborn World (I also can't tell you what it's called. Contract. Sorry.), blessed this board with my enlightened presence. And suddenly ideas started to come together, and things began to make sense.

Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first noted the duality between Ruin and Preservation on the forum. Never mind that it was I, Chaos2651, who first created the Comprehensive Hemalurgy Thread when it was truly needed, and never mind that I came up with the first real theory upon how Hemalurgy actually operated (Andrew posted a similar theory a page or two later which bore an eerie resemblance to mine).

The record clearly shows that I am the more competent in the lore of Mistborn, while my opponent insists that he really does know more, but could never tell you until Mistborn 3 comes out. These are fear tactics; fear tactics which should not be tolerated.

Never mind that in the first post following my rather more extensive theory on Hemalurgy, My Opponent expressed his opinion that it was the best hemalurgy theory on the boards. I never claimed to be the origin of all these many ideas, I simply wanted to point out that at about the time I showed up on the boards, many of these seperate, smaller ideas started to fit together in ways that you had not yet imagined. I have proved time and time again my competency. In fact, my ability to take others ideas and improve them far beyond what they had initially imagined is one of my greatest traits. But does this mean that I cannot come up with my own ideas? Of course not. There are a multitude of examples all around you of the brilliance I have brought. Do not be deceived by my opponents trickery.

There can only be one Hero of Ages. It is, perhaps, the most important office of all time. I urge you to make the correct choice in bringing someone who can and will rule justly to that office. I am the right man for the job.

This message approved by Andrew the Great 2008, because I'm smart enough to know that the date refers to the election year, not the term of office.

And I now see that my opponent has posted again. I will reply to him and his supporters when next I get on, as my mother is currently threatening to restrict my computer access. In my loyalty, I would rather postpone until tomorrow than postpone until my mother gives me access again.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 16, 2008, 06:26:34 AM
As a registered supporter of Andre The Great I feel it is my duty to make a statement.

I ask who among you wants a man who apparently embodies Chaos? Who would willingly decide to take the path of daggers? Not I. not a man who has faith in Andrew The Great. Since when is being chaotic a good sign for an elected party. Since when does following the unknown give you strength? I for one needed to put my faith in someone who can be followed. A man who has earned the title Andrew The Great. "Oh" you say, "Andrew The Great" you say "what makes him so great?" well I say what doesn't. He is a consistant and strong force on these boards, a man you can have faith in to tell you like it is. He is a man who has always put things in a new perspective for me. Ask yourself, how many times has Andrew The Great posted something that you were going to post. How many times did he post something that was unexpected and insightful. I say pick a candidate that doesn't embody Chaos and follow someone Great.

This endorsement was not authorized by Andrew The Great 2008 and is subject to any alterations mandated by Andrew The Great.

"who. wants. a man. who embodies.... chaos?" he asks. He tells you that his Andrew is great. That he is straight forward--but he means pompous. He says he puts things in new perspective--i say he's mad.

People of the forum, mistborn is in a time of incredible strife, everything that is decent and civil is being challenged. Many people have died, Infact, this evil, has claimed many a great man--what makes another great man any different?

We must fight this Venom that poison's civilzation with Venom! A scholar is a great man to many, can he help here? IS sazed not a great man? What good would he be when faced by the deepness? What good would an army of great men serve?


*in a soft vioce*

If one is lost in the middle of the sea does he wish he bore a sailor or a great man?

*screaming now*

No, he wouldn't wan't the great man, infact a pirate would he prefer over such a man--because that is what he needs. NEEDS.

If you needed to conjure up a spell that would kill your nieghbors dog, would you call a "great" man or a warlock?

now i ask you, we have, in are midst, a threat of Disaster, annihilation, and terror--the foundations of Chaos! So make you wish, what do you need, a master of Chaos(2651) or a great man?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 16, 2008, 06:54:42 AM
As I have nothing to hide, my name is Eric. All you needed to do was ask.

Total change? My friend, you misinterpret my meaning. Change for change's sake is just as irresponsible as a permanent stagnation. Now, I had thought I made it clear that I do not support change for destruction, as Ruin advocates, and I definitely do not approve of a Preservation-brought stagnation. Therefore, I am not attached to either force, unlike what you want the citizens to believe.

I had believed that the alternative was insinuated. If not Ruin nor Preservation, but still change, then that change would need to be a positive, responsible one. Since I oppose both of those extremes, then I thought that I clearly support a middle ground, and a balance between the two.

Quote from: My Opponent
I, if given the honor of this office, would use the power bestowed upon me not to advocate total change as my opponent seems to, but to carefully balance the forces of change and preservation, preserving our culture and those parts of our society which will help us as a people to function more effectively, while simultaneously changing those parts that stagnate us, that hold us down.

Isn't that exactly what a dynamic system is supposed to act like? If so, then any man can plainly see that is what I advocate.

For future reference, I won't dare leave something like that up to interpretation. I thought you and I could have an intelligent, meaningful debate, but clearly I was mistaken.

Quote from: My Opponent
I did not syle myself "the Great" out of arrogance, but out of the hope that I could one day rise to fill the shoes I had taken upon myself.

I believe the axiom was "Great men do not seek power; they have power thrust upon them," not, "Great men give themselves titles in a hope to actually be great."

Quote from: My Opponent
Never mind that in the first post following my rather more extensive theory on Hemalurgy, My Opponent expressed his opinion that it was the best hemalurgy theory on the boards. I never claimed to be the origin of all these many ideas, I simply wanted to point out that at about the time I showed up on the boards, many of these seperate, smaller ideas started to fit together in ways that you had not yet imagined. I have proved time and time again my competency. In fact, my ability to take others ideas and improve them far beyond what they had initially imagined is one of my greatest traits. But does this mean that I cannot come up with my own ideas? Of course not. There are a multitude of examples all around you of the brilliance I have brought. Do not be deceived by my opponents trickery.

Competency, my friend, is something we are both well-versed in. We both are competent men, yes? Like you, I often take a small idea and cultivate it into a grand one. It's a moot point. What is more important is that you claim omniscience in your speech, when such a thing is not possible without holding the power at the Well of Ascension.

I cannot help but notice that you mentioned nothing of your contract in your retort, when that is the true issue. You make up things as you go along, hoping to slip fear into the citizens, and then praying that it will make you win on election day.

You don't have the judgment to hold the power properly. I, on the other hand, have been nothing but straightforward. I am the Hero of Ages.

This message approved by The Chaos2651 Campaign, because we cannot afford another Lord Ruler.

P.S. How dare you vilify me for bowing down to the authority of Brenna or not being available during my move to college? If you want to start an argument over "who has the commitment necessary to be the Hero of Ages", fine, but you are restricted by your mother, while I have no such inhibiting force. I will win such an argument.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Miyabi on September 16, 2008, 06:57:46 AM
For reasons that are unspeakable of here I fully endorse Chaos. ;)

EDIT: *cough cough*  I have been informed that that is not a proper endorsement.

I have been on TWG for right around 2 years now.  After a month or so, after I first joined, I withdrew from posting in the threads.  I found no reason to, until the days that Chaos began to post.  I then found myself inclined to post do to the amount of "chaos" he was causing.  I now found reason to discuss and debate with others about the workings of the world we know as "The Mistborn World."

The boards had been stagnate, not much happening that held merit before Chaos came here.  Through his theorizing and subtle use of words he has enlightened us and brought us closer to what is "the truth" of this world.  Now recently he made a passing statement mentioning his status as the Hero of Ages.  He was then immediately struck at by Andrew "the Great".  Which further VALIDATES my candidate's proposal of Andrew being a fraud who simply steals titles and greatness from others rather than earning them himself.

You know what this reminds me of?  Andrew reminds me of a president.  One who spun dirty nasty lies in order to give himself more power than he deserved.  He claimed greatness that wasn't his.  His name. . . was Nixon.  Are we going to stand here and watch another "Nixon" take over and try to put himself above the system?  I THINK NOT!

Chaos also reminds me of a president, although this time one much more benevolent.  One who is forgiving, one who is of the people and doesn't seem himself as above the others even the he is "greater" than them.  That president was Carter, who wholeheartedly forgave Nixon of his transgressions and let him live his life untarnished.  He, in a way gave Nixon something back.  He gave him the gift of forgiveness, he gave him a second chance at life.  Now I can expect nothing more from Chaos ONCE he IS elected.  I am sure he will forgive, and ask all of us to do the same, Andrew for this ploy.

Chaos WILL win this election.  Not because he sees himself as "better" than Andrew, but because the title is rightfully his.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 16, 2008, 07:04:25 AM



Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on September 16, 2008, 07:23:36 AM
This election is a farce without an independent candidate! With the noticeable absence of Ralph Nader, I nominate SarahG. Yes, she has little experience having only been a hero for one year and did allow her down syndrome baby to post a bunch of topics about kindle and free books but she is the candidate with by far, the best platform. Not to mention she looks good in a swimming suit holding obsidian daggers (probably photoshopped though).
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: darxbane on September 16, 2008, 02:47:03 PM
Nominate whoever you want.  In the end, whoever gets to the Well first wins, just ask Alendi............
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: SarahG on September 16, 2008, 06:28:11 PM
This election is a farce without an independent candidate! With the noticeable absence of Ralph Nader, I nominate SarahG. Yes, she has little experience having only been a hero for one year and did allow her down syndrome baby to post a bunch of topics about kindle and free books but she is the candidate with by far, the best platform. Not to mention she looks good in a swimming suit holding obsidian daggers (probably photoshopped though).

I am deeply honored by your confidence in, and support of, me.  However, I have no immediate plans to run for office.  I may be forming an exploratory committee soon, and in the meantime, please feel free to write in my name on the ballot.

EDIT: In the interest of full disclosure, I ought to warn any potential supporters that my eldest daughter, a skaa, was recently impregnated by an obligator.

And how did you find that swimsuit picture?  I was assured that all copies, including those in metalminds, had been destroyed.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on September 16, 2008, 07:09:29 PM
And how did you find that swimsuit picture?  I was assured that all copies, including those in metalminds, had been destroyed.

It was etched in steel and hung in the Inquisitor bathroom. Pervs.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Miyabi on September 16, 2008, 07:57:13 PM
And how did you find that swimsuit picture?  I was assured that all copies, including those in metalminds, had been destroyed.

It was etched in steel and hung in the Inquisitor bathroom. Pervs.
I was too busy looking at the picture of Vegas to notice the one of Sarah. :$
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on September 16, 2008, 08:58:55 PM
I was too busy looking at the picture of Vegas to notice the one of Sarah. :$

Yeah, I put it there when I went to go check hers out and yes, that is how I look. No etching tricks there.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 16, 2008, 09:00:37 PM
I find that a major issue with this election is that you people are relying on what you think you know. Ook takes Chaos because he knows him, ok he worked with him and that for some reason makes him the right choice. I understand, just because you work with someone it means there is no possability of finding a better candidate.  Ok that makes sense. I guess.

elmandr1  takes Chaos for reasons yet unknown. (I'm not sure I want to know)

And miyabi takes Chaos because he also has known Chaos for some time and is also under the illusion that because you know someone that makes them the right choice.

Im not attempting to call anyone out here, I think we can all agree that making this into a mud fight is unnecessary. All I'm trying to do is ask the voters to attempt to understand the candidates before you go and make a decision based on someone elses experience.

We are all people who have the ability to make the right decision for ourselves.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on September 16, 2008, 09:08:28 PM
We are all people who have the ability to make the right decision for ourselves.

Elend made this same naive assumption. If I were you, I would instead promise titles. ;)
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Reaves on September 16, 2008, 09:13:26 PM
Obviously both of these two supposed "Heroes" are in fact imposters. Neither shows the proper flair, the talent for heroic-ness. Neither have shown sufficient withdrawal from the elections; rather, they wade into the battle, flinging pewter dust left and right trying to embaress their opponents. A true Hero does not debate, does not claim to be
the Hero. Instead, like Alendi before him, a Hero must wait for the Prophet to announce him!
In light of these statements I must withhold my vote.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: darxbane on September 16, 2008, 09:15:49 PM
We are all people who have the ability to make the right decision for ourselves.

Elend made this same naive assumption. If I were you, I would instead promise titles. ;)

What about Prima Noctu?  ;)
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: SarahG on September 16, 2008, 09:43:03 PM
...a Hero must wait for the Prophet to announce him!

Is VegasDev the Prophet?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 16, 2008, 09:47:15 PM
I find that a major issue with this election is that you people are relying on what you think you know. Ook takes Chaos because he knows him, ok he worked with him and that for some reason makes him the right choice. I understand, just because you work with someone it means there is no possability of finding a better candidate.  Ok that makes sense. I guess.

elmandr1  takes Chaos for reasons yet unknown. (I'm not sure I want to know)

And miyabi takes Chaos because he also has known Chaos for some time and is also under the illusion that because you know someone that makes them the right choice.

Im not attempting to call anyone out here, I think we can all agree that making this into a mud fight is unnecessary. All I'm trying to do is ask the voters to attempt to understand the candidates before you go and make a decision based on someone elses experience.

We are all people who have the ability to make the right decision for ourselves.

Nothing against you my dear man. You are taking this personal but its far more than that--this is a matter of the fate of the world, not a petty person.

Im not choosing man over man, im choosing thee man--anyone else must be rejected.

I have sat and spoken with dear Chaos2651 about certian issues--read his prior posts and viewed his profile. Then i was convinced. utterly and hoplessly convinced.

He isn't the smartest, nor is he the strongest. But when it comes to the manner of HOA and the history and theoratical aspects of Mistborn and all that is unkown--no man, in my opinion, has a firmer grasp.

....however this is a democratical race, thus i am required to give everyman a fair and equal say for his own self.

I will ask you both a question, and he who answers this the best shall have my vote.

When the deepness is destroyed and all is stable again....what form of government will, you as the HOA, Rule under?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 16, 2008, 09:51:38 PM
Obviously both of these two supposed "Heroes" are in fact imposters. Neither shows the proper flair, the talent for heroic-ness. Neither have shown sufficient withdrawal from the elections; rather, they wade into the battle, flinging pewter dust left and right trying to embaress their opponents. A true Hero does not debate, does not claim to be
the Hero. Instead, like Alendi before him, a Hero must wait for the Prophet to announce him!
In light of these statements I must withhold my vote.

Last night, after eating a bucket of chocolate Royale ice cream and three bags of instant ramen, i had a vision....

The HOA stood before a massive legion of men from all corners of the land, he pointed at a distant mountain as he yelled ant rallied the men and beast alike. He turned and charged, and they after him.

i saw the HOA....
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 16, 2008, 09:55:54 PM
We are all people who have the ability to make the right decision for ourselves.

Elend made this same naive assumption. If I were you, I would instead promise titles. ;)

What about Prima Noctu?  ;)

dude, in a time like this, the people cannot be trusted to make decisions for themselves, Chaos would spread...Which is why you can't be the HOA, and if you did somehow manage to become him--Chaos2651 will come and clean your mess...because when Chaos comes it only leaves when it wishes.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 16, 2008, 10:25:46 PM
Your support is deeply appreciated, my dear elmandr1. However, in my obligation to the Administration of TWG, I must request that you do not double--or in this case, triple post. It is far better for you to edit your own post than to double post.

I, of course, shall answer your inquiry in the Debates topic.

My friends, you are quite right about this mud fight. It echoes presidential politics, more interested in picking apart each others words. However, I must protest when my opponent attacks my very name. I cannot allow such a thing.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 16, 2008, 10:42:15 PM
It wasn't an attack it was a statement of fact.

If you could define the word Chaos for me then I would appreciate it. It seems you have some very good skills at defining it in your own way but I was more interested in what it really means.

Here is what I found
Merriam Webster Dictionary
1obsolete : chasm , abyss
2 often capitalized : a state of things in which chance is supreme ; especially : the confused unorganized state of primordial matter before the creation of distinct forms — compare cosmos b: the inherent unpredictability in the behavior of a complex natural system (as the atmosphere, boiling water, or the beating heart)
3 a: a state of utter confusion <the blackout caused chaos throughout the city> b: a confused mass or mixture <a chaos of television antennas>

I don't see how either of these fits into your definition.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 16, 2008, 10:58:25 PM
Perhaps, my friend GreenMonsta, I just chose it when I was 14 and I wanted a cool, unique internet title. I was successful, because "Chaos" is a cool word and "2651" is unique. This was not some ploy to throw the world into darkness, I chose it because it sounded cool. And because I have never changed this handle, you immediately know where I stand on all issues, because Googling my handle will always mean me, unlike Andrew, where I cannot discern any visible overarching history to go with his name, other than proclaiming himself to be Great.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 17, 2008, 01:18:44 AM
I understand the origin we probably all remember our first screen name (Fitzy657) I get it that's cool.

Really the only reason I pointed it out is because you attempted to glorify the word/title/name Chaos and twist it into an almost positive light. Now don't get me wrong you did a pretty good job of it. The only issue is none of it is right. I guess that's only a small oversight. Or maybe an omission. Seeing how you were aware that your half cocked definition was way off base.

I'm joking. Keep it up my friend I would like to see where this goes.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 17, 2008, 01:36:05 AM
I understand the origin we probably all remember our first screen name (Fitzy657) I get it that's cool.

Really the only reason I pointed it out is because you attempted to glorify the word/title/name Chaos and twist it into an almost positive light. Now don't get me wrong you did a pretty good job of it. The only issue is none of it is right. I guess that's only a small oversight. Or maybe an omission. Seeing how you were aware that your half cocked definition was way off base.

I'm joking. Keep it up my friend I would like to see where this goes.

*Stays in character*

Heinous lies. Fitzy657 does not exude coolness, but merely fiddles around with fitziness. Perhaps that means Andrew fitzes around bringing about no clear change.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 17, 2008, 01:42:27 AM
See the thing is if I thought I was up to your level I would have backed myself for this election. Seeing how I'm not involved personally I don't feel any shame realizing that my first choice of SN was weak and tied its self to me too closely so I left it in the dust for a name I could be more proud of. And ever since I've been happy with the result.

Also your side stepping. Its fine with me if you like to avoid truths. I mean that's exactly what I'm looking for in a Hero of Ages. Please ignore sensability and commence going completely out of control and attempt to avoid fitzing around because that is frowned upon.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 17, 2008, 02:02:50 AM
*Stays in character*

*Has difficulty maintaining a straight face* *Composes self*

Quote from: My Opponent
I believe the axiom was "Great men do not seek power; they have power thrust upon them," not, "Great men give themselves titles in a hope to actually be great."

Perhaps, as you suggest, when I was 14 and thinking of a screen name, I wished for something to progress toward. Is it wrong to make my goals of greatness public? Is there any man who does not wish to be great at least one time in his life? In styling myself, "the Great," I did not wish to mislead anyone into believing that I am already great. Instead, I wished to inform them of my quest to be great. I also wished to illustrate my potential to be great, which I would fill as the Hero of Ages.

I mentioned nothing of my contract in my retort because I feel that I have already said all that needs to be said on the matter. Should you have further questions regarding the matter, feel free to bring them up an I will answer them if I am able.

I do not villify your bowing to the authority of Brenna. I myself would do the same. I do, however, condemn your oath of fealty to her. In making yourself her vassal, you simply set yourself up as a puppet. Those of you who support Chaos, know that you are not in fact supporting Chaos, but supporting Brenna as the Hero of Ages when you vote for him. While Brenna is a great person, she hasn't even been here to announce candidacy.

 And (this comment is directed at My Opponent) who are you to say that I am competent in all-things mistborn, then turn around and say that I do not possess the judgment to hold the power? Who are you to accuse me of making things up as I go along? I have made nothing up, only proved my extensive knowledge.

I shall now proceed to answer the question directed at me in the debates thread.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 17, 2008, 03:50:42 AM
My dear friends, I would like to take this moment to interrupt my scheduled response and let us have a small memorial for UtopiaGreen.

May he never walk the forum again.

In this heated election season, I believe that is something we can all agreed upon.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 17, 2008, 03:52:38 AM
Here Here!! 
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 17, 2008, 04:30:37 AM
My dear friends, I would like to take this moment to interrupt my scheduled response and let us have a small memorial for UtopiaGreen.

May he never walk the forum again.

In this heated election season, I believe that is something we can all agreed upon.


Synopsis please....
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Qarlin on September 17, 2008, 07:32:12 AM
You know what because I like both of you and Chaos has a follower I think I'll throw my lot in with Andrew. I mean how could he not be the HoA with a name that ends in The Great. Plus Chaos gets fell points and thats not sweet.

Aren't Fell Points a good thing to get?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 17, 2008, 07:40:54 AM
The Chaos2651 Campaign for All Ages officially proclaims that Fell Points are good things.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Miyabi on September 17, 2008, 08:00:04 AM
You know what because I like both of you and Chaos has a follower I think I'll throw my lot in with Andrew. I mean how could he not be the HoA with a name that ends in The Great. Plus Chaos gets fell points and thats not sweet.

Aren't Fell Points a good thing to get?
In reality they are.  In this election. . . anything goes.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: bhthomas on September 17, 2008, 08:51:52 AM

Chaos also reminds me of a president, although this time one much more benevolent.  One who is forgiving, one who is of the people and doesn't seem himself as above the others even the he is "greater" than them.  That president was Carter, who wholeheartedly forgave Nixon of his transgressions and let him live his life untarnished.  He, in a way gave Nixon something back.  He gave him the gift of forgiveness, he gave him a second chance at life.  Now I can expect nothing more from Chaos ONCE he IS elected.  I am sure he will forgive, and ask all of us to do the same, Andrew for this ploy.


Actually it was Gerald Ford who forgave him. If your supporters don't know the order of the presidents I'm not sure if I can vote for you.
Here is  a chance to redeem yourself. Have you ever gone moose hunting?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Miyabi on September 17, 2008, 02:10:09 PM
Wow I feel dumb.  I got my presidents all mis-matchd.  I haven't done that in a LONG time.

I think what happened was I was going to compare him to Carter, then I also compared him to Ford and just mashed it all together. ha ha.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: darxbane on September 17, 2008, 06:09:33 PM
Now I'm scared.  If Chaos is like Jimmy Carter then he'll try to get Ruin to come to a diplomatic solution instead of trying to defeat it.  Chaos say it Ain't so!
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 17, 2008, 07:49:57 PM
It is not so.

Diplomatic solutions should be used when there is more of a difference in perspective (cultural differences that could cause a war, for example) than a struggle with absolutes. Ruin is the force of destruction--heck, it is in its name. It must be defeated.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 17, 2008, 08:55:52 PM
It is not so.

Diplomatic solutions should be used when there is more of a difference in perspective (cultural differences that could cause a war, for example) than a struggle with absolutes. Ruin is the force of destruction--heck, it is in its name. It must be defeated.

Very subtle.

Are you trying to win over the ladies Chaos, using knightly charisma?

I just pictured you as someone who always has one eyebrow arched, a large jaw with an extended chin, and gelled back hair--with the exception of one cascading curl.

Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: darxbane on September 17, 2008, 09:08:51 PM
It is not so.

Diplomatic solutions should be used when there is more of a difference in perspective (cultural differences that could cause a war, for example) than a struggle with absolutes. Ruin is the force of destruction--heck, it is in its name. It must be defeated.

Very subtle.

Are you trying to win over the ladies Chaos, using knightly charisma?

I just pictured you as someone who always has one eyebrow arched, a large jaw with an extended chin, and gelled back hair--with the exception of one cascading curl.

Your picturing him looking like Bruce Campbell?  Seen Army of Darkness one too many times, have we?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 17, 2008, 09:31:43 PM
It is not so.

Diplomatic solutions should be used when there is more of a difference in perspective (cultural differences that could cause a war, for example) than a struggle with absolutes. Ruin is the force of destruction--heck, it is in its name. It must be defeated.

Very subtle.

Are you trying to win over the ladies Chaos, using knightly charisma?

I just pictured you as someone who always has one eyebrow arched, a large jaw with an extended chin, and gelled back hair--with the exception of one cascading curl.

Your picturing him looking like Bruce Campbell?  Seen Army of Darkness one too many times, have we?

and now the image of chaos looking like Campbell is hopelessly branded in my head. Chaos, i think my support in you is starting to buckle--im not so sure anymore.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 17, 2008, 10:18:09 PM
For the record, I only have gelled my hair once in my life, and that was for my school's play where I was set to play the villain. Now that I have all of the villain-y thoughts out of my brain, you can rest assured that I will only champion the good and noble being the Hero of Ages.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 17, 2008, 10:26:09 PM
For the record, I only have gelled my hair once in my life, and that was for my school's play where I was set to play the villain. Now that I have all of the villain-y thoughts out of my brain, you can rest assured that I will only champion the good and noble being the Hero of Ages.

im always the villian in my school plays--or was, i have to remember that i graduated.

College is tough--i might not be able to read HOA as soon as i'd like. :'(.

Chaos2651, have you looked at my theory in the countdown? if so, what do you think, as HOA, about it?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 17, 2008, 11:06:43 PM
For the record, I only have gelled my hair once in my life, and that was for my school's play where I was set to play the villain. Now that I have all of the villain-y thoughts out of my brain, you can rest assured that I will only champion the good and noble being the Hero of Ages.

im always the villian in my school plays--or was, i have to remember that i graduated.

College is tough--i might not be able to read HOA as soon as i'd like. :'(.

Chaos2651, have you looked at my theory in the countdown? if so, what do you think, as HOA, about it?

College will wait when I get HoA. I'll skip a day's of class, and then it will be done with.

I just posted in the Countdown thread, too.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Miyabi on September 18, 2008, 06:25:08 AM
So I set up this poll the way I did JUST so people would have to wait for the results. . . I'M KICKING myself not knowing!!!! ha ha.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: SarahG on September 18, 2008, 03:41:41 PM
Are you trying to win over the ladies Chaos, using knightly charisma?

I'm not sure the female vote is a large demographic on this board.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 18, 2008, 05:07:26 PM
Are you trying to win over the ladies Chaos, using knightly charisma?

I'm not sure the female vote is a large demographic on this board.

Your a large demographic on this board, SarahG. ;).

wow, i just hit on you via forum...
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: SarahG on September 18, 2008, 05:18:08 PM
Your a large demographic on this board, SarahG. ;).

wow, i just hit on you via forum...

Well, I may be a large demographic, but I'm trying to lose weight.  ;)   I'm down from 183 to 160 since last September.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 18, 2008, 05:21:49 PM
Your a large demographic on this board, SarahG. ;).

wow, i just hit on you via forum...

Well, I may be a large demographic, but I'm trying to lose weight.  ;)   I'm down from 183 to 160 since last September.

...im still at 185 ;D. i meant, you are important is all, very signifacant. ;).
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: SarahG on September 18, 2008, 05:28:11 PM
Aww, thanks.

(I intentionally misinterpreted your earlier comment.  It would have been absurd to assume you were referring to my weight when, presumably, you had no way of knowing my weight.)
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 18, 2008, 05:35:44 PM
Aww, thanks.

(I intentionally misinterpreted your earlier comment.  It would have been absurd to assume you were referring to my weight when, presumably, you had no way of knowing my weight.)

So, ladySarahG, you meant to discourage me then--put me in a state of utter shock. Folly, i say, i have done worse, and i have lived.

good day, m'lady. 8).

ps. go check out the countdown thread.

Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 20, 2008, 06:11:39 AM
It is less than 24 hours before the end of the election. The fate of the world rests in your hands!

So if there are undecideds, I urge you to all vote!
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Elmandr on September 20, 2008, 08:17:13 AM
It is less than 24 hours before the end of the election. The fate of the world rests in your hands!

So if there are undecideds, I urge you to all vote!

whatever happens Chaos2651, im with you.

It has become apparent that if there ever was a time for a rallying, sock-sweeping speech to give, it is now.

Chaos will not loose, he has kept focus through all that has occured, he has been preparing and training for this day to come. It is his destiny to come out the victor, that is the truth....

And is wasn't talking about the election.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 20, 2008, 06:23:21 PM
With 6 hours to go, I urge all undecided voters to vote! Your vote may tip the balance and put me (the proper Hero of Ages) in office instead of the deceitful Chaos!
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 20, 2008, 06:57:08 PM
With 6 hours to go, I urge all undecided voters to vote! Your vote may tip the balance and put me (the proper Hero of Ages) in office instead of the deceitful Chaos!

Deceitful? I am no such thing. I have stated nothing but the truth in this election. You may believe you hold the truth, but clearly, you are just delusional.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 20, 2008, 07:01:08 PM
All will welcome the coming of Andrew The Great. Please devoted posters follow me as I join this noble man in his quest. I do not ask this of you because I want to, I ask it because no matter who you choose the right HoA will show him/herself. So why not choose the rightful HoA and begin this time of trial on the right side.

Is it not slanderous to call someone delusional? Is it not a ploy from someone who has already stated that they have evil tendencies, and if given the choice would be as TLR was. I impore you to read our Chaos's word in the "Who would you be poll" and see what kind of man he would be.

And no calling you deceitful isn't slanderous. The statement was posted in response to your claim to be the HoA. For Andrew knows you to be a liar because he knows that only he is the true HoA.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 20, 2008, 07:12:49 PM
Clearly, my dear GreenMonsta, you did not look at my speech well enough. Andrew the Great's reign as the Hero of Ages will be nothing more of a continuation of the stagnation of the Lord Ruler. He will make no contribution of change; I will.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 20, 2008, 07:20:23 PM
But as Green pointed out, Chaos would be the Lord Ruler if he could. As soon as we put him in a position of power...The world is doomed.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 20, 2008, 07:22:28 PM
Thank you for radically twisting my words for own twisted gain.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 20, 2008, 07:30:34 PM
But I did not twist your words. You should know, you wrote them. And I read them. I simply am stating the facts. If someone will lead us back to the time of the Lord Ruler, it will be you, not me.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on September 20, 2008, 10:04:38 PM
Quote from: Chaos2651
I picked the Lord Ruler. He has the evil tyranny thing down perfectly. I just love villains, especially ones with godlike power. The Lord Ruler fits this, and so, if I could be the Lord Ruler, I could release all my villainous urges. It'd be fun.

In second, I would be Elend, but the Lord Ruler is so much cooler...

Ah so now we see don't we my lovable Chaos? I mean, it seems quite clear to me how you feel. But hey I guess I could just be "delusional". ;D
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 20, 2008, 10:42:39 PM
A Lord Ruler would not outline in great detail a stable government which he is not at the head. Perhaps you should go back into the Heroic Debates topic and see my plan for the future.

EDIT: It is almost time.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 21, 2008, 12:12:53 AM
We did. And you didn't reply. In any case, the election is over in 7 minutes...there's not much more we can do. Good luck, my friend.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 21, 2008, 12:14:19 AM
We did. And you didn't reply. In any case, the election is over in 7 minutes...there's not much more we can do. Good luck, my friend.

I had no reason to allow my words to be perverted by the likes of you any longer. :P

Good luck!

EDIT: The results are in. I am the Hero of Ages.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 21, 2008, 12:23:50 AM
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 21, 2008, 12:26:13 AM
The point is we can't argue over it anymore. I won the election.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 21, 2008, 12:28:25 AM
Ahhh. but the true hero will present themselves in the book. I guess the real determining factor will be who can change all the names of the actual hero to their own name before the book comes out? However, for you sake, I will remove my claim to Hero-ship from my signature.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 21, 2008, 12:30:48 AM
Thanks :D.

By the way, this was a great experiment which showed how much words can be twisted by both sides of politics. It was very enlightening.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on September 21, 2008, 12:31:42 AM
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 21, 2008, 12:48:22 AM

Thanks Ookla! Couldn't have done it without your glowing endorsement :P
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 21, 2008, 12:55:47 AM
I can't count the number of times I burst out laughing after reading someone's post on something or another. Anyway, congratulations on the hero-ship. I'm going to officially back you as the Hero of Ages.

Anyway, it was getting hard to find ways to twist anything you said. It's probably a good thing that miyabi set this too expire today, I couldn't have held out for much longer.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 21, 2008, 01:01:25 AM
It really was getting insane. I loved the part in the Heroic Debates where you were saying, "As you can all see, my opponent is delusional and is inventing things to try to confuse you and lend credibility that doesn't exist to himself."

I was laughing too hard I couldn't make a good response to that one... wow... so great.

In all seriousness, though, I think the government I spelled out there wasn't half bad.

Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on September 21, 2008, 01:15:52 AM
I couldn't find too much wrong with it. That's why I had to resort to pretending ignorance of modern terms. It took me almost ten minutes to even think of doing that.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on September 21, 2008, 02:35:19 AM
I thought people were going to jump on the concept of the Philosopher King that its pure tyranny, but really, the Council checks his power really well.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Comatose on October 10, 2008, 07:16:22 PM
Sorry for bumping this to the top again, even though this post has little point, but I just have to say: I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED ALL OF THIS!!!!!!
I was away from TWG, for what, a few weeks?  And a whole election happens.  Holy Cow!
Just be warned Chaos, I'm known for planning coups.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on October 10, 2008, 08:12:31 PM
Yeah Coma it was am intense election for a while. There were pitched debates and everything. I for one was a party member with Andrew and alas we lost but what can you say. I am a big fan of coups so let me know what you have in mind.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on October 10, 2008, 08:18:31 PM
Standard procedure is time-traveling Mistborn.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on October 10, 2008, 08:26:21 PM
Good call Vegas, you provide the ability to travel in time and I'll provide the Mistborn.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on October 10, 2008, 08:38:45 PM
Yeah Coma it was am intense election for a while. There were pitched debates and everything. I for one was a party member with Andrew and alas we lost but what can you say. I am a big fan of coups so let me know what you have in mind.

I had more than twice the votes of Andrew. To time travel back and change events is to deny democracy!
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on October 10, 2008, 08:42:00 PM
Well if you had a democratic leader that you didnt feel was right would you not do anything to change it? Im not saying that you shouldnt have won, Im just saying im generally down for a good coup.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on October 10, 2008, 08:45:09 PM
I had more than twice the votes of Andrew. To time travel back and change events is to deny democracy!

There were alot of hanging submit buttons, the TTM would merely go back and make sure everyone made their selection and then fully pushed the submit button before closing the browser, preventing such a travesty.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Comatose on October 10, 2008, 09:20:31 PM
Don't get me wrong chaos, nothing against you, if Andrew had won, I'd be planning his downfall as well.
Mistborn are too expected...  I'll have to come up with something even more crafty.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on October 10, 2008, 10:25:27 PM
Don't get me wrong chaos, nothing against you, if Andrew had won, I'd be planning his downfall as well.
Mistborn are too expected...  I'll have to come up with something even more crafty.

Mistborn aren't expected when they stab a dagger in your eye. It hurts.

See, I'm Chaos. You never know what I'm going to do. You never know when a Time-traveling Mistborn retroactively kills you, and you are certainly never lulled into complacency because of a well-placed Soothing station.

Also, you never know when I will start using Time-traveling Inquisitors to really lay the hurt on.

Your miserable attempt for a coup will fail like Humpty Dumpty fell off of that wall. You'll be left shattered.

(+1 for using a childhood tale to prophesy your demise!)
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Comatose on October 10, 2008, 10:38:35 PM
I could just use Zane, you'd never see him coming.

(+2 for finding Chaos's weakness and using it against him)
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on October 10, 2008, 10:49:44 PM
... Curses.

Well, he's dead, so your only option is to use a time-traveling Mistborn to save him. Meanwhile, I would send an Inquisitor back in time and... you know, this sounds like a frickin' awesome Terminator movie. One of us has to get on that and post it on Youtube.

Also, I will begin to stab metal spikes into cows to make them into Inquisitors. What are you going to do against my army of Cow Inquisitors, hm?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: GreenMonsta on October 10, 2008, 11:19:06 PM
Milk them in hopes that their milk endows magical properties. If not then slaughter them in hopes that they make a good steak! ;D
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: VegasDev on October 10, 2008, 11:24:33 PM
Forget the Inquisitor cows, I'm using a bunch of spanish people, because no one expects the Spanish Inquisitors. Ok, was that too much of a stretch with this younger generation?
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Chaos on October 10, 2008, 11:27:34 PM
Forget the Inquisitor cows, I'm using a bunch of spanish people, because no one expects the Spanish Inquisitors. Ok, was that too much of a stretch with this younger generation?

LMAO! I understood it, and it was awesome.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Comatose on October 10, 2008, 11:45:55 PM
I'll get my kandra spies to morph into grasses, get eaten by your inquisitor cows, and give them very bad indigestion, thus crippling them, and making them unable to stop my time-travelling mistborn from going back in time to rescue Zane, and bring him here to defeat you.
Title: Re: Election Day!
Post by: Andrew the Great on October 11, 2008, 10:41:32 PM
Threads like this should be resurrected more often....