Author Topic: Help recommend some books for my 12-year-old nephew  (Read 5692 times)


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Re: Help recommend some books for my 12-year-old nephew
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2008, 06:41:05 PM »
As much as I enjoyed the Lioness quartet, there are references to sex. Just be advised if you do go down that path.
Quite right. I had completely forgotten about that. However, if memory serves, the Immortal series doesn't. And I know that the Circle of Magic series is free of it.

I'm an avid fan of Tamora Pierce and began reading them around the same age as your nephew - as long as he doesn't mind female heroines, than the "Tortall Quartets" (which is Lioness/Immortals/Protector of the Small series, plus some new ones out lately) are very, very good. They're intended for mid- to older teens, and while they do contain some references to sex, there is nothing blatant or scandalous about it. It looks more at the emotional side of the relationship and how it affects the character. [Which could be a good kind of educational.] So depending on how mature a reader your nephew is, you may want to wait a couple years.

And yes, there are references in both Lioness and Immortals - less so in Protector of the Small, but still there.

You may want to start with the Circle of Magic series, which was intended for early teen years, even pre-teen. There's no 'mature' references in it and it's a great series with humourous, well-written characters and a compelling storyline. There's also a sequel quartet for it too, I believe, called the Circle Opens.

Aside from those, I totally agree with those who mentioned Lloyd Alexander's Prydain series - excellent, excellent read. David Eddings - depends again on how mature of a reader your nephew is. It's a fairly straightforward [and clean] storyline and I read them while I was young, but it was written for an adult audience.

Have you tried some other classics, like the Chronicles of Narnia? I would mention Harry Potter, but I've never read them so I don't know what kind of references there are in them.
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Re: Help recommend some books for my 12-year-old nephew
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2008, 07:47:01 PM »
I had the librarian mention to me awhile back that I was in the young adult section and when I told her, "I know." she gave me a funny look and said, "Oh, alright, well the adult books are upstairs." For a librarian she didn't seem to understand the need for a good book ;)

I never understood why there was such an illogical stigma about books aimed at young adults. I mean, they're all *written* by adults aren't they?

My mother's an English teacher and even when I was in my early teens she disparaged my reading of "baby books" (and yes, I'm talking about young adult books - Deltora Quest, other series... then fairly later Dianna Wynne Jones’ stuff which I got into after seeing Howl's Moving Castle ((- best movie ever,)) at around 17).

I mean, does that many *any* sense? I mean, just because you can and do read other books or, when young, read things above your age - you’re supposed to only read 'adult' stuff.

My brother in law won't even read Harry Potter cause he thinks it says so much about our country that we all enjoy young adult books. I think my BIL is awful high and mighty for his own good, but that's just me.

I agree it doesn't matter the age group, a good book is a good book is a good book. End of story.


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Re: Help recommend some books for my 12-year-old nephew
« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2008, 07:58:19 PM »
I had the librarian mention to me awhile back that I was in the young adult section and when I told her, "I know." she gave me a funny look and said, "Oh, alright, well the adult books are upstairs." For a librarian she didn't seem to understand the need for a good book ;)

I never understood why there was such an illogical stigma about books aimed at young adults. I mean, they're all *written* by adults aren't they?

My mother's an English teacher and even when I was in my early teens she disparaged my reading of "baby books" (and yes, I'm talking about young adult books - Deltora Quest, other series... then fairly later Dianna Wynne Jones’ stuff which I got into after seeing Howl's Moving Castle ((- best movie ever,)) at around 17).

I mean, does that many *any* sense? I mean, just because you can and do read other books or, when young, read things above your age - you’re supposed to only read 'adult' stuff.

My brother in law won't even read Harry Potter cause he thinks it says so much about our country that we all enjoy young adult books. I think my BIL is awful high and mighty for his own good, but that's just me.

I agree it doesn't matter the age group, a good book is a good book is a good book. End of story.

It just has *NO* logic to me whatsoever.
They're all still written by adults! Of an on-par skill level!
Aaaaaaargh. It makes my head hurt with how much not-sense it makes.
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Mulder: Why are you telling *me* that?
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