Alternate Realities > TW(i)G

Empires and Nations

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
sorry, your map question was posted while I was writing my response, I never saw the question. But you're right on that.

You're not pestering me, you're just making me feel guilty because I've been an incredible slacker this month. I'm going to do them both at the same time. We'll see if I get motivated to do that this week. If it doesn't happen tonight, it won't happen before Monday, tomorrow is too busy with my in-laws trying to drag out my horrible birthday to almost a week.

Lieutenant Kije:
Hey - November was a rush with NaNoWriMo, so you deserve a break.  And whenever the stuff comes, that's fine.  I've got plenty else that I can write without it.

I'm also counting on the fact that when it all gets written up there will be a good amount of revision, making sure everything checks with everything else, and fine-tuning it so that it's a solid product.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
that would be a good assumption. Expect edits

Does that mean we can expect editors? Can we also get one of those flying terran gunship things? I liked those.

Lieutenant Kije:
I've finished writing up Silkur for the most part, but am waiting on the race information.  If my opinion counts, I would have no external signs indicating race (type.)  That just makes things a whole lot easier.

I'd like to start on another region, probably Bregtoran if that's okay.  What do you think, Saint?


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