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Topics - Porteiro

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Brandon Sanderson / Free download from Tor -- It worked
« on: September 15, 2008, 02:31:10 AM »
Howdy, everybody.  I've heard a bit about Sanderson here and there over the last few years, but when a friend highly recommended Mistborn and then within a couple of days I heard that I could download it free from Tor's website, I decided to give it a try.  I downloaded it and stuck it on my PDA.

It took me a while to get around to actually reading it, but once I did, the more I read the more I liked it.

As soon as I was finished with Mistborn, I turned right around and bought Elantris and the second Mistborn book the same day.

I don't know how successful Tor's give-away promotion was, but it sure worked for me.  And I'll have to buy the 3rd Mistborn book.  And it wouldn't be right for them to be on my shelf without the first one, so I'm going to have to buy it.

And then I thought that  that Sanderson might appreciate knowing how, at the very least, he has one more fan.

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