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what about "adventure magazines?"

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"Powers" - now there's a good one.  Stories about regular police officers in a world with superhumans.  I have to say, though, that I prefer "Top 10" - Alan Moore's comic book about police officers in a city where every resident has superpowers.  They're both really good, though.  "G I Joe," on the other hand, was pure tripe.  If you can point me to a single storyline in that comic that passed the 3rd grade reading level, I'll give you a dollar.

As for "Hellboy," it's the kind of thing that just about anyone could enjoy - my wife is a BIG fan.  I'd start at the beginning "Seed of Destruction" and work forward from there, being cautious about anything that isn't written AND drawn by Mike Mignola.  I think most of it has been released in trade paperback form.  Mignola is heavily involved in the movie, and it's got a dynamite director (Guillermo Del Toro, I think?) so it may just be AMAZING.

Yep. del Toro is directing it.  From what I have heard, it is going to stay very true to the source material.  Demons & Nazis; what more could you want?

For those of you who are not reading League of Extroardinary Gentlemen, do yourselves a favor and pick it up.  This latest story is just mind-boggling.

Soooo, to get the comic book ball rolling again, let me ask you: what do you all think of the Ultimat Marvel line?  Are they doing a good job?  Is it worth your money?  What other Marvel titles would you like to see Ultimate versions of?  

What about the Max line?  With the exception of the abysmal War Machine, I've liked all of them very much.  My favorite was the Cage miniseries, but I am also an avid follower of the monthly book Alias.  The Howard the Duck and Fury miniseries were also both very well done and well worth the search if you haven't read them yet.  Personally I would love to see older, less used characters as part of the Max spotlight. I think Cloak & Dagger would be perfect.

I just picked up the first issue of Lovebunny & Mr. Hell and it is so funny I nearly puked on my shoes.  It is put out by the same people who are doing the latest version of GI Joe and it is a must read for anybody who was a big fan of The Tick.


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