Author Topic: The Metal Lake  (Read 11837 times)


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The Metal Lake
« on: August 24, 2008, 08:12:07 PM »
Ok, sorry you guys, I making this a topic.  Mainly because, well it's been discussed a little bit in other topics, but we haven't really gotten even remotely close to figuring anything out about it.  I am referring of course to the metallic lake discovered by Alendi and Fedik, which Fedik explores, which cause the mist spirit to attack him.  Alendi says he never let's Fedik sample the waters (what if Fedik is the hero oooooh ;)).   So ya, I just thought I'd start a topic so we could maybe start figuring this out a little.  It could be this is where the metal that makes you mistborn come from, some say it's the other 16th metal, but who knows.  It's sort of just mentioned in passing, like the piercing were, but a metallic lake near the well of acension.  I think that's got to be important.
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #1 on: August 24, 2008, 08:54:34 PM »
OMGSH I just had an epiphany.  BUT I have to go and pick up my sister. D:  I'll be back in an hour or two and dazzle you with one of my completely impossible theories. ;D


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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2008, 12:15:34 AM »
Quote from:
The lake that Fedik discovered is below us now—I can see it from the ledge. It looks even more eerie from up here, with its glassy—almost metallic—sheen. I almost wish I had let him take a sample of its waters. Perhaps his interest was what angered the mist creature that follows us. Perhaps . . . that was why it decided to attack him, stabbing him with its invisible knife.

Quote from:
Vin and Elend walked up to the pool. Elend knelt quietly beside it, but Vin just stood. Staring at the glittering waters. They were gathered in a small depression in the rock, and they looked thick - like metal. A silvery white, glowing liquid metal.......The mist spirit stood immobile for a moment, then it raised its arm. Something flashed, reflecting the pool's light. "Elend!" Vin screamed, dashing forward as the spirit slashed across Elend's gut.
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2008, 03:41:02 AM »
But the metal and the well can't be the same, Alendi hadn't reached the well yet, although the description is earily similar.  What if... what we know as the well of ascension is something totally different.  What if there are two wells, and the other is still in the mountains?
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Peter Ahlstrom

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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2008, 06:56:14 AM »
Someone in this thread is on to something.

Or are you?

No, seriously, it should be obvious that the metal lake is something very important.

And it's not like Reen's obsidian.
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2008, 07:12:34 AM »
*coughes waiting for your attention*

NOW that I have your attention.  Here I go.  Now I know usually my theories are long and blah blah blah.  This one however, is very simple.  It has only a few points.

There are two Wells.  One containing Ruin, the other Preservation.  This Metal Lake is Preservation's entrapment just like the Well was the thing keeping Ruin at bay.  They will have to find the Lake and TAKE it's power in order to save the world.  Ruin can happen by itself, therefore it can ravish uncontrolled and cause damage.  Preservation however, is trickier and needs to be focused by some sort of utensil, in this case possibly Vin?

That's my epiphany. ha ha.  I thought about typing up a few pages just to make you all read a bit before getting to my main point, but I'm too tired today. ha ha.


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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2008, 10:20:37 AM »
Someone in this thread is on to something.
Or are you?

No, seriously, it should be obvious that the metal lake is something very important.

And it's not like Reen's obsidian.

Notice he very clearly does not say the Well is very important...that could mean the Well is different from the lake and we find the Lake is more important now that Ruin has been released.

And btw its a dark, dark day on TWG when we analyze not only the book but Ookla's posts as well...
« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 10:22:19 AM by Reaves »
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2008, 04:13:21 PM »
Reaves.  Your post is completely not thought out.  If I say, "The basil is the most important part."  That doesn't mean the rest of the stuff in the recipe isn't important. . . Just because he didn't mention it, DOESN'T mean it's not PART of it.


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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2008, 04:52:04 PM »
Someone in this thread is on to something.
Or are you?

No, seriously, it should be obvious that the metal lake is something very important.

And it's not like Reen's obsidian.

Notice he very clearly does not say the Well is very important...that could mean the Well is different from the lake and we find the Lake is more important now that Ruin has been released.

And btw its a dark, dark day on TWG when we analyze not only the book but Ookla's posts as well...

Not necessarily a dark day, but it does mean we have reached a certain fanatic level of fandom...
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #9 on: August 25, 2008, 05:00:28 PM »
Of note is that the well and the lake hold similar material and that both were full. Was there a lake when Vin was drawn to the well?
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #10 on: August 25, 2008, 05:08:35 PM »
also maybe the well that Vin is drawn to conceals an underground lake that TLR concealed with the city of Luthadel


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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #11 on: August 25, 2008, 05:33:41 PM »
also maybe the well that Vin is drawn to conceals an underground lake that TLR concealed with the city of Luthadel

Hmm, how would that work?  After Vin takes and releases the power, isn't she left lying on the bottom of the well?  Surely if it were connected to an underground lake, she would see more metal leaking in somewhere, like a spring?  Yeah, I like your idea but I don't quite think it's true.
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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2008, 05:47:52 PM »
Its a well, the water would come up from underground. It wouldn't trickle down from somewhere


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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #13 on: August 25, 2008, 06:13:59 PM »
Ah, but liquid metal would travel differently, and this isn't just any old well we're talking about.

From what I remember, Ruin controls the mist spirits.  The mist spirit would have tried to attack anyone that tried to get to Preservation first (via the liquid-metal lake) because they want everyone to go to the well with Ruin in it instead.  Release Ruin, and thus let him have his fun.

Why was it that Vin could release Ruin?  No idea.  Maybe only certain people can release Ruin, but anyone could release Preservation.  Otherwise, why would the mist spirit attack Elend and Fedik?  They'd only have to worry about Vin if the "opening" possibility was equal between the two prisons.

And why are both "Gods" trapped in the first place?  They must have been put there by someone.  Presumedly, by trapping Ruin first, and in the process having Preservation follow along because of balance or some such thing.

And liquid metal is mercury.  For the most part, Brandon has kept to "real" metals.  So, unless he's made up something else entirely for this one, that's probably what the liquid metal is. It could have something to do with traps and/or prisons of godly constituents.  And who's to say that the stuff in the Well, trapping Ruin, was water?  Maybe it was mercury's opposite-twin.  A clear metal?  Now,that'd be cool.

To tell you the truth though, the whole thing about the liquid metal lake went over my head when I read WoA.  Just wasn't obvious enough I guess.  By the end of WoA, everything was moving fast enough that even the connection between what Vin and Elend find and what Fedik found wasn't clear for me.

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Comfortable Madness

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Re: The Metal Lake
« Reply #14 on: August 25, 2008, 06:40:46 PM »

To tell you the truth though, the whole thing about the liquid metal lake went over my head when I read WoA.  Just wasn't obvious enough I guess.  By the end of WoA, everything was moving fast enough that even the connection between what Vin and Elend find and what Fedik found wasn't clear for me.

I have to agree with you there. I didn't even notice any mention of a liquid-metal lake. That would be a neat idea with a clear liquid metal as mercury's alternate. Although, the liquid metal could also be casium, francium, gallium, or rubidium which are all liiquid at or around room temperature....

That would be quite a sight to see, a whole lake of liquid metal. Brings quite a neat image to mind.

Why was it that Vin could release Ruin?

I think we are asking the wrong question here. I think we should be asking why she was chosen by Ruin not why she could do it at all. I think that anyone with either hemalurgy/feruchemy/allomancy or any combination of the three could have released it. Alendi was the one chosen by the well until Rashek decided that that would not do. So, now Rashek goes to the well and can either release Ruin or take the power himself. He takes the power himself and effectively bests Ruin for a thousand years or so. So either I'm completely crazy or we should look at the angle as to why Ruin wanted it to be her and not someone else like Zane or anyone else...

« Last Edit: August 25, 2008, 06:57:46 PM by Comfortable Madness »
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