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Topics - Mr_Pleasington

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Rants and Stuff / Mr.P's Semester Roundup
« on: December 19, 2003, 03:40:10 AM »
Well, another one down folks.  By all reports I just finished the toughest semester of optometry school.  It's all downhill from here.  Especially next year, which is just externships.

I managed to do a lot better than I thought I would this semester.  I'm especially proud of an A I got in Clinic, something that is hard to get and that means the doctors are particularly pleased with my skill with patients.  

And next year is going to rule.  Starting in May my externships take me to Kansas City for 3 months at one of the best disease rotations in the country.  Then I got to Brisbane, Australia for 4 months to do a contact lens rotation, and then back up here that spring for graduation.   It's going to rock.

For now, I'm just chilling.  I'm going on a cruise starting this weekend and will be in the middle of the Caribbean for Christmas.  I can't wait.

Then I come back ready for the new year.


Movies and TV / For those that don't know...
« on: December 07, 2003, 03:23:06 AM »
Cartoon Network recently released something I've been waiting for for a long, long time... a Space Ghost compilation DVD.  I just finished watching that and the Aquateen Hunger Force compilation DVD.  These are must haves if you like these shows.  Two thumbs way up!

I just can't wait for the Sealab 2021 DVD to come out.

Video Games / Civ III
« on: December 07, 2003, 03:21:14 AM »
Well, I broke down and got the gold edition a while back and I've been playing it as if my life depended on it.   I was a god-king of Civ II, but my strategies don't seem to work as well here and I can't figure out just why.  I can't seem to wage a successful war without it taking upward of 1000 years.  Guess I've just got to get my head around the changes.

Any of you have any tips.  I'd particularly love to hear how people start the game.  For some reason I think I lose a lot of pace there.


CCGs / LOTR RotK Playday
« on: December 06, 2003, 04:32:39 AM »
I'm really happy to see people enjoying LotR on TWG.  When it first came out, the response here was mediocre, though I loved it.  It is the only CCG I actively collect (though I still play Doomtown when possible) and I've amassed a huge collection over the years.  I'm tempted to try LOTR Online, but don't think its worth it when I can invest in new cards.

The game certainly has improved with each expansion and I'm exteremly happy with where the game is now.  The inclusion of initiative and threats was something I was wary about, but I'm amazed at the new strategical levels it takes the game to.  Threats alone add a depth that even the Watcher in the Water could appreciate.

I'm curious to what you all play. Here's a list of my favorite decks:

Fellowship only:  Dwarves/Moria:  Swarm at its best.  I love Moria.  Still my favorite culture...

Two Towers only:  Rohan/Warg:  Nothing like a calvary deck to really get people frustrated...unless you're playing agianst the firk-ding-blasted Dunledings!  

Return of the King only:  Knights/Nazgul:  Nazgul have always been fun, but thre really come into their own in this set.  I was a huge fan of Knights in the TT block and am glad to see them carried over with even more useful fortifications.

Open:  Hard to say, really. My Ent/Sauron deck can really lay the smack down in open, but its still not as much fun as playing Moria.  Haven't played much of RotK open yet so haven't had to deal with initiative or threats.  I can't wait to get the dwarves a little more flushed out and build a new Dwarven deck!

I'm also looking forward to the stuff after the movies...the spoiled Tom Bombadil looks fantastic and I eagerly await the arrival of Smaug (blasphemous though it may be to the timeline).  Plus, a new site path encompassing all of the journey will be fun to play with.  

What a great game!

Everything Else / Stupid Temptation!
« on: November 19, 2003, 02:30:24 AM »
After one of my lj friends took the eHarmony survey and posted it, I thought I'd take it too. I keep hearing commercials and I always love to take personality tests. And it's free...

And accurate.

And when you do it they create a free account for you so you can see the people it matches you up with in your area. I had four matches on day one. They all seemed pretty interesting and one of them has already sent me a "I want to communicate" notice. And you can't 'communicate' without a paid account.

Tricky good marketing ploy! See, all I wanted was a personality profile now I want to see who these matches are and if they're actually a good fit. But then I have to pay. Tricky indeed.

And it's not cheap. If it was, I'd do it. But it's a pretty hefty amount. So tempted...

See, I used to date a lot, but in the past year I've barely had time to breathe, let alone seek out dates.  This would be a useful tool, it seems.  But still sooo expensive....

Table-Top Games / Warmech - Homebrew Help
« on: November 18, 2003, 02:31:25 AM »
I love giant mech games.  I mean really love them.  Battletech, Heavy Gear, etc. are all a lot of fun, but none of them are quite the game I'd like them to be though.  So I decided to make my own.

The system is a conglomeration of Battletech and Warmachine, with each being ripped off about an equal amount.  I'm still ironing things out, but I think it has a lot of potential for fun.   I've got some great ideas for campaign rules too :)

So here's the problem.  I'm great at coming up with fun and interesting fantasy worlds to play in, but I'm terrible at sci-fi it seems.  I want a universe of psuedo-hard science where hulking machines of death and destruction are prevalent, but still special.  I want humans only, no aliens, and I'd like for there to be a lot of politics...much like the Battletech universe.

So, please, assail me with your ideas!  Help me out.

I don't know if there will be interest in making this an "official" TWG project or if Fell thinks that's wise.  But once its done we could post it much like the TWiG fantasy setting.

TW(i)G / Quick Question
« on: November 17, 2003, 02:41:53 AM »
Are you TWiG fellows accepting new proposals?

I've been designing a homebrew mini game that desperately needs a setting.  Were this a fantasy game, I'd have no problem.  I've got a billion ideas for fantasy.

No, this is sci-fi.  Non-alien, psuedo-hard sci-fi. And for some reason I can't come up with something that doesn't seem completely trite.

I'll give you more details if you're up for helping, but if you're still refining the fantasy world then I'll just wait a while :)

Role-Playing Games / Mutants and Masterminds
« on: November 13, 2003, 12:37:04 AM »
Ever since I first played Marvel Superheroes in the early nineties I've been looking for the perfect supers system.  I've tried many and until recently the one that best fit was Silver Age Sentinels (Tri-Stat version) and a friend's homebrew.

After reading a ton of amazing reviews I decided to give Mutants and Masterminds a go, despite the fact it was a d20 system game (beh! d20!).

I'm about as amazed as I can be.  They did things with d20 that make it actually make sense.  They've adapted it to supers better than I could have hoped.  No classes, no alignment, optional levels, no hit points, and absolutely no dice needed except for one d20.  It emulates comic combat suprisingly well and has some of the best rules for power creations I've seen.

I had to pick up it's "Crooks!" supplement it was so good.

Oh, and all the art is done by artists who work on comics now, so its pretty stellar.

Great stuff.  If you like supers, you owe it to yourself to pick this up.

Everything Else / Hey! Where've I Been?
« on: October 28, 2003, 10:17:27 PM »
Hey,  Whaaaaa happened?

Mr. P passes boards, says he's taking a break, and then disappears into the the night....whaaaa happened!?!?

Well, let me regale you...

The ninjas that Saint sent after me were able to take me with their shear numbers.  I took a few down with me, but I soon found myself locked in a room filled to the knees with spiders.  After the fear finally died down I used my knowledge of optics to focus the single shaft of sunlight entering my cell into a laser beam which I used to open the door.  Take that, Saint!  I've escaped your devilish plot!

Okay, maybe not...

What happened was passing boards ignited something in me I haven't felt in a while...the desire for self-improvement. The last two years I've been in a big keeps me so busy that its really hard to exercise and eat right and spend time doing the important things in life.  So I decided to cut down my internet time significantly to have more spare time to study and spend with friends.

In succeeding in that, TWG was kind of lost in the mix.  Other than email and livejournal I really didn't frequent my usual hangouts on the net, like here.  And hence, I forgot about Avast Ye... oops.

Then I decided that I have to start eating better.  For the past year it's been junk food, soda, take out, eating out, and fast food, as I didn't think I had time to cook.  This only accelerated my slide into fatness that had begun in late undergrad.  See, I was a captain of the football team in high school. Fit, strong, and not small.  When I got burned out on wieght lifting in college a lot of it turned to mush.  I started jogging to make up for it, but I only had time to do so in the summers.  Not good.

So I hit about 300 at the start of this October.  I didn't look too terrible as I'm a big guy who has always carried weight well.  But I felt terrible.  Sluggish, low-self confidence (which was never a problem before), and just malaise.  I decided to change that soon after my internet time cut.

So last week I started out on the South Beach Diet.  I'm not a fan of fad diets, but as a biologist I know it sure seemed medically sound.   A week later I'm 14 pounds lighter and still dropping.  Plus I've taken up jogging againt.  The results are higher than normal, but when the bad stuff you eat constantly is replaced by good stuff, something happy is going to happen.

I haven't felt this good in a long, long time.  I have more energy than ever and I still get to eat a lot of what I love.  Plus, I've been introduced to food combos that I didn't know existed.  It's great!

So that's where I've been.

Now the bad news--- When Spriggan reminded me of Avast Ye I got all excited.  I'd recently dropped out of all 4 of my games (biweekly though remember) due to time constraints and I'd love to get a dash of gaming in.  Plus, I'm really enamored with the setting even though I created it in like an hour.  It's got a lot of potential.  The more I thought about it though, the more certain I became of what would happen.  I would probably run it intensely for a few weeks but then start to fade off again as time got less and have to drop it.  Instead of leading you guys on, I think its best that we quit now, though someone else is welcome to take it over.  I feel bad as I know some of you have put a lot of work into it.  Let me know how I can make it up to you and I will, okay.

So that's my story.  I should be around still, though maybe not as much as I was.  I still have some reviews I'd like to write up when I find time.  But I will be here.  Of all the places I've gone on the internet, this is the only place I can really say I've made connections with people.  Sure, I know people on other forums, but its just in passing.  I've gotten to know some of you very well and I'd like to keep it that way.

Corny, yes.  But true.


Everything Else / I DID IT!!!!!
« on: September 29, 2003, 07:48:36 PM »

After studying all summer like it was my full time job, spending $600 for the exam, and going through the stress of taking it...



Music / A Sad Week For Rock 'n Roll
« on: September 12, 2003, 04:56:23 PM »
First Warren Zevon passed away quietly on Sunday and now The Man in Black slips into the great beyond.  

Godspeed, men.   Words can't express how thankful I am for the music you both gave.

Everything Else / A Sad Week For Rock 'n Roll
« on: September 12, 2003, 04:56:23 PM »
This topic has been moved to [link=;action=display;num=1063399181;start=0]Music[/link] by Tage.

Table-Top Games / Warmachine
« on: September 11, 2003, 10:26:28 PM »
Well, I finally picked up this game after months of debating whether to actually try another minis game. See, I absolutely love Privateer Press' Iron Kingdoms as a game setting and I think the books they've put out are some of the best d20 book on the market.  So I finally broke down and bought the rules after lurking on their forum for a long time.

I shouldn't have waited so long.  This game is great.  For months I've heard people rave about this game, nary hearing any dissention, and now I understand why.  It's fast, its brutal, its strategic, and it is fun.  And cheap to boot.  

A lot of the folks mad at GW's gouging have hopped on board and the game has continually grown from its inception last decemberish.  

I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and write a review of this one, folks.

Rants and Stuff / Letting Your Fears In
« on: September 03, 2003, 07:13:45 PM »
Okay, I'm a big guy.  Six one, two fifty, and I can bench over three hundred (or I could a while back).  Heck, I was captain of the football team way back in high school.  I'm a brute.  

And you know what freaks me out...spiders!

Man, I hate spiders.

I live in Missouri, popular resort of the Brown Recluse.  Small, quiet, and immune to most treatments because the insidious little buggers have no nerves in their feet.  Their bite isn't fatal, but you'd wish it was as it causes skin to slough off.  

So, since its cool out, I opened the apartment up last night and turned the air off.  A few hours later I noticed a large number of bugs in the house...moths, gnats, etc.  So I went and patched the holes in my screen with tape.  There I was later, shoeless in my PJs getting ready for bed, when I notice a huge spider on the floor while brushing my teeth.  Freaked me out!  So I got a flyswatter and killed it.  I was curious if he brought friends with him.

So I get home today and there are two spiders on one of my windows, three on another. Some big some small.  I manage to kill them with ease but I fear for the ones I can't see.  

The ones under my pillows or in my shoe.

God, I hate spiders.

What's this? / Avast Ye!
« on: August 27, 2003, 08:18:55 PM »
Okay, here's the skinny:

Cinematic, swashbuckling, pirate tale of derring do and such.   I'll be using Savage Worlds to run it, which is very light and is made to handle lots of characters (such as a boarding action) not that it matters since I'll be doing all the rolling and such.  

The way your characters are described to me we'll have some varying power levels, which is fine since advancement isn't tied into combat ability as in D&D.  Savvy?

It will be a light fantasy game and I will probably pick up and use 50 Fathoms once it comes out in fact.  So monkey-boyish folks fit right in.  There are 2 other races available on PEG's website in the 50 Fathoms preview in fact.  Just if you're interested.

Also, I'll probably take six players to start out with.  Hopefully that won't be too many.  I'm happy to take any suggestions.

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