Games > Table-Top Games

Duel of Ages

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Mad Dr Jeffe:
Saint and I played this a little the other day and needless to say it would have gotten our full attention if we hadn't put on a movie we hadn't seen.  Duel of ages is kind of like a top down deathmatch game of Unreal with goals!.

We had a few problems, but nothing horrid, and we both plan to do a review.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
They claim it's a combination of roleplaying, miniature table top, and strategy gaming like risk
I don't think it shares so many elements. It's like risk because you have markers you control and you fight for dominance, but not in nearly the same way as Risk or a hundred other of that ilk (A&A, Shogun, History of the World, etc).
It's like roleplaying because you have characters. Apparently an expansion has rules for Honor and Prestige or something, which may mean more roleplaying. As it stands it's only like roleplaying because each character is an individual with a different skill set/abilities
It's like miniature battles... in not many ways. You don't use models. You don't use armies. You do have a marker and I suppose you could substitute a model, but it'd be hard to find a decent set that fit. You do deal with ranges and different types of attacks.

I enjoyed it. I'd like to play a bigger game. Full review forthcoming.

Don't you mean:

ROCK!  Rock of Ages!

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
No. And sit down, you're "rock of ages"ing the boat.

I'm afraid I can't take your admonition seriously as you and Jeffe combined manage to hijack somewhere near 90% of the forums threads.  


Pot calling kettle...come in kettle...


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