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Messages - maxonennis

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Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 23, 2008, 06:14:20 AM »
Welcome, WEKM, glad you could tune in! Oh, and welcome to this end of the age curve. But sadly, you don't get to be THE old man of the bunch, yung'en! I've still got you beat by a couple.

I am, of course, intensely jealous that you get to know the Honorable Trio since they seem to have an averson to the midwest. Howard made it to Indianapolis last July but it was on the same day as my dad's 80th birthday so I was with my family.


As long as we don't start calling them the trinity...

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: November 22, 2008, 11:33:55 PM »

You can't plagiarize ideas.  And borrowing ideas isn't immoral, either.
Exactly.   But one could also say that Goodkind just took longer to get his story in order.   With epics like this, you don't just write on the fly.   You build the world, you build the history, you build an outline, and then you carefully tread forward.   I've heard Jordan originally expected to do it in three books, then in six.   RJ and TG may have had an agreement or something where TG waits till RJ finished before starting.   If that were the case, TG may have waited till it became obvious RJ wasn't going to finish any time soon.   Who really knows and who is really going to admit it.

Not when Jordan started writing tEotW back in 1984. In fact TOR says that Jordan was five years late on getting them the book. He'd started writing the book, but then stopped to do the world building so the books would be concise story. He's said it took him an entire year to do world building, and four more years to make the first novel because he wanted the pace to be even through out.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: November 22, 2008, 02:35:51 AM »
Just to let you guys know, I'm about halfway done with Eye of the World. It has recently picked up my interest after being frustratingly slow most of the book. Yet, even when it was slow, I was still thinking about it all the time. Jordan does do a good job creating realistic worlds. I appreciate all your responses, even if some of them have contained mild spoilers (grrr). I look forward to being involved with the WOT discussions here!!!

What's odd is I keep on hearing people say that the first few books are slow, I read the first six or so in high school and never thought them slow. Now once you get to about book eight and nine, they do slow down--book ten was just painful--but it really picks up in book eleven.

Reading Excuses / Re: Mod Voting!
« on: November 21, 2008, 07:40:11 PM »
The reason why I'm doing is that I am, technically, an agent of the government. I was elected the Hero of Ages in the Brandon Sanderson forums over some nonsensical debate (see:, which I ended up winning (which explains Monsta's comment about my ability to win elections). We joked that I became the Lord Ruler, and so when Monsta leveled up one time and broke out of jail (these titles are quite hilariously ridiculous), as the Lord Ruler, it was my duty to capture him. Or something.

Ahem, now that we are all caught up on our inside jokes...

It appears Raethe and I are now listed as Moderators. However, it also appears like I cannot even pin a topic. Maybe I'm just not seeing any moderation options at all, but really, I've moderated forums before, so I thought I knew where to look for the moderation abilities. Apparently they are hiding, or I don't have them. Hmmm...

You are indeed a great statesman. :)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Wheel v. Mist
« on: November 19, 2008, 08:01:13 PM »
Goodkind and Eddings' magic systems are lacking, IMO, because of the frequent uses of magic with few rules.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 19, 2008, 07:46:31 PM »
     My writing career began at the age of eight, when I wrote a whopping 3 page novel (1/2 of each page was illustrations). I have no idea what is was about. At age nine I wrote the sequel, about 10 pages, in which the bad guy was Megaman. . . I had drawn a picture of him in the same notebook as I was writing, so when I got to that page I just decided to incorporate it into  the story. Later that year, I wrote my third book. 30 written pages (each one 1/2 illustration (stick figure style)), Entitled "Crono and Scott". It was about me going on an adventure with my favorite video game character. . .
     I didn't write anything until seventh grade when I wrote 100 page book.... notebook page... it came out to about 50 pages typed... it was pretty lame....

Wow, are we related? This is basically what I'm child hood writing experience looks like. But I wrote my notebook novel as a senior in highschool.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 19, 2008, 07:04:48 PM »
I just realized I misspelled learnt on a writing group thread!  ;D

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: November 19, 2008, 06:40:32 PM »
If we're going to talk about SoT, I feel the need to add my opinions.   To say it simply, I think anyone who enjoys WoT will enjoy SoT.   Keep in mind that there was some communication between TG and RJ at some point and so there are many parallels between their stories.   Unfortunately I think SoT is a great storyline implemented horribly.   TG makes a bunch of very amateur mistakes.   If you want to read more about them, I posted them here: Shadowburn Archives.   I don't want to post them here because they do have some spoilers up to and including the final book so read at your own risk.   In the end I do recommend reading SoT once as it is a good story.

I was told that because I am I big WoT fan that I would like SoT. I finished the second and refuse to pick up another. It felt like Goodkind purposely used ever genre clique.

Also, from what I've heard, Goodkind denies having ever heard of Jordan.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 19, 2008, 06:33:38 PM »
I've only finished two of three--a third of the way through the fourth--and believe me when I say that I'm not seasoned either. About the only things I've lernt from my first two and a half books is how to write bad endings.

Reading Excuses / Re: Your Background
« on: November 19, 2008, 02:41:35 PM »
I'm a twenty-one year old male from Oklahoma. I spent from the age of two until eighteen in foster care.  I've always loved books and wanted to be a writer--even if just for personal entertainment. On the summer of my senior year in high school--I was still months away from aging out of the foster care program--while I was living on a farm, I'd gotten extremely bored and a little depressed and started to write a fantasy novel. I never finished it because I did everything that you're not supposed to, jumping POVs while in the same chapter, clique dialog, and the extreme over uses of internal dialog.

I set the jumbled story aside as I finished my senior year. After which I moved out on my own and began working, about a year later I picked up the old story and read through it--what I could anyway, I'd hand written it because I didn't have access to a computer. I hated it and wanted to try again. So now I'm on my fourth novel, and one I'm very excited about.

I never use serious romantic tones in my works--flirtatious, yes, but not anything serious--,I don't use the "family theme", I don't write idealist character, I avoid having a true definable antagonist, and the closest thing I've ever written to a happy ending is a story where the characters ended up right back where they'd began.

Dan Wells / Re: Buy Dan Bacon?
« on: November 19, 2008, 04:24:53 AM »
It's people who DON'T have a strong relationship with bacon that you should be worried about.

I must admit that my relationship with bacon as taken a turn for the worse. Not long ago I eat some bacon that was under cooked and was sick. After that I find it hard to trust bacon again, no matter how many times it apologizes for its wrong doings. I know that I should learn to forgive bacon, but I can’t. I’m a horrible person with trust issues.  :'(

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 18, 2008, 11:25:27 PM »
I can submit on the first. But I do have a question on time frames for response to submissions: is it up to the end of the thirty day period, or until the next set of submissions?

Reading Excuses / Re: Genre?
« on: November 18, 2008, 04:52:02 PM »
I usually write fantasy, it is neither epic nor urban just something...odd. I also like space opera sci-fi with epic themes. All of it shaded more dark with few happy endings.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: November 18, 2008, 04:45:07 PM »
I'm late, but here goes, email: 

Disclamer, my last name is Ennis. My friend set up my email acount...and got the last laugh.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: WOT Help
« on: November 13, 2008, 05:28:37 PM »
Well this is a long thread after only a couple of days. I figured I would put in my two cents.

Ok so I have read WoT and a couple of other long epic fantasy series. The way I describe it and it pains me to say it but the WoT is like a more involved and better described version of the Sword of Truth. The amount of things in this series that I sometimes think Terry Goodking just outright stole is astonishing. And don't get me wrong I love the SoT. Like many have already stated the scope of characters and their interactions is astounding. RJ's ability to "weave" these storylines through so much termoil and around so many barriers makes his work something special. Now I understand those who may think it wordy but the best books often are. I for one will keep them and read them again and hopefully someday one of my kids can read them and enjoy them as much as I have.

This is the best review of WoT I've ever seen. Good job Plantation.

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