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Someone let EUOL out of his cage?

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Feh, again. Figured you'd bring up that even though I was referring more to his abundant abuses of due process and privacy rights to his own citizens. But yes, he's doing it there too. American copyright laws for their country, being run by American military officers and govt officials. Hardly sovereignty is it?

America ran germany after WW2.
America ran japan after WW2.

What would you do? Win the war and then say "Ok, thats that. See yah" and then dissappear? Someone has to control the country until the organisations etc are all up and running.

--- Quote ---abundant abuses of due process and privacy rights to his own citizens.
--- End quote ---

Please don't tell me your still wounded over your precious UN? "due processes" my ass.

And the privacy rights thing? If they prevent another 9/11 i think that it would be worth it...

--- Quote ---American copyright laws for their country
--- End quote ---

Hey. Nobody is making them keep them after you guys leave. And feh. Somehow i doubt george bush picked up the phone to the RIAA and asked them to send someone over.
Besides, i think americans are more oppressed on that count...

I love how quickly a post about EUOL turned into a political argument.

I'm only going to comment on the copyright laws bit -- I think its interesting that your worried about Iraqis being forced to adhere to American copyright laws, when what we've just done is liberate them from a brutal dictator who, among other things, carefully controlled the press and tortured and executed people who spoke poorly of him. Copyright laws only really become an issue when you have Freedom of Speech to begin with.

As for American copyright laws, I will say they tend to be an inconvenience for someone as poor as I am, but I still believe that they are a vital part of our legal system. These days its more important than ever that a person or company is allowed to maintain their rights to IP that they've produced. Point being, I don't think anyone is actually "oppressed."

Ok, I'm through.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
<sigh> The difference between running Japan in the late 40s and running Iraq now is that there are plenty of expatriates and even current citizens opposed to the Baath party capable of leading the country.

And maybe Bush didn't make the call, but someone in his admin. did. And that's what we have: the RIAA writing copyright laws for a foreign county..

And no, I never ever talked about the UN. I'm talking about the detention of AMERICANS by AMERICAN LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES without any trial or even the consultation of an attorney simply because they have ancestry of a Middle-Eastern country. I'm talking about illegal search and seizure of vehicles at airports without probable cause, even if the driver or owner remains in the car and has no intention of getting on a plane.


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