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Topics - Thermos

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Rants and Stuff / 05Parental Units and their Logic to Dominate
« on: June 24, 2006, 06:25:00 PM »
[This is just Some angsty seventeen year old ranting on about how her parents are ruining her life]

Okay, I know that this is a typical senario. Girl get permission to attend a concert three hours away even though her parents are extremely strict. She gets excited beyond all reason because she beat the odds.
Then she goes out one night to her friend's house after spending all day down town, and ends up calling Mom to ask to stay later, and arriving home at 1:22 am..

So, I know it seems weird, but I can totally take this all on myself and I know that I screwed up, seriously. But it drives me insane because there was no possible compromise. I insisted that I could clean and maintain all rooms in the house without being allowed out with friends and that my parents could keep me to this for as long as they wish if they would let me just have the concert back. My friend's Mom bought me the ticket in thanks and now, She has an extra ticket and nothing to do for it.
Obviously, the compromise did nothing for me, for here I am!

The reason they refused my deal, was because they decided that by letting down on their punishment, they were letting me off the hook and that way, I wouldn't learn a thing, But I have.

It drive me insane.. parents are always the winners of these battles. But hey that's life right?

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