Local Authors > Robison E. Wells


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House of Mustard:
For one thing, your book is four or five times longer than mine.  I'm sure that adds to the time.

It's odd, HoM, but at a family dinner yesterday, my sister started talking about your book.  Apparently she has an editor friend (oh shoot, are you with Covenant or Deseret Book? My sister used to be a reader for which ever one you're with) and her friend was talking about how you are one of the up and rising writers.  It was odd to hear someone talking about you who wasn't with the TWG group.

Yet somehow quite satisfying, eh?

House of Mustard:
Well that pleases me to no end.  It's little things like that that make me all giddy inside.

Incidentally, I talked to the managing editor yesterday, and they proposed a title to me: Wake Me When It's Over.

What do you guys think?  I've gotten some negative comments, and a few positive ones as well.  Personally, I'm not sure where I stand.  I always get defensive when people mess with my baby, so I'm not sure how objective I am here.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
"Awake" sounds pretty uhm... cheesy. Like you're writing self help pseudo-sociology for Mormon women dissatisfied with their lives.

Wake Me When it's Over is more true to your writing style.


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