Local Authors > Robison E. Wells


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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
It also said that they had a picture of Washington crossing hte Potomac River. Maybe they did, but if so, it's not hte famous picture of him crossing the DELAWARE

House of Mustard:
SE, I've known about that problem for a while, but I like to think that it's a lesser-known painting, about a lesser-known event.

Ookla, November in Germany is Spring in the US.  You have adjust for the international date line.

Holy crap, I feel like a moron.

I'm glad you liked the book, though!

Peter Ahlstrom:
Shall we think of it as taking place in a universe with subtly different historical details? :D

House of Mustard:
Whenever there's an inconsistency, a wizard did it.

What I really need is an unpaid intern to check my facts.  I ought to advertise with local universities: "Want to get first-hand experience working with a published author?  Now accepting applications."

If there's a problem, throw an unpaid intern at it. It's the American Way.


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