Alternate Realities > What's this?

Survivor 1927


Mad Dr Jeffe:
Survivor 1927
The place: Brighton England
The plot: Stay alive at any cost
The Cast: 10 unlucky individuals
The inspiration: Survivor and Call of Cthulu

10 guests enter
One Guest leaves
The Host has spoken!!!

But don’t worry; you’ll all come back for the big twist at the end…

Set in Edwardian England, the Green and pleasant land, where cricket is still king and the Privileged romp gaily unaware Survivor 1927 is all about survival, of the mind and body.  A much more psychological game than most it will be dependent on players writing publicly and privately (e-mails to the GM) in an environment where no one is who they seem and evil lurks around every turn.

I want a nice long set up for this and at least one long post a day from players.
People interested should watch the TV show survivor and Gosford Park. Then E-mail me at [email protected] with character ideas and any private messages you might have to convey.  

The catch, everyone has some sort of Dark past that makes him or her a suspect, and one person will be a killer, of a sort.

No one should have more than a passing introduction to the supernatural (besides what one has read in the penny dreadfulls and perhaps attending a séance)

Jeffe you're allready GMing one game .  Make sure to get Fell's permission before promising another game, we wanted to limit people to GMing only one game at a time.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
actually Im brainstormig aloud and seeing if I get enough interest, not promising anything yet...

I don't think there will be a problem, but the reason for only GMing one game is that it's very hard to keep two going at once.  Especialy a forum game wich is so slow going.


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