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Topics - The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers

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Suggestions Box / "Staff" picks
« on: September 05, 2003, 11:36:45 PM »
Ok, I'm going to start doing the "staff picks" articles. Probably do them bi-weekly. See how that goes. Make them more or less frequent depending on response.

So email your picks to [email protected]

The picks this time around are for Paper and Dice RPGs. I want one or two sentences on SYSTEMS (not rule books, not setting, mood, or genre, SYSTEMS) you would recommend people try. They can be common systems or unknown, obscure ones. In print or out of print. But I want system recommendations for our readership.

  • No more than three recommendations
  • Limit your explanation for WHY we should play the system to 50 words or less.
  • email them to me at the above addres. Don't post them.
  • Deadline is 11:59 PM (that's 23:59 for you military folks) on September 12, 2003. (Though realistically if I have it before I submit the article I'll probably still include it).
I'll compile the list and make it presentable. Let me know if you want your real name or your TWG forum display name attached to it. If you don't tell me, I'll assume forum display name.

Rants and Stuff / The Mall
« on: September 05, 2003, 11:29:13 PM »
Ahh... the hours I spent playing at the Springfield Mall. We would spend easily a $100 a weekend when I was 13 or 14. Lots of play time at the arcade. Across the hall was a skate shop that sold RPGs. So money was spent there too.

I knew my childhood had died when i came home from my mission and the skate shop was gone.

But that used to be the cool mall. The nice one.

Now it sucks royally.

Now, the arcade's still there. But when half the machines are some form of DDR, well, i just don't get excited. There's a new games store, but WotC has decided to stop selling any non-d20 rpg material. (wankers).
But not just that, it's so ... so... ghetto now. The fact that it can't even support Kemp Mill, the only music store with prices lower than Sam Goody (motto: "The Microsoft of Music Sales!"), that was one sign.
Another was that at least 15% of the store locations are empty.
I finally realized that my mall was the craptastic champion when I passed a section of wall where the paint was peeling, kids had drawn on it, and the basic paint was matte violet. erg....
so I also noticed that the entire parking garage, the ENTIRE PARKING GARAGE floor, all of it, was coated in those little bumpy gray lumps from spit out gum.

Man, I was here when they MADE that parking garage. when it was booming.

Now my mall sucks. So my childhood isn't just dead, it's been shredded from its bones and stomped on.

Music / New CDs
« on: September 05, 2003, 11:18:15 PM »
So I was at the mall (rant to be posted elsewhere), and I saw Kemp Mill Records was going out of business, everythign 50% off.

So I look for a few bands, Mark Whitfield, Bela Fleck, The Cure, The Kinks, Hepcat, and Bad Manners were all gone, naturally, all being too popular and/or obscure for there to be any stock left on these. Only the latest U2 album was left, adn I wasn't sufficiently motivated to purchase.

However, I did walk away with 4 CDs.
A Matthew Sweet compilation of his early stuff
Rush, Vapor Trails (yeah, it was about time I got around to that one)
Sheryl Crow's latest
And a TMBG CD. I can't remember the name. Not even sure why I got it, as i think I actually purchased most of the tracks from some website on mp3. <shrug> It's a good 'un at least.

As I left the mall I only regretted that I didn't grab a copy of Eric Clapton's "Riding with the King," a duet effort with B B King which I know to be excellent. But I'm poor and shouldn't have really bought the 4 I got, so I'll live.

Rants and Stuff / Ad Aware
« on: September 05, 2003, 09:10:57 AM »
Just got around to installing it and scanning. 122 objects, nearly every single one a reg key from before I owned the computer. All of them data miners.
Ick. I hate that side of web commerce.

Suggestions Box / bylines
« on: September 03, 2003, 05:20:30 PM »
Just going to renew my bi-monthly gripe that the AUTHOR byline should really be on the main page of the site, as that is a much more handy piece of info for visitors than the person who posted the article they didn't write.

Role-Playing Games / PDB
« on: September 02, 2003, 09:03:14 PM »
Jeff, did you remember to register at so we could continue an online discussion of the game?

Rants and Stuff / back online
« on: August 25, 2003, 10:12:53 AM »
well, i have a functional computer at home. Need to do a couple tweaks, and it's slow. But at least it functions, and I may even be able to play NWN.

Course, cable's still not out here so I have this crappy dial up which gives me years to download the NWN patch....

Netzero is interesting. You have to use this stupid crap nav bar that just takes up screen space, but it costs 5-10 less a month than their competitors, so I'm sticking with it. I just hope the uninstall goes well.

Rants and Stuff / In the news...
« on: August 22, 2003, 05:50:21 PM »
Brazillians kicked out of England for not knowing who Yoko Ono is

Also, I blanked, I had another cool story to talk about but I flaked.  Sorry.

Role-Playing Games / Pendragon
« on: August 16, 2003, 12:24:38 PM »
I really hope I like this game

because Green Knight Publishing just sent me 8 books for the game.

« on: July 30, 2003, 12:52:20 PM »
Well, one of the three. Seems there was a tie.

Rachael Anne Ehlers was born 29 July 2003. 20" 8 lbs, 8 oz. And yes, she is my third child.

Mother and baby are both doing great.

pictures can be found at

Here's a sample:

Role-Playing Games / d20 Mod
« on: July 25, 2003, 09:06:43 AM »
Ok, ever since we talked about using CoC for other genres, and I complained about how it didn't offer enough choices I've been thinking about modding d20, D&D really, into a "build your own class" sort of thing, and I finally started working on it. I have most of the class features rolled into feats, many of which are obviously prerequisites for others, and others which like "Uncanny Dodge" which have stackable, progressive natures that you can get multiple times.

So basically, you gain a level, you get a certain number of points to spend on either saves or attack bonuses, and you get feats to buy either regular feats or class features. It's sort of like taking the fighter class to a new extreme. I'm thinking of rolling the "points" into a feat as well, so you can be 20th level and still have +0 to hit, and +0 on all saves, but you'll have a heck of a lot of special abilities.

The problem is how to handle spells in this set up. It's very complicated. I originally assiged point values for how many spells a class gained each level, but you have to do that for both learning a spell and gaining the ability to cast spells per day. I'm trying to find a way to equalize this. It's taking a lot of time and analysis (comparing to attack bonus and save progression, etc to see relative power increases).

Now I spout all this to see if any of you have opinions or feedback on either the value of what I'm doing or the way which I could go about it. What say ye?

Everything Else / Please be sure your children....
« on: July 11, 2003, 12:08:30 AM »
... are stowed securely in an upright and locked position.

(I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do that, but mostly because I can't remember how many times I've flown with my children exactly, and the numbers are the same)

Rants and Stuff / whatever toots your horn
« on: July 11, 2003, 12:07:10 AM »
So my coworker and I were talking about differences of opinion, and he said "Whatever whirls your dervish" which I thought was particularly odd. But then we started coming up with religious ones.

For Mormons, there's "Whatever baptizes your ancestors"
For medieval Christianity there's "Whatever burns your heretic."

Feel free to add to the list.

Rants and Stuff / coolest spam ever
« on: July 08, 2003, 10:15:17 AM »
I got a spam the other day offering me $5000 if I could build a Dimensional Warp Generator.

Now, it doesn't specifiy any features for such a generator, or even mention what a dimensional warp would look like.

This ignores issues like who gets the patent.

So basically, I should probably send the guy an empty mason jar and ask for the five grand.

Role-Playing Games / Re: Rules for Modern RPG's
« on: July 04, 2003, 12:02:56 AM »
Ok, I'm sure I don't understand what you're getting at here

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