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Messages - JenaRey

Pages: 1 ... 14 15 [16]
Everything Else / Re: article: Little Girls
« on: February 22, 2006, 06:16:57 PM »
Amusingly enough I recently had this conversation with my five year old niece who was objecting to being called "My widdle fuzzy head girl".  She stated emphatically that she was a -woman-.  Then she paused and looked at her grandmother, her mother and me and sighed and said.  "Okay, maybe I can't be a woman until I have bumps."

Definitions of a five year old...


Site News / Re: Another Call for Articles
« on: November 04, 2004, 01:09:03 PM »
If you figure out how to make your characters do that let the rest of us know?  I've got editing and housework that I'd just love to have my characters do so I did have to.  :)


Writing Group / Re: NaNoWriMo 2004
« on: November 03, 2004, 03:55:37 AM »

Thanks for the welcome.  I think we may have met at some point.  I know your name seemed very familiar when I stumbled across your webpage.  :)

I'd have to double check my letter from Tor to see who has it right now.  The manuscript went in last year and there was a mix up with one letter saying it was rejected, one that it was never received and one that it was still being seriously considered. the long run no one can find it and they asked for it to just be sent in again, which is easy enough.  So that's where things are atm.

Just crossed about 2500 words for nano...just to keep the thread in theme.  :)


Writing Group / Re: NaNoWriMo 2004
« on: November 02, 2004, 04:07:38 PM »
No mass editing of your own stuff.  That's one of the points of nanowrimo.  Push forward, don't destroy what you have and keep starting over or you really and truly will never finish, and that breeds frustration.  Sometimes the phrase "I'll fix that later" can be a lifesaver.  Not to mention editing your own stuff, which is different from proofreading your own stufff, is really only effective if you write it, put it in a drawer for about six weeks to two months and then look at it.  Self editing while in the writing process is self defeating.  This is why professionals have editors to chop up their work for them later.  ;)


Writing Group / Re: NaNoWriMo 2004
« on: November 02, 2004, 03:56:52 PM »
Being official.  The only other fun with doing so is that you have access to more forums like this one for chatterboxing about NaNoWriMo when you prolly should actually be...well...writing.  :P


Books / Re: another open call
« on: November 02, 2004, 02:50:17 PM »
One thing to pay attention to is what they want as far as rights.  They want to buy all book and entertainment rights, which means you have the idea and they keep hold on the rights, especially if the idea translates well to screen, boardgame, videogame, etc.  It's na a bad market for landing a first book, but does rather shortsheet the author if you're not careful, so watch that in your contract negotiations it protects you as well as them.  Just something to keep in mind.  :)


Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: November 02, 2004, 02:18:32 PM »
Introductions...hrm...I'm a squid from the's not right.  How does it go again?  Ahh...yes.

My name is Jena I'm old enough to know better, which means over that thirty year mark.  I'm another BYU grad, specifically in English - Editing and Publication emphasis, from many moons ago when the world was a simpler place and computers came in x86s.  I'm still single, just me and the fish and live in Utah County.

Credential wise.  *chuckles*  I've been role playing since...erm...around 1986 an have visited a variety of system, currently settled in DnD 3.5, but having a closet relationship with World of Darkness.

I was editing staff at The Leading Edge for two years, Executive Secretary for one of those years.  I currently write articles for the RPG Times and have done freelance editing work for about the last fourteen years in various fields.  

I'm a jack of all trades type and my brain is stuffed with random useless information about stuff in general.  Don't be surprised when it leaks out.  :P


Writing Group / Re: Editing
« on: November 02, 2004, 01:51:14 PM »
There are a good number of resources out there.  I have a list at home that I'll put up here later tonight if you like.  Bookwise the Chicago Manual of Style is generally seen as the editorial form of a Bible.  The most recent edition is the 15th.  Other good resources include a straight forward dictionary, lots of those online and a good basic grammar book.  Not surprisingly the problems I see in most of the works I edit are basic rules that have been neglected, not really something that is rocket science.  Unless it's a piece on engineering...then it's rocket science.  :)

Best Wishes,

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