Local Authors > Dan Wells

How many people have you gotten to read I am not a Serial Killer?

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Just one. He's gone on to try and spread the love, but so far has failed.

One directly, two indirectly. I read it and left it with my sister to read, but my brother and sister in law both read it as well. I'll steal the credit.

It's good to see you're still alive, Shi. :)

Four for me: sister, brother, awesomest aunt ever, mother (who hid the title wherever she went, stored it face down with the spine against something and usually something on top of it)

Peter Ahlstrom:
Karen asked me if she should read it, and I said no. Especially not the second or third book. She doesn't need nightmares.


--- Quote from: sortitus on August 26, 2010, 04:21:35 AM ---It's good to see you're still alive, Shi. :)
--- End quote ---

Thanks sortitus!

I wish I could get more people to read IANASK, but really most people I know either don't like to read or are very hardcore fantasy/sci-fi, and they're not gonna go for this horror/young adult-ish stuff (I have the british versions of the books, so I can't help but think of them as YA).

But someone saw me reading Mr. Monster yesterday and seemed intrigued. Hmmmm.


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