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Messages - IronStar

Pages: [1]
Site News / Re: Introduce yourself - right on!
« on: April 27, 2004, 10:54:45 PM »
I'm Robieh Bou-Fakreddine (I'm Lebanese in case you were wondering, if not, you know anyways). I live in a small town north of Detroit (It's not dangerous where I live). I'm 16, don't work, and currently waste my life away in school and playing some JV tennis which is a major time drain. I decided I needed swomething else to waste my time with and also decided to sign up because gorgon made me do it.

Uh... I play lots of video games in my spare time and watch lots of movies. I generally like things involving lots of death, blood, and/or violence. (/me thinks who doesn't?).

And that's pretty much my life wrapped up in a paragraph. I feel so worthless now.

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