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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #720 on: October 10, 2010, 10:53:06 PM »
And who and what, really, is Wit?
Wit is Hoid.  If you don't know who Hoid is, you really haven't been reading this forum much.

You've got that right, doug.  I've read all Brandon's books so far and completely missed that Wit/Hoid was a recurring character.  (Shades of Robin Hobb, but much more subtle?)  I love it that Brandon writes for us all, those who love to study and compare and decipher hidden messages and those of us who just like a good story with a few unanswered questions.  I am entertained reading random Time-Waster viewpoints and theories and I laugh at the things I missed, but there is still a lot of enjoyment to be had in letting the story unfold as Brandon reveals things. 

I think his reveals will be a lot more satisfying and methodical that Jordan's ever were.  I am not kidding you: I could care less who killed Asmodean at this point! 


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #721 on: October 12, 2010, 03:39:01 AM »
I think his reveals will be a lot more satisfying and methodical that Jordan's ever were.  I am not kidding you: I could care less who killed Asmodean at this point! 

LOL, you know what, your coming out and saying it has made me realize that I agree with you. It just doesn't really seem all that important, and the only reason it's become so infamous is that Jordan said it should be obvious, and nobody can figure it out.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #722 on: December 18, 2010, 06:31:13 PM »
So true, Ryos.  I feel that some of the pure pleasure of reading is missed by those who obsess over certain minute details.  But  I confess to jealousy of the kind of mind that can naturally keep track of those things.   :)

So glad Time Wasters is back!  Just found out this morning.


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #723 on: December 20, 2010, 03:42:49 PM »
**** On topic Towers of Midnight Spoilers  *******

Well, in point of fact, we know who killed Asmodean.  It was Graendel.  They dropped more than enough hints in Towers of Midnight for 99.99% of the fans to figure it out on their own.  For the absolute nuts, they included an entry in the glossary stating it outright.

I never cared much, but Graendel always seemed to be the best candidate, simply because there were no decent arguments against her (and what little circumstantial evidence there was pointed to her).  But seriously, I stopped paying attention years ago.  I was just curious about the fan reaction after realizing it had finally been revealed.  As Jordan tried to say many times, though, the answer was extremely mundane.  This disappointed fans, but they really should have listened to the author  :).
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #724 on: December 20, 2010, 05:51:07 PM »
***** ToM spoiler in answer *****

Well I know that now, Happy!  And I even got it at the first mention of how many Forsaken Graendal may have had a hand in killing, I think in the prologue?  By the second mention, I was sure.  But I missed lots of other stuff.

I did create my very first WOT loony theory, though!  Read all about it on Dragonmount (I'm Princess of Pie in the Nakomi thread).  You should all be very proud of me.

What about JoeC?  Check in, kiddo!


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #725 on: January 04, 2011, 05:49:35 AM »
Long time no see everyone!! Sooo sorry but I've been very busy. I finished ToM a few weeks ago actually but I haven't been able to scrape together time to come here and talk about it! Almost forgot about this thread! Happy to see I've still got some loyal followers. Okay here we go....
   Wow I loved this book! Brandon has done such a great job of continuing this story faithfully while at the same time incorporating his own style into the book! I've been to some of the forums at Dragonmount and some of the RJ die hards dislike Brandon's style as they feel he's made the characters too "agreeable" with eachother. I kind of like this though, because the constant bickering and infighting got really old. These people are out to save the world and they argue over some of the stupidest things. I think it's very important for the progression of the story that the characters start to compromise with eachother more (Rand and Cadsuane, Mat and the Aes Sedai etc.)
   I enjoy Brandon's pacing a lot more than  RJ's also. Don't get me wrong, I've truly enjoyed all these book up until now, it's just that RJ's tendency to go on and on about peoples clothing in paragraphs that were way too long gave me a headache sometimes. On the flip side there are a few things from RJ's style that I miss. For example, the Aes Sedai don't seem as big of an authority as they once were. Seems like their brick wall of pride has been taken down a notch, specifically Cadsuane. Before BS took over she was absolutely unshakeable. Everything she said was 100% right and she never displayed too many human emotions like surprise or uncertainty. That gave her an air of invincibility and wisdom that it was comforting when she was around. That's not there as much anymore, but I still like her.

Onto the book!

-First off, I did not pick up the hint that Graendal killed Asmodean. Not until reading the forums afterwards did I see that. At least that's solved!! FINALLY lol. Although it is a bit anti climactic, I'd still be interested to know why exactly she did it. Yes he betrayed them, kind of, but Graendal doesn't seem like the type to go personally assassinate someone. And nobody felt a female channeling when she did this?? Anyway, it was good to see her alive as I was hoping her ambiguous "death" in TGS wasn't the last we've heard of her. But ooooh, she's in a wee bit of trouble now!!

-Pardon my French, but I thought it was pretty badass of Rand to walk right into the White Tower without a drop of fear and announce he was going to break the seals. I honestly don't know why he'd do that though. Wouldn't the Dark One be immediately released once they're all broken?? Shouldn't he wait until EVERYONE was right in front of Shayol Ghul to do that?? Anyways, I like the new Rand. After his big change at the end of TGS I've been looking forward to having Rand who wasn't crazy and hearing voices but was instead of sound mind, in touch with his emotions but in control of them, and ready to strike the final blow. I wished there was more of him in this book, he kind of took a back seat to everyone else. Would also have liked to have seen him in action more. But I'm sure there will be plenty of that in the next book. The scene in Maradon was VERY cool. Everything leading up to it also.

-The whole storyline with Perrin and his army ALMOST battling Galad and the Whitecloaks at first went on too long. I really thought it was going to happen and that it would be such a waste of valuable fighters from either side. I was glad they came to a conlusion, and the whole trial thing didn't go on too long at all. I was finally glad to see Morgase's secret revealed and her reunited with her son. (I've been waiting for that to happen! lol) Thankfully they have reluctantly joined forces and will fight side by side at the Last Battle.

-The whole section of the book dealing with Egwene and the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones, Windfinders vs. Mesaana and Black Ajah/ Perrin vs. Slayer/ Gawyn vs. Blood Knives left me breathless!! Hooooly crap that was awesome. Kudos to BS for putting that together so well!! Where do I start?!? lol
    1) I'd been waiting to see Mesaana in action. This was all very well done. The battle with the Black Ajah was great as Egwene showed her superiority in Telarinriohd ( bad spelling I know) Although it looks like Perrin could teach her a thing or two about dream world powers. I laughed when he said "They're just weaves, Egwene." And brushed them off. But I digress. I've been waiting for Katerine to get hers btw. The whole switcheroo fake out with her and Mesaana surprised me. But Egwene really owned this scene when she broke Mesaana's mind like that! Awesome. Come to find out she was Danelle in the White Tower all along. Never guessed it, but over at the WOT FAQ I guess Danelle had been a popular choice. How am I suppose to guess?! There's so many characters in these books! lol Those people go over these books with a fine tooth comb for God's sake!
    2) Perrin's battle with Slayer was everything I wanted it to be. R.I.P. Hopper.... very sad. The whole game with the dreamspike and hopping as far as the dome would allow made for some really good action. Perrin has really developed his powers in the dream world, but I still feel he was overmatched by Slayer. I'm not sure exactly who Slayer is and what his deal is. I know his name is Isam and it's revealed he works specifically for Graendal (although who will he work for now???) How did he get to be so powerful in the dream world and why does he spend so much time there?? Well, he is still alive and I eagerly await the next time him and Perrin do battle.
    3) I really liked the Blood Knives (have they been in any other book??) I honestly thought Gawyn was toast there for a moment but he really showed warrior spirit and cunning by making the room dark and basically fighting sounds. He took their advantage away, although their advantage turned out to be terengal rings they were wearing. He has three now, and I wonder where that plotline will go. Happy to see him and Egwene finally together!!

-Now Mat (still my favorite character all along) sure had a hell of a lot to do in this book! Hell he made the cover!! lol First off, I'll say his decision to face the gholam was one that made me jump out of my seat. I always knew he'd have to do it but I never knew how he'd actually defeat the gholam. The fight scene was brilliant, surrounding the two with lamps and Mat's true anger at the creature. Very exciting, and arguably one of the most terrible deaths imaginable. (Being an immortal creature.... falling in a void forever?? that sucks dude) I've been enjoying additions to Mat's character that are clearly BS hallmarks (tipping his hat in certain scenes... a few lines of dialogue I know came from Brandon)
 Tower of Ghenjei sequence was the 2nd biggest highlight of the book (the first is listed above) How great it was to see Moiraine again. I honestly missed her. She was such a driving force in the early books. She was their Gandalf. God it seems so long ago she disappeared... Fires of Heaven was it?? I very much look forward to seeing the other characters reactions to her return. Specifically Rand and Lan. My guess is that she is one of the ones who has to wield Callandor with Rand. From what I've read on the internet that's a popular assessment.
 Poor Mat. He got his eyeball ripped out!! Half the light of the world. I never put it together. I typically avoided WOT forums in the past other than this one, but from what I've read recently that was something many people were expecting! Yikes those Aalfinn and Ealfinns are creepy. That was a hell of an action scene. Noal as Jain Farstrider...again something that the WOT fanatics picked up on earlier that I never did until it was revealed in the book! But I suppose that's the best way!! Now I'm curious, Lanfear came through with Moiraine also. I imagine they both continued their battle until the snakes and foxes imprisoned them or captured them somehow. It was said that Lanfear was killed because they fed off of her too much. But in the book it says someone came and got her.... or her body. I imagine this to be Moridin. But how did he get there?? Why didn't the snakes and foxes capture him?? Does the Dark One have power over them?? Or some kind of truce?? This left me a little confused!

-Props to Elayne in her scene with the Black Ajah. Everything from disguising herself as Mesaana to the fight with all of them was very exciting. This is a prime example of taking a character you never expected to be in the action.....but then you put her there. She's pregnant with twins and is now queen so I just expected all her scenes to be political mumbo jumbo and filler. This was interesting to me and kind of gave me a sense that all the balls are in the air and nobody is safe.

-Where/who is Demadred?? I don't even recall him being in any of the books. I thought he was Taim, but from what I've read online RJ said that's not true. I'm only left to believe he is someone in the Seanchan hierarchy. 

-Where is Loial?? I miss that guy. I don't even remember where he went!

-Padan Fain..... oooh I can't wait for you to get yours pal. I don't know yet who's going to give it to you! lol

-Moghedian and Cyndane/Lanfear.... are they relegated to just standing besides Moridin whenever he appears anywhere?? Hopefully they have a more expanded role in the next book. The next book will be the last book so I'd say it's time to let them loose!! I'm sure Graendal will wind up mindtrapped too.

Whew!! My hands hurt again!! I know I haven't covered all the bases as there was a lot that happened in this book and even the things I addressed were very much shortened versions of what happened. Overall I will say that I was very happy with this book! My real only complaint is that I have to wait another year for the next and final volume! They wrapped up a lot of plot lines in this book but I am anxious for a few more to be wrapped up. I want to see Moiraine reunited with all the old characters and to see what her part is to play in the Last Battle. Mostly I just want to see the last battle!! lol I've been through 13 books to get here so it better not be just a chapter or two!!!
  Thank you guys for keeping this thread alive. I eagerly await responses from my regulars, especially douglas and mtbikemom. I know there's plenty more to discuss and I would love to hear your angles on things....... or just the entire book in general. Being long time fans, what is your impression of Brandon's continuation of the story. I mean there are clear differences between his and RJ's style, but what are the positives/negatives to this in your opinion?? I would be very interested to know.
 Thank you again for keeping this thread alive. Hope you guys had a great Christmas and a wonderful New Years!! Talk to you soon! Yes I'm back! I'll try to make more time to visit and interact with the posters here!!!


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #726 on: January 04, 2011, 07:11:31 AM »
Pardon my French, but I thought it was pretty badass of Rand to walk right into the White Tower without a drop of fear and announce he was going to break the seals. I honestly don't know why he'd do that though. Wouldn't the Dark One be immediately released once they're all broken?? Shouldn't he wait until EVERYONE was right in front of Shayol Ghul to do that??

The bore was open from the time it was made up until when Lews Therin sealed it, and the Dark One was not able to break out during that time. I understand the War of the Shadow lasted several years. His influence over the Pattern will increase when the seals are broken, but I don't think he's able to break out just yet.

Where/who is Demadred?? I don't even recall him being in any of the books. I thought he was Taim, but from what I've read online RJ said that's not true. I'm only left to believe he is someone in the Seanchan hierarchy.

He's showed up in a couple Forsaken meetings, and he talked to the Dark One at Shayol Ghul once (in Lord of Chaos I believe); that's the last we've heard of him unless I'm mistaken.

I've always thought RJ gave Aes Sedai answers to the question of whether or not Taim is Demandred. I don't remember the exact wording, but there were a few quirks in it that makes me think he was misdirecting us with an intentionally misleading truth. This is my personal theory and doesn't seem to be shared by many others in the fandom.

Where is Loial?? I miss that guy. I don't even remember where he went!

He went back to Stedding Shangtai with one of his parents (I forget which) and his fiancé. The opening quote in TofM is from him. We are given to understand that he will play a pivotal role in convincing the Ogier to stick around in this world, instead of pulling out dolphin style with a "So long, and thanks for all the...well, huh, actually thanks for nothing you bunch of jerks."

Edit: A comment that doesn't specifically relate to your post. I was at first quite sad that Moiraine was so drained of Power coming out. Then I realized that she's suffered a loss of power similar to that suffered by Siuan and Leane, which has a really nice symmetry to it. Those two were able to parley their loss into an advantage, and I have no doubt Moiraine is capable of the same.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2011, 07:15:10 AM by ryos »
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #727 on: January 04, 2011, 04:25:24 PM »
Pardon my French, but I thought it was pretty badass of Rand to walk right into the White Tower without a drop of fear and announce he was going to break the seals. I honestly don't know why he'd do that though. Wouldn't the Dark One be immediately released once they're all broken?? Shouldn't he wait until EVERYONE was right in front of Shayol Ghul to do that??

The bore was open from the time it was made up until when Lews Therin sealed it, and the Dark One was not able to break out during that time. I understand the War of the Shadow lasted several years. His influence over the Pattern will increase when the seals are broken, but I don't think he's able to break out just yet.

This is a really good point, and something I suspect will be addressed in the last book.

As Verin pointed out, we don't really know what the Dark One wants with the world or how much he can influence it.  There's a lot of speculation out there.  I'm not in a camp, because I suspect we don't have enough knowledge to know  :).  The one thing I do believe for certain is that he's lying to the Forsaken, except perhaps to Ishamael.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #728 on: January 08, 2011, 06:32:48 AM »
   Wow I loved this book!

   Why, I ask myself, do many of us enjoy JoeC's commentaries, questions and impressions so much?  Speaking for myself, I look forward to these more than the posts from certain hypercritical individuals who shall remain nameless.  The quote above encapsulates it, I think.  It's the pure joy of discovery and the way JoeC enjoys this story as much as anyone.  It's also his fresh perspective which probably reflects the average young reader and his humility in receiving lots of opinions and corrections with a seemingly open mind and sweet spirit.

   I enjoy Brandon's pacing a lot more than  RJ's also. 

I had the pleasure and privilege of spending some time with Brandon and Harriet a year ago and two things he said still reverberate in my brain.  Firstly, Brandon claimed that everything he had read on forums about who everyone thought wrote which parts of The Gathering Storm. . . were wrong!  That means that those scenes where Mat was portrayed in a manner that dismayed so many were probably written by RJ., who also wrote the Tower of Ghenjei scenes, I'm pretty sure Brandon said.   Hmmmm . . . .  We all need to be careful with judgments about things like pacing and style, although the overall pacing seems better as does the pacing within each scene. 

Harriet and the other Team Jordan members must have a lot to do with some of these decisions, too.  Brandon's mark is obvious to anyone who has read all the books, but just what is him and what is RJ seems to be a tricky guess.  We must remember that Jim Rigney was very ill when he wrote some of his last scenes and notes and there are errors and inconsistencies in what he left. (So blogged Brandon recently.)  I can't even imagine how difficult it was to create these last three books in light of a whole team of editors and fans who dissect every small mistake and every perceived change.   

Also, Brandon's least favorite character to write was Cadsuane.  Harriet and I both looked a bit askance at that and I'm glad to hear that you like Cadsuane, too.  She has always been one of my favorite Aes Sedai; sniffing, tsking, frowning, spankings and all.

-First off, I did not pick up the hint that Graendal killed Asmodean. Not until reading the forums afterwards did I see that. At least that's solved!! FINALLY lol. Although it is a bit anti climactic, I'd still be interested to know why exactly she did it.

Good point!  Another thing Brandon said was that not all plot threads will be resolved and not all questions will be answered.  The very most interesting thing he said (just after one of his signings) was that some of the resolutions were not at all how he would have written them, and some not even much to his liking.  I bet he won't answer my question, if I ever get to ask him, for more details on that score!  He is too respectful to the late Mr. Jordan.

-The whole section of the book dealing with Egwene and the Aes Sedai, Wise Ones, Windfinders vs. Mesaana and Black Ajah/ Perrin vs. Slayer/ Gawyn vs. Blood Knives left me breathless!! Hooooly crap that was awesome. Kudos to BS for putting that together so well!! Where do I start?!? lol
Again, pure JoeC joy.  In this world of cynicism and hyper-analysis, this is a breath of fresh air, don't you agree?
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 08:49:30 PM by mtbikemom »


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #729 on: January 08, 2011, 06:41:57 AM »

I've always thought RJ gave Aes Sedai answers to the question of whether or not Taim is Demandred. I don't remember the exact wording, but there were a few quirks in it that makes me think he was misdirecting us with an intentionally misleading truth. This is my personal theory and doesn't seem to be shared by many others in the fandom.

It's hard to accept that Taim is simply who he says he is.  The depth of his sinister nature just screams "major bad guy!"

Edit: A comment that doesn't specifically relate to your post. I was at first quite sad that Moiraine was so drained of Power coming out. Then I realized that she's suffered a loss of power similar to that suffered by Siuan and Leane, which has a really nice symmetry to it. Those two were able to parley their loss into an advantage, and I have no doubt Moiraine is capable of the same.

Nice observation! 


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #730 on: January 08, 2011, 09:53:55 PM »
Edit: A comment that doesn't specifically relate to your post. I was at first quite sad that Moiraine was so drained of Power coming out. Then I realized that she's suffered a loss of power similar to that suffered by Siuan and Leane, which has a really nice symmetry to it. Those two were able to parley their loss into an advantage, and I have no doubt Moiraine is capable of the same.

Nice observation! 

Ryan I'm not sure it really qualifies as symmetry given that Siuane, Leanne and Moiraine were in fact members of a single cabal rather than opponents. It does clear the way for her to become the head of the new 'kin' auxiliary however. But the whole thing begins to have the flavor of a kung-fu theatre flick when ANYONE who really has any power and stands up to big bad, has to limp away dead or diminished. It is a recipe for closing the book with a whimper rather then the roar it deserves.

Sorry to hijack your post Bikemon.
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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #731 on: January 09, 2011, 07:47:26 AM »
Edit: A comment that doesn't specifically relate to your post. I was at first quite sad that Moiraine was so drained of Power coming out. Then I realized that she's suffered a loss of power similar to that suffered by Siuan and Leane, which has a really nice symmetry to it. Those two were able to parley their loss into an advantage, and I have no doubt Moiraine is capable of the same.

Nice observation! 

Ryan I'm not sure it really qualifies as symmetry given that Siuane, Leanne and Moiraine were in fact members of a single cabal rather than opponents. It does clear the way for her to become the head of the new 'kin' auxiliary however. But the whole thing begins to have the flavor of a kung-fu theatre flick when ANYONE who really has any power and stands up to big bad, has to limp away dead or diminished. It is a recipe for closing the book with a whimper rather then the roar it deserves.

Sorry to hijack your post Bikemon.

Symmetry is in the eye of the beholder, Renoard.   ;)

Have you ever read one of Brandon's books?  Of course you have.  Is there really any chance that a whimper is even possible in one of his famous avalanche endings?  Color me optimistic. 

To answer JoeC's question about my overall impressions of ToM, I was really ready to enjoy this book and I read it rather slowly in order to savor it.  A few things did bother me (like Rand's Alan Alda soliloquy and some Sanderson modernisms), but I don't recall a big sluggish section like in TGS.  I loved Rand's presence bringing abundance in the orchard, I loved Gawyn and Berelain getting all twitterpated and I especially loved the big fight in TAR.  I am intrigued by Nakomi (who visits Avhienda before Rhuidean) and am hoping she is more important than she seemed.  I will keep my loony theory about her to myself for now.  Since I missed Loial's letter at the very beginning, I enjoyed discovering it and reading it in the end.  Kind of a treat. 


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #732 on: January 24, 2011, 06:29:37 AM »
*********************obviously some spoilers below.....*****************

I'm not sure exactly who Slayer is and what his deal is. I know his name is Isam and it's revealed he works specifically for Graendal (although who will he work for now???) How did he get to be so powerful in the dream world and why does he spend so much time there?? Well, he is still alive and I eagerly await the next time him and Perrin do battle.

Slayer and Isam are 2 different people yet on in the same. Isam is Lan's cousin who was caught in the blight and combined with Slayer somehow. When he is in the dream world he is Slayer when he steps out of the dream world he becomes Isam. Perrin has pointed out they smell different too, though they both have an evil smell. isam and Slayer also do not dream themselves into the dream world, they can literally step in and out of it, but as demonstrated while trying to kill one of the main characters (i think it was rand?) they don't have much control in stepping out into the right spot as he killed innocent random people. Graendal also never owned him, moridin was loaning him to her, i think he is more of just a high ranking dark friend the forsaken can control in the chain of command.

Now I'm curious, Lanfear came through with Moiraine also. I imagine they both continued their battle until the snakes and foxes imprisoned them or captured them somehow. It was said that Lanfear was killed because they fed off of her too much. But in the book it says someone came and got her.... or her body. I imagine this to be Moridin. But how did he get there?? Why didn't the snakes and foxes capture him?? Does the Dark One have power over them?? Or some kind of truce?? This left me a little confused!

Most people agree that is was most likely Moridin, or at a minimum someone who represented Moridin's interest. She was most definitely still alive when he got her it's how come Cynade(spelling)/Lanfear has reduced strength now. We can tell she wasn't there to long though as they say she is still as powerful as most of the female forsaken, just weaker than she used to be. As for how he got there, it's debated he could have entered through the tower but A lot think (including me) he went through the doorway in TEAR, when mat tried to leave through that doorway it was also destroyed, so someone destroyed it. The dark one should not have power over them, it has been stated before that even asking questions relating to him make their world unstable, they seem to be completely neutral in the war. If Moridin went through the door-frame they could not hurt him, through the tower...well that would take some explaining.

Where/who is Demadred?? I don't even recall him being in any of the books. I thought he was Taim, but from what I've read online RJ said that's not true. I'm only left to believe he is someone in the Seanchan hierarchy. 

Most people think he is the king that Mat helped out (Murandy i think). Well actually the band helped while mat was in ebou Dar. It would be consistent with his personality, the way he is said to fight, and the fact he kept saying he would blind side them, attack from within etc.  I used to believe this but I'm not as sure know, i can't help but wonder if he's instead connected to the Caemlyn invasion and that would be how he attack from within by setting p a base there, most still think he's the King of Murandy though.

extras Cyndane/Lanfear - I'm sure she'll have a very important part to play just by this quote "He sought calmness, but he could not find it. Instead,, he felt hatred, concern, and -like a seething viper within him - desire." I'm sure Moridin or someone is baiting him using he newly found calmness and love, after all he did love her once, i will be very interested to see this story line i think it has a bigger part to play than most of us think.

Since I don't think I've posted on this thread or said this: Thank you JoeC for all your post, I've kept up with and read them as you did your read and they were wonderful, especially the ones on books 8,9 and 10 as i skipped them in my re-reads and used what you said as a reminder ;)


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Re: WOT Help
« Reply #733 on: January 25, 2011, 02:03:52 AM »
Update, correction about slayer: I messed this up actually, slayer is  the name given to Luc and Isam as one.

Luc :Tigraine's brother. He disappeared into the Blight in 971 NE and is presumed dead. His sign is an acorn. He is one facet of Slayer. Looks enough like Lan to be his brother.
Isam: Son of Lain and Breyan. Cousin to Lan. He is one facet of Slayer.

This also makes him Rands and Lans cousin

# When the Trolloc hoards overrun Malkier, Breyan flees with the infant Isam and they are never seen again. (TEotW,Ch47)
# According to the Dark Prophecy, Luc meets Isam in the Mountains of Dhoom. One lives and one dies but both are. Luc and Isam are merged into a single being and given special powers by the Great Lord. (TGH,Ch7, WH,Ch22) 

WH,Ch22 - He freely switches personalities between Luc and Isam in both the real world and Tel'aran'rhiod.  Also as stated in WH, CH22 only the Great Lord and Chosen can command him.

Sorry about my post, i was completely wrong there. He is always Slayer, but he can choose to be Isam or Luc when he steeps into the world of dreams.  It was Rand and Min he was trying to kill too.

Btw if you ever want more information is a GREAT reference for anything you can imagine WOT related.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 02:09:33 AM by rempires »