General > Suggestions Box

What was the worst film ever made?

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Peter Ahlstrom:
Somehow, that was the very first episode of MST3K I watched, and I must agree. I could have sworn it was three hours long even excluding the parts I fast-forwarded. Sheer torture.

Excluding MST3K, I've only seen D&D, and that was a horrific movie, and the first one that came to mind when I saw the title of the thread.

I won't even watch Disney sequels, but I know they've gotta rank up there.

I think there comes a point when movies are so bad you can't distinguish them anymore. And all those movies hit past that point.

To all of you MST3K fans out there I ask, Where is Roadhouse on this list?


--- Quote from: MrPapersHead on October 23, 2008, 01:09:18 AM ---To all of you MST3K fans out there I ask, Where is Roadhouse on this list?

--- End quote ---

I'm sorry, but Manos: The Hands of Fate has no competition. As for the movies on the offical Poll List, I'm sure it belongs in there somewhere.

The Jade Knight:
Frankly, I found D&D even worse than Manos.


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