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Fear not


Spriggan is currently working on getting flash MX, or flash 6.  this version is realy cool and allows you to load MP3, and graphics from outside the flash file (so I can make the Droid game a lot smaller, actualy I can make the sound version the same size as the non sound then just stream in all the sound) also it has a lot more capabilites that will make the forum game easier to do.

Spriggan is also currently referring to himself in the third person.  Kid Kilowatt thinks that's kinda wierd.

Sorry but Spriggan has been speaking in Japanese alot and speaking in 3rd person is perfectly normal in Japanese.  Also with flash MX we can do streaming radio broadcasts.  Now everyone can HEAR Fellfroschs editorals as well as read then.

House of Mustard:
Will they hear Fellfrosh's smug tone of voice as well?


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