Author Topic: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]  (Read 41140 times)


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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #135 on: January 19, 2010, 06:16:02 AM »
It never states that tapping strength gives you any kind of physical resistance. It does however say burning pewter does, and since it never mentions it, it shouldn't be a stretch to say it doesn't.
I don't think any of my arguments have required extra physical resistance from feruchemy with pewter.

Now in regards to moving a boulder a human can flip a car to save themselves or their child, it usually involves several fractures and torn tendons but it has been done.
And yet Alendi observed feruchemists doing equivalent feats of strength without any noteworthy injury, and I rather doubt a broken bone or torn tendon would have gone without note, and did it casually as if it were routine.

Note I've met stupid lawyers at fire scenes whom I wonder how they graduated anything a degree is not impressive especially when you can get really pointless majors and know no more than algebra and take volcanoe and other pointless science credits (my father took wine making as a chem class).
Ok, you have a point.  My degree is in Computer Science from a fairly major accredited and respected college (Georgia Tech), though, and I did not select any of my science classes for being easy.

I was annoyed b/c i did mention head shot and the effects of adrenaline are well known
I acknowledged that a good head shot will take out a feruchemist, though I think I might have missed it the first time you mentioned it, but that only matters if the mistborn can land a headshot.

coupled with the effect that you share one of my most annoying vices, bold assumptions.
Assumptions about what, specifically?  I don't think I've posted an argument about feruchemical capability that wasn't backed up by something from the books, with the possible exception of extrapolating a little far from the demonstrated instances of healing and the one word "warmth" description of brass's feruchemical power.

Word of God: Everyone always says that Allomancy is the better combat skill, but that's just because the resource it uses—metal—is far more plentiful than the resource Feruchemy uses. Put the two into a battle together with enough power to spare, and the Feruchemist will almost always win.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:33:25 AM by douglas »


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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #136 on: January 19, 2010, 06:20:03 AM »
Woo, vindication. ;)

I definitely still think that Allomancy (at least, in Mistborn form) is a more powerful ability.  If nothing else, the ability to perform like that day after day beats out anything a Feruchemist could hope to accomplish. 

But in a single battle, where the Feruchemist is well-stocked and has no reason to save anything for later?  There would be a beat-down. 


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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #137 on: January 19, 2010, 06:37:41 AM »
But in a single battle, where the Feruchemist is well-stocked and has no reason to save anything for later?  There would be a beat-down. 
Yep, and it would be the mistborn being beaten.  The reason the Lord Ruler was so powerful - or rather, so much more powerful than the other original mistborn - was that he could pull off a feruchemist's potential but fuel it with metal, making it possible to use a feruchemist's one-shot power every day with a vastly reduced need to recharge.

Note, btw, that the annotation I quoted from is for a chapter from well after duralumin was discovered.

Oh yeah, another example: When the Lord Ruler faces Kelsier near the end of Final Empire, someone sticks a spear all the way through his midsection and he just ignores it.  He proceeds to have a little chat with Kelsier, kill him, carry on as if the spear were of no consequence, and then belatedly remove it.  A mistborn burning pewter and duralumin might be able to do something like that, but I'm pretty sure TLR left it in for longer than a duralumin flare lasts and he did not consume any metals to refresh a spent pewter supply.  Plus, since pewter does increase physical resistance I'm not sure the spear would have gone through him in the first place if allomancy were responsible.  I submit that this feat was almost certainly the result of feruchemy's health power, and that any feruchemist with a sufficient amount of health stored up would be able to duplicate it.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:55:14 AM by douglas »


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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #138 on: January 19, 2010, 08:39:42 AM »
1. I am sure most of us can picture a Mistborn taking down a Feruchemist (with a decent energy reserve) if we were put in the Mistborn's shoes.

2. I am sure most of us can picture  a Feruchemist (with a decent energy reserve) taking down a Mistborn if we were put in the Feruchemist's shoes.

3. If this was a game I know plenty of players who would win 90% or more of the time against most players regardless of the shoes they happen to be wearing at any given time.

4. If Kelsier (Vin if you prefer) was a Feruchemist instead of an Allomancer I still don't think any Mistborn or Feruchemist would escape him if he chose them as his next victim.         

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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #139 on: January 22, 2010, 05:18:57 AM »
On a day to day basis, I'm not sure which one.  But one thing I think Allomancy has going for it is the flying through the air.  I'm pretty sure Feruchemy wouldn't be able to replicate it.   I'd love to fly like that.

Though Feruchemy has the whole warmth thing, which would be great for the wintertime.  I'd be about ten times more willing to try any snow sport if I had that.

Either way, I'd never have a reason to work out ever!
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #140 on: January 22, 2010, 06:12:59 AM »
You can fly using Feruchemy by reducing your weight to zero and flapping your arms. Assuming you've strapped on wings.
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #141 on: January 22, 2010, 10:16:43 PM »
You can fly using Feruchemy by reducing your weight to zero and flapping your arms. Assuming you've strapped on wings.
If thats true then you would not be limited to were you could fly or your altitude like you are with Allomancy, because your not dependent on having metal to pull and push on. Feruchemy would offer a free  :D and untethered experience. Allomancy with an ample amount of metal to push and pull from would have a easy time with speed and maneuverability  ;D but great altitudes  >:( would still be hard to come by. Water crossings are probably out of the question for Allomancy unless the water does not reach depths of real consequence, then you might be able to pull off some sort of wacky Vin horse shoe maneuver.
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #142 on: January 22, 2010, 10:25:07 PM »
I don't think the belongings of a Feruchemist are affected by weight reduction so it's a good thing they can store warmth to use when they fly in the winter wearing only a loincloth :-* .     
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #143 on: January 23, 2010, 04:21:19 AM »
Well can you flap your arms harder than wind....b/c it's not free you aren't going to generate enough force to fight 20mph winds. You can only go where the wind blows.
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #144 on: January 23, 2010, 04:41:53 AM »
@ Six More Weeks of Kaz: just tap strength and/or speed
@Seaoftrouble: a well aimed Duralumin push can get you pretty far


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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #145 on: January 23, 2010, 06:31:47 AM »
Well can you flap your arms harder than wind....b/c it's not free you aren't going to generate enough force to fight 20mph winds. You can only go where the wind blows.
I was going to mention that wind would be a factor but figured why bother it's to obvious to bring up  ;) 

Gliders and hang gliders get around very well so with some practice and a good altitude you could probably do OK.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 06:52:58 AM by Seaoftrouble »
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #146 on: January 23, 2010, 06:43:31 AM »
@Seaoftrouble: a well aimed Duralumin push can get you pretty far
Make sure you bring some metal to throw in front of you for the landing  :o and make sure you drink down some more steel before you try.  Wait better Idea duralumin with pewter for the landing that would be sweet  8) and not require the consumption of steel before you land.
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Re: Mistborn: Allomancy or Feruchemy? [ SPOILER ]
« Reply #147 on: January 23, 2010, 08:46:28 AM »
Yeah, but my point is not in the travel, but in the fun, the thrill.  When it comes to flying through the air, the ratio of work to fun severely tips in Allomancy's favor.  Flapping arms for lift?  Unless you're a bird, that sounds like no fun.  (by they way, being a bird would be pretty awesome in that regard)
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