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Messages - little wilson

Pages: 1 ... 106 107 [108] 109
Brandon Sanderson / Re: best magic system
« on: November 16, 2008, 05:30:18 AM »
Allomancy. Brass and Zinc would be so much fun...
True. Oddly, I seem to overlook the usefulness of emotional allomancy, and focus more on the physical metals (probably because it's easier for me to imagine). But as fun as jumping around, being able to hold my own--and better--in a fight, and having enhanced senses, it doesn't really compare with manipulating the emotions. It would be quite entertaining to find out how much I could influence others without their noticing....

Brandon Sanderson / Re: For the Crew: Elmandr's Bet *SPOILERS*
« on: November 16, 2008, 01:13:59 AM »
I say, bring on the Brotherhood 2.0! Bring It!

Are you sure? There's some evil things on there--things I'm not sure you would like doing. Like this:

Brandon Sanderson / Re: For the Crew: Elmandr's Bet *SPOILERS*
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:32:00 PM »
I'm sure we could, and it may even be more funny for us to watch. Has anybody seen Brotherhood 2.0? It's on youtube, and it's got some interesting little punishments that may work.....Some of them, as funny as they are to watch, would be too painful for chin-waxing.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: best magic system
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:26:25 PM »
I went with Allomancy, simply because if I could choose what I would want to be, it would be an Allomancer...Actually, I was walking around school the other day, and I imagined myself burning steel and iron and jumping from place to place. It was kind of cool, if a little crazy.

I also think Feruchemy's pretty cool, and Awakening seems pretty sweet too--I haven't read all of Warbreaker though, so I don't know a whole lot about it yet. Perhaps I'll wish I could change my vote when I finish....

Brandon Sanderson / Re: For the Crew: Elmandr's Bet *SPOILERS*
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:21:28 PM »
That might make it tastier....If a hat can actually BE tasty in the first place.

Books / Re: Meyer Stops writing next twilight book
« on: November 15, 2008, 08:45:06 AM »
And I find it funny that you guys were possably in a class with her.

I think it's funny, too. And that they don't remember her. Shows just how memorable she was.

I personally think the premise of the book had a lot of potential. But the execution left a lot to be desired. Not in the reading--she's actually a good story-teller, but a horrible writer. Her books, using a description I got from a brilliantly-written Twilight review, is "somewhat reminiscent of a cheap, drugstore romance novel written by an inexperienced, romance-starved teenage girl."

For kicks and giggles, here's something else in the same review that makes me laugh every time:

Every single conversation in the book can be summed up like this:

Edward: Bella, I love you!

Bella: [blushes] Despite the fact that you're creepy and watch me while I sleep, which normally would upset any girl who possesses a functioning brain, I love you too!

Edward: [said broodingly, with an air of mystery] …However, our love can never be! I'm far too dangerous!


Edward: Bella, I love you even though all logic and reasoning tells me to act otherwise!

Bella: [says something witty] You are so gorgeous! Let cruel fate never tear us apart!

Edward: Well, it's been real and all, but you should probably blow this popsicle stand. I'm dangerous!

And I've never read The Host. I've heard it's better than Twilight, but I just have no desire to read it, not after her behavior with MS. She's a 30-some-odd year old woman who's acting like an 11-year-old brat. That's not cool.

Books / Re: Meyer Stops writing next twilight book
« on: November 15, 2008, 06:25:04 AM »
I know this is cruel, but the world would be a better place if she HADN'T written anything again.....

Everything Else / Re: Whay you do and why you hate it!
« on: November 14, 2008, 10:01:20 PM »
I'm a university student. It is quite amazing, really. The only complaint I have is: why do exams always seem to fall on the same day? I have both a Japanese and a Calculus 2 exam on Tuesday. There is no logical reason for this to be! They are completely different departments and subjects, and yet they show their ugly faces on the same day. Also, I have an essay due the day before.

This is the second time this string of coincidences has occurred.

I have a theory that professors collaborate to pile stress on the students. Then they make bets to see which student will crack first....I didn't do so hot last semester. Having three breakdowns (emotional, physical AND mental) all during finals week is NOT fun!

And that's what I hate about school....

Movies and TV / Re: Heroes: Season 3 *SPOILERS*
« on: November 14, 2008, 09:50:01 PM »
Oh, I watch that show too! I still need to watch Monday's ep. After Heroes, I got completely absorbed reading HoA and missed Terminator....

Movies and TV / Re: Heroes: Season 3 *SPOILERS*
« on: November 14, 2008, 09:26:26 PM »
I just hope they find a better solution than : Hiro goes back in time and disconnects Petrelli's life support and so the whole situation created this season just goes away.

That would be lame

No kidding. I didn't even think about that....I don't think the show's gone downhill quite THAT much....Prison Break on the other hand....But that's irrelevant for this discussion.

Movies and TV / Re: Heroes: Season 3 *SPOILERS*
« on: November 14, 2008, 09:10:14 PM »
I know. It's like they looked at Peter and Sylar and said "They're too powerful. Let's do something about that." And so last season, Sylar lost all his powers (which I still don't understand how he supposedly lost all his powers, but yet he still has telekinesis. That wasn't his original power. It was just the first power he stole...).

And now this season Daddy Petrelli stole all Pete's. And Pete can't even get them back, because he lost his MAIN power--the empath. He's pretty much a useless character now. I mean, I guess he could turn out to be like Noah and maybe even Ando, but Pete just doesn't seem to have the background for a life like Noah's, nor a good enough friend to be like Ando....Lame.

I must say, though, I love Sylar. I've always loved Sylar for some reason, even back when he was killing everyone in Season 1. I started liking him even more in the fastforward this season. "Peter, you should've told me you were coming. I would've made more waffles."...I thought it was hilarious.

I think the premise of this season is good--the turning of the heroes into villains. But the writers are executing it very poorly. I do like how they're making Sylar into a bit better of a character. I was hoping they'd do the same for Adam. Make the bad guys good and the good guys bad....But we all know how that turned out, for Adam at least. Still makes me mad. He had so much more potential.....

I'm hoping that if Daddy Petrelli doesn't steal Hiro's power (if he did, I would be FURIOUS!), Hiro will bring Adam back. Somehow. I don't know why he would, but maybe Hiro will see something in the future and he knows they need Adam...I hope.

Books / Re: Meyer Stops writing next twilight book
« on: November 14, 2008, 08:41:28 AM »
Twilight....What's there to say? Oh, I know. I hate it. With a passion. And it makes me laugh that Midnight Sun has been put on hold "indefinitely," especially after the epic fail that was Breaking Dawn.....I read half of that book when it leaked. I saw it being posted on imdb, so I got the link and downloaded it....What a joke of a book. Can't believe crap like that actually got published, and that people are seriously comparing her to JKR.

To be completely fair, though. I was looking forward to Midnight Sun. Smeyer failed with Twilight, but I was willing to give her one last chance. If she failed with MS, I would never read anything by her again.....And now I won't. Not only did she pretty much throw a tantrum when the draft was leaked (so what? Same thing happened with HP and JKR didn't whine like a baby), but then she said that she's not emotionally capable to write it right now.

I'm only an aspiring author, and even I know that the best way to write a book is with an outline. She has an outline. Her outline is a whole freaking published book! All she has to do is change the perspective. Really, how hard can that be? Especially with THIS story....Fail. Twilight is a perfect indication of just how sad the literary world is now...Good thing not all authors are like Smeyer in maturity and writing skill, because then we'd really be messed up.

Movies and TV / Re: Heroes: Season 3 *SPOILERS*
« on: November 14, 2008, 08:10:05 AM »
Though, I was kind of disappointed to see him go.. :(

I was very disappointed to see him go. Adam rocked. His death was so anti-climactic after all he did last season. I had high hopes for him this season. But NO, the writers copped out. Pansies....

Last ep was kind of lame. I normally like the background eps, but this one....meh. I thought the previous ep was pretty good though. Sucks that Pete lost all his powers. Daddy Petrelli is an evil man. Love his power, though. Totally fits with Sylar's and Peter's.

Music / Re: What are you Listening to?
« on: November 14, 2008, 07:37:42 AM »
Making April on repeat....they're really good. I love the song "Hurry Up and Wait." It's fantastic.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: If Mistborn was a movie. . . .
« on: November 14, 2008, 07:33:56 AM »
I cannot begin to describe how opposed I am to Orlando Bloom playing Elend. For one, Bloom really isn't THAT good of an actor. And two, while he's hot, he's WAY too pretty-boy for El. While I think El is supposed to be good-looking (I liked him pretty much right off the bat, the second the messy dark hair was described, and he just seemed so witty and smart...), he's definitely not supposed to be a pretty-boy. I mean, Vin says in HOA that she liked El before he became dreamy. That says to me he wasn't necessarily dreamy in FE.

I also have to disagree with Summer Glau for Vin. I really don't think she looks like Vin at all. Her face is too....un-Vin-like. I can't really describe it. I like her as an actress, I just don't think she's Vin.

When I'm looking for casts for movies, it matters less to me about skill of the actor. My options aren't going to get picked, so I choose people based on appearance.

Vin: Nicki Aycox (looks nearly perfect. Age could be younger, but she doesn't look as old as she is)
Kelsier: Daniel Craig (He may not be the PERFECT Kelsier, but I think he's close. Approx right age and look)
Dox: Adam Baldwin (Older than Craig, and I think Dox should be older than Kell, just not by much)
Sazed: Erick Avari (pretty much IS Sazed)
Ham: Alan Tudyk
Breeze: Tom Sizemore
Clubs: Jeremy Irons (loved this idea)
Spook: Rory Culkin (possibly, but far from the best. will keep looking..)
Elend: Julian Morris (he makes me giggle...)
Marsh: Sean Bean
Lord Ruler: Christopher Walken (among many other possibilities...)
Renoux: Alan Rickman

Still looking for Yeden, Demoux, and Goradel (just for kicks and giggles)

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