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Messages - Ereinion

Pages: [1]
I liked The Great Hunt's best. 

You only say that because you haven't finished Lord of Chaos yet  ;D

Yay, new WoT reader!

As far as reading order, I think that most people probably recommend starting the main series first because that's the way they did it. I'm glad you enjoyed New Spring.

Having said that, I think that not having read New Spring first helps you to empathize a bit more with Rand and Mat, because you're just as lost as they are. At least that's how I remember feeling the first time I read the first book 12 years ago or so.

I'm sure the characters will grow on you as they are forced to change themselves. Rand starts to grow into his role of Dragon Reborn. And Mat, well lets just say that in books 1 and 2 you only get glimpses of what becomes the greatest character that fiction has ever produced(imho). I really enjoy reading from the PoVs of all the main characters.

Keep in mind that the series is not known for the speed of plot development. But if there exists a book/series/tvshow/movie with a more complex and full plot I haven't heard of it. If  you reach any of the boring parts just plow through it and I promise you won't regret it.

Check out down for maintenance for a couple days) when you have time. Most of it is spoilerish but in the structured forums i believe they have subforums for the earlier books.

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