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Messages - mtbikemom

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: December 12, 2009, 09:39:38 PM »
  To be more precise, Brandon said, when asked who is his least favorite character to write, "Cadsuane."  He said it quite a few times on tour, actually.  There may have been others he mentioned, but this is the one that kind of jolted me because I have always liked her and wanted more of her sometimes, not less.  Especially with Verin and Moiraine out of the picture for now.  That is probably why RJ had lots of Cadsuane in his notes interacting in most/all of the pivotal scenes with Rand.  He liked her as much as we do and I think Harriet does, too, though I chickened out when I had the chance to ask her directly, sitting right next to Brandon as she was.

 I think Brandon is just being candid and honest, not unprofessional.  It's not like he would have brought it up outside the context of tour questioning and I imagine her spanking episode has much to do with Brandon's dislike.  It was a scene that would never have come out of his head, I think, and disturbed him, so she disturbed him.  My guess.

I totally agree with you, Cyn.  What is not to like?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:52:05 AM »
Or maybe more human, the more he accepts it, the less he fights it.  I wouldn't have gone that way, but this is Mr. Jordan's world, not mine, and I relish the surprises.

I wonder if this is another example of things Brandon would not have chosen to write, as I mentioned before, if he were the one choosing everything in this project.  I know one other "for sure": the spanking scene.  Brandon did not care for that particular plot variant, but RJ was very clear about it in his notes.   Brandon just does not like Cadsuane at all, anyway, he says.   That's too bad, really, because he usually does so well with strong female characters and, to me, Cadsuane is potentially one of the best.  I wish I had asked Harriet if she agreed with me, but I didn't want to start a minor fight.  I think Harriet might have, with a characteristic twinkle in her eye, said something like, "They are all terrible and wonderful." 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: December 05, 2009, 09:40:25 PM »
Notice the grammar and spelling.  I think Happy got/gets A's more often than not.

Movies and TV / Re: 2009-2010 TV Shows
« on: December 05, 2009, 09:36:04 PM »
   What about the scenes with the awkward daughter's boyfriend last week? 

Yes.  Those scenes were timed perfectly.  They killed me.

Adam Baldwin is by far the best Baldwin of them all. Everything he touches is gold, although the box office/ratings do(es) not always show it.

I will say that Alec Baldwin in his 30 Rock character is freaking awesome as well.  That show is one of the best comedies on.  But yeah, other than those two Baldwins, the rest are awful.

At first I said, wait a minute!  There's a fifth Baldwin bro?  Would the universe really be that unkind?

Now I realize you two are either pulling our collective legs or just plain wrong.  It's OK, I've been wrong once, I think.  In my one minute of research, though, I did discover that Adam Baldwin is a conservative/libertarian.  Cool, another one in Hollywood who is employable.  There really aren't many.

Movies and TV / Re: 2009-2010 TV Shows
« on: December 04, 2009, 02:04:05 AM »
last week's episode of The Middle had me laughing pretty hard.  It still feels a tad too similar to Malcolm in the Middle though.

As for Chuck.  Thank.  Heavens.   19 glorious episodes.  I cannot wait.  Adam Baldwin kills me as John Casey.

   What about the scenes with the awkward daughter's boyfriend last week?  Those were well-written and the comedic timing was amazing.  I never saw M in the M, so it is all fresh for me.  And I like to support the few conservative Hollywood actors, which Patricia Heaton is. 

   Adam Baldwin is a comic genius.  Just watching Firefly episodes with the hubby for my second time and really appreciating him.  He did get lots of the best lines, though.

Dan Wells / Re: Buy Dan Bacon?
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:56:30 AM »
Heart attack casserole.   Can I please buy a vegetable?

Movies and TV / Re: 2009-2010 TV Shows
« on: December 03, 2009, 06:53:43 AM »
You guys turned me on to Chuck and the whole fam loves it.  Oh, and The Middle was on tonight, not Sunday.  It really is funny!  It might be funnier than Chuck.  Truly LOL.

Movies and TV / Re: 2009-2010 TV Shows
« on: November 30, 2009, 05:35:07 AM »
It's probably not that funny if you don't have teenagers yet, anyway.  But the racist boss is so funny.  And the really eccentric eight-year-old.  And the parental dilemmas are written so well.  I don't even know why I started watching it because I also am never in the mood for sitcoms.  Except for Sunday nights at 8:30 PT now.  Heehee.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: November 30, 2009, 02:16:25 AM »
If I need a website to recall who in the world I am reading about and what he/she has done in book 3-6, the character list has gotten way out of control.

It really has not.

Has so!  Bookstore Guy agrees, so case closed.  Am I not correct?  (BSG wisely avoids further controversy.)

O.K., I guess I'll try to grow up a bit.  Someone who can catalog that many continuity-related details off the top of his head is not the same kind of human as most of us.  Hats off to you, Cynewulf!  Vtaltos is correct, we are gentlefolk.  Except for Kaz, of course.   :o

Movies and TV / Re: 2009-2010 TV Shows
« on: November 29, 2009, 04:40:02 AM »
Peter, try "The Middle" on ABC.  Surprisingly wholesome and kooky.  I usually dislike sitcoms, but this one is laugh-out-loud for me. 

If you have not watched "Journeyman" on Fancast, you are missing out.  It was so good and canceled after one season while the "Bionic Girl" (Woman?) and lots of other nonsense was renewed.

I know Castle is bad, but I watch it anyway.  I'm a girl!  It works for me as a guilty pleasure and I love Castle's relationship with his daughter and his eccentric mom.  I know, the drawn out sexual tension is as old a T.V. plot device as dirt, but a good romantic comedy is refreshing sometimes, as long as it stays outta the gutter.  Dollhouse is decidedly gutter for me.  But I am practically Victorian.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: November 28, 2009, 07:33:34 PM »
Does not "epic" refer more to scope than length these days?  There are plenty of book series that are long, but so limited in scope that no one would classify them as epic, like C.S. Lewis's books.  There are better examples, I'm sure.  LotR is considered epic because of the wonderfully detailed (though emotionally restrained) world Mr. Tolkien created.  RJ took the genre of high fantasy, as he liked to call it, to sometimes ridiculous proportions.  If I need a website to recall who in the world I am reading about and what he/she has done in book 3-6, the character list has gotten way out of control.  But I'm still reading.

A novella-length poem is epic, to my way of thinking, just because it's amazing to sustain story and poetic structure for more than a few pages.  Prose is different.

I agree with Whitefire: Brandon is striking a good balance between stopping to smell roses and getting on with the story.  I think even better than Knife of Dreams, which felt rushed to me.  There was just that one Psych. 101 moment of "role-playing" in TGS that made me cringe a bit (like when I read the words "deal with it" or "relationship" in fantasy: modernisms, I think), but other than that, the story flowed nicely for me.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: November 28, 2009, 12:48:24 AM »
Thanks, Kazman, I musta missed that somewhere. 

People are not supposed to be recommending racy stuff on this thread!  Problem is, what's mild for one is way over-the-top for another.  One or two scenes of mostly-off-camera sex, and quite a bit of action-related violence, is O.K. by me, but many would consider what I tolerate intolerable.  Torture scenes are sometimes important, but more often these days they are indulgent/gratuitous/kinky.  That's why I started this thread, to help me sift through the disgusting and get to really good fantasy and sci fi without wading through what I consider distasteful content myself.   :)
How'd that post get here?  I think you meant to post in this thread.

Oh, just wait till YOU'RE old!

Books / Re: Fantasy: reliable content
« on: November 28, 2009, 12:43:38 AM »
O.K., I was wondering about that, Douglas.  Seems like Miles is the character to look forward to and I'll keep reading.

Thanks, Kazman, for the heads-up.  I posted a reply to you, I thought, but it's not here!   Hate when that happens.  I said something like: one person's tolerable content is another's intolerable.  No one should be recommending anything racy on this here thread, but it's so very subjective.  The discussion is always valuable, I think.

Books / Re: Fantasy: reliable content
« on: November 26, 2009, 01:01:03 AM »
O.K., been busy, but finished Lois McMaster Bujold's first two novels, conveniently packaged in one book called Cordelia's Honor and I give it a big neh

Sorry fans of hers, but I was not drawn to it like I have been to Robin Hobbs.  I made it through Assassin's Quest, though I wasn't sure I could hang on, and I'm glad I did.  It's all about characterization for me and AQ was rich enough in depth of relationship and even had some surprises.  I had heard that it was tedious and that not enough happened, so again I didn't expect much and was pleased to find what I thought was good writing.  It did drag and drag and drag, but never felt completely devoid of content for me.  I give it robust applause, but not the jumping up and down kind. 

Oh, and I read The Gathering Storm in between and that's where I clap and jump around a bit.  I reserve my highest praise, but I think Brandon is off to a very good start. 

I read a couple Christian-authored sci-fi novels, but they were too awful to mention.  Why, oh why?

I now scroll back through this list to see what I might read next.  Rawn?  Moon? Knight?  Brooks?  Zelazny? 

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: November 24, 2009, 10:51:48 PM »
Purple  Well whatever.  Like I said, to me it felt cheap and rushed.  I think it would have been much more powerful had we seen her journey in the Black rather than a conveniently timed "twist."  But that's just me.  I certainly don't expect fans of the series to agree with me.

You make me feel so unsophisticated!  So undiscerning!  I liked the Verin reveal as I read it, but would have liked to have replaced most of the Perrin-hunts-Faile nonsense (and Elayne-sifts-through-Caemlyn-political-intrigue yawn fest) with more about Verin, Hurin, Thom, etc . . . as well as scenes featuring commoners like in TGS prologue.  Liked that.  Of course, best would have been turning books 7-11 into two good, concise novels. 

But oh, the cover art.  Oh. 
What's up with false eyelashes and push-up bras in Randland? (See also KoD) And Rand is a strawberry blonde Charles Bronson?  I guess that's better than the middle-aged whatsisname (y'know, the sunglasses guy on CSI Miami) on the KoD cover. Is that even supposed to be Rand? And Perrin is a dwarfish hairy blondish Sean Connery, and not a young version.

Anyway, I rant.  Thanks for another good review on Elitist, BSG.  I thought The Gathering Storm dragged through the middle, but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.  Brandon told us "Storm Leaders" the other night that he is not exactly pleased with how some of the story lines will end according to RJ's notes.  But he'll have to write them that way.  Interesting, huh?  I'll read and enjoy whatever comes out.

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