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Messages - WriterDan

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Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: April 20, 2010, 05:09:18 PM »
Reading Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins. A repeat of the first book and I'm halfway through. It had better change the plot here pretty soon or I'm gonna be annoyed.

I wasn't that big of a fan of Hunger Games.  Still, with all of the attention that it has garnered it's unfortunate that the sequel is anything near a repeat of the first.  I don't plan on picking it up anyhow, but for the rest of her readers out there it really is too bad.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: April 19, 2010, 06:13:41 PM »
I started up on Infoquake (David Edelman), but skipped out for a bit to read The Haunting of Alaizabel Cray (Chris Wooding).  Both are pretty good so far.  Wooding seems to be jumping POV's a bit, and that's bothersome, but it's only infrequently so I'm able to push through it.  Definitely wondering where this one is going.  Pretty excited to get back to Infoquake too.  Interesting stuff.

Hades was in this movie because in this version of mythology, he was the god of the oceans, and in charge of the Kraken...Poseidon was on holiday.

Oh, whatever.  Poseidon was there.  He only had like one line though:  "You ought to listen to him, brother," as he's glancing over his own shoulder, or some other such muck.  He might as well have not been in it though.

This movie was mostly just chaos, and I probably wouldn't have followed things very well if not for the fact that I watched the 1981 version like 15-gazilliion times when I was a kid.  They tried to go big, they tried to go complicated, they tried for the nostalgia-effect, and they pretty much failed all around.  Really unfortunate.  I thought it had a lot of potential.  Lots of big names, lots of computer graphics, but man...just, yeah.  I didn't really have a lot riding on it when I went into the theater though, so when it was all over I just like:  "Meh.  Another remake botch-job.  Oh well."

And then on the way out of the theater my brother told me that they're going to do a remake of Short Circuit.  Is Hollywood  seriously trying to destroy all[\u] of my awesome childhood memories?  I mean, COME ON!

But sooooooooooo excited about Inception.  Ha, ha!  At least someone knows how to make movies still.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: April 05, 2010, 06:41:56 PM »
So I finished Memories of Ice, and I want to try and compile my thoughts about the Malazan books so far.  On the whole, I really enjoyed the third book.  Now, finally, after reading the first three , I think I have a better grasp on Erikson and why I didn't care for the series all that much before now.  I'll probably put my thoughts into the Malazan discussion in a few days though.  Let it simmer.

In the meantime, I picked up Servant of a Dark God by John Brown.  I'm about 20 pages in, and so far I'm mostly just frustrated with his prose.  (Starting 30% of his sentences with a conjunction, laying out a characters options in detail in the midst of a chase scene, explanations of history/worldbuilding DURING a scene so that I can understand the scene).  I can see the possibility of lots of cool ideas and interesting play in the book, but I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through something that is this difficult for me to read.  Hopefully things get better, and not worse.  I remember EBR's review on it and because of that I WANT to get through it.  We'll see though.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: April 02, 2010, 11:26:22 PM »
So Steve,

The other book that I keep hearing about from 2009 "best of fantasy" lists  (besides BONESHAKER) is THE WINDUP GIRL.  Have you read that one yet?  Of all the books on these lists, the only ones that have really tickled my interest are these two.  I'll probably bail on Boneshaker.  Any opinion yet for the other?

Rants and Stuff / Re: Anyone else think this is utterly disgusting?
« on: March 31, 2010, 08:39:46 PM »
Well, I'm guessing that this is within their rights to do, because the police didn't end up escorting them away from the property etc.

Still, there's thing thing called common decency that most people who do these kinds of things are lacking of in the extreme.  It's sad really, that there are people that have become such extremists that they are willing to do something so utterly disrespectful to the families and people that knew the deceased.

Shame on them.

Books / Re: How many books/year do you read?
« on: March 15, 2010, 07:25:37 PM »
I generally don't join Social Networking sites, but thanks for the tip on shelfari.

Actually, I use Shelfari exclusively for tracking my books.  Those I own, those I'm reading, those I want to read, etc.  It's awesome.  Yes, there are loads of paths to Social Networking within Shelfari but for the most part I stay away from them.  Though I did get roped into being the Admin for a Fantasy Books group...  Don't really do much for it though.  ;D

Books / Re: How many books/year do you read?
« on: March 13, 2010, 12:31:12 AM »
I've never actually kept track.  I just read.  Got through Storm of Swords in a week of being sick though.  Pretty much all I did.  Guess that gives some indication of how fast/slow I read.

Holy freaking cool, Batman!  So, I logged into Shelfari tonight and on my account's homepage it says:  "You’ve read 8 books this year. Last year you read 30 books, so you’re ahead of your pace."  Who knew?  Guess that's my pace.  I usually read largerish books, so this doesn't really surprise me, but I really had no clue about my pace until tonight.  :)

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 13, 2010, 12:29:29 AM »
Currently reading Bauchelin and Korbal Broach... which is a collection of 3 short stories about 2 characters you meet briefly in Memories of Ice.

So, let me get this straight.  B&KB are only in Memories of Ice?  With all this side-story love that Erikson had been giving them, I thought that they were going to become major players in the Malazan books.  Crazy.  I'm actually really intrigued now by the B&KB books, whereas before my interest level was only on par with the rest of the main series.  I'd like to see how Erikson handles a "smaller" story.  The main sequence books are just soooooo massively complex.  Dangit.  No copies in either library.  Maybe this'd be worth a Kindle-buy for me...  Based on Steve's opinion, probably.  :)

Writing Group / Re: Any tips I could use in writing my novel?
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:57:27 PM »

Books / Re: Historical Fiction?
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:50:23 PM »
I bought a copy of Twelve by Jasper Kent for my Kindle.  I've been told it's in the realm of alternate history (though, granted, fantastical alternate history, as there are vampires in their midst...), as it happens during the Napoleonic Wars.  Think I'm going to be reading that one next.  Has anyone else read it?  I'm pretty excited to get to it, even though I don't think I've ever even read an alternate history before.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 09, 2010, 07:45:37 PM »
Curt needs to die.

Oh what a twisted web Wells weaves...

<<<evil laughter>>>

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 08, 2010, 07:11:04 PM »
Finished Mr Monster:





So, I'm a freak about paperbacks and always read them barely opened enough to see all of the text that's way down in the dark spine of the book.  Which means that as I was reading this book, my peripheral vision was constantly getting glimpses of "the eyes" on the cover of the book.  Freaked me out.  Especially at the beginning of Chapter 9 when John's looking into the mirror and wondering about Mr Monster.


Yeah.  This was such a great book.

Books / Re: Saga of the Seven Suns by Kevin J Anderson
« on: March 05, 2010, 06:37:21 AM »
I bailed on the first one after about 200 pages.  There are like 14 different POV characters and there wasn't a whole lot for me to distinguish between them all.  The story is a lot of "telling", as in explanation as to what is going on and what is happening and why it's important instead of description that lets you get absorbed in the story.  It just wasn't for me.  KJA definitely does better than his counterpart, Brian Herbert, though.  I'd suggest never picking up a book written solely by Mr. Herbert (son of the amazing Frank.  Definitely read Frank's stuff--he's the dad).  :)  For people that like that kind of storytelling, it's apparently pretty good dice.  So, go with your tastes, I'd say.

Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: March 04, 2010, 08:56:23 AM »
Mr. Monster

Ha, ha!

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