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Messages - Wolfstar

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: January 14, 2010, 01:37:20 AM »
Why wouldn't an omnipotent being be able to make him/herself omniscient?  Isn't the concept of omnipotence limitless power?

Ooh, erm... tangent much?

More information about Way of Kings release is always cool.

Something not story related, I'd like to know what his book tour wish-list destinations would be.  These could be cities he's been to and would like to return, places he's never been, places outside the US, etc.

Or, if he could have the power of one of his magic systems, what would it be?

Perhaps a more interesting one, one that we'd probably never see in print and thus could be answered with more than a RAFO, could Hemalurgy be used to steal powers from other magic systems in his universe/multiverse?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: January 09, 2010, 01:52:44 AM »
Yeah?  I drink metal flakes.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: December 29, 2009, 05:16:52 AM »
Or, at least, two vocal cords.  I've heard that's rare but happens.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Lingering Question Mistborn Trilogy Spoilers
« on: December 29, 2009, 05:16:03 AM »
Isn't it implyed near the end that Preservation needed a person created by Ruin and Preservation together in order to attack Ruin at the end? if not, wouldn't Preservation just do what Vin did thousands of years ago?

There'd be no point if nobody else existed to pick up both powers at once. Ruin might be enticed to kill them both under certain conditions, but for Preservation, killing Ruin without someone to take their places would be unthinkable.

Even the use of the powers must be preserved.

I like that logic.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Way of Kings : pre-release
« on: December 24, 2009, 12:07:49 AM »
Judging by the setting and the politics of the world we've been told about, I imagine assassinations are fairly common.

I think it would be better if you were using Alcatraz quotes in an established conversation of some sort, but not with the awkward "Hey look, I'm quoting Alcatraz" part.  Make it work in the conversation.  Ah, that level of finesse would show one's mastery of the matter, would it not?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium :: Spoilers
« on: December 20, 2009, 05:34:51 PM »
Yeah, the only thought that I had was, "Hey Miyabi has Dragonsteel stuff in his sig.  That's a great idea!"   :( Turns out it wasn't a very good idea at all.

I didn't see what yours was, but I imagine if proper discretion were used, it might not be such a big deal.  However, Dragonsteel is something best left kept in the dark, for now.  The less we, or anyone not associated with Dragonsteel Entertainment, know about it, the better it will be when we get official news on it.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Anyone have questions for Brandon?
« on: December 20, 2009, 06:01:00 AM »
Miyabi explained it to me that the doubling due to lerasium is permanent.

At least that's the way EUOL made it sound.

That's the way that would make the most sense, in my opinion.  Lerasium is permanent in the first dose, so why wouldn't the boost in the second be permanent?  If not, you just got duralumin version 2.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: So, Hoid was there when what happened?
« on: December 19, 2009, 11:16:58 PM »
Very interesting... all along, I've sort of thought they (Hoid and the Shards) could be opposing forces of some sort.  I'm not sure what gave me that idea, I just never felt that Hoid was on Adonalsium's side.  Of course, at this point, as you said, we don't really know what Adonalsium is.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Stormlight Archive Fansite:
« on: December 19, 2009, 11:11:06 PM »
Well well, you'll have an ally in me on this venture.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Hoid Compendium :: Spoilers
« on: December 15, 2009, 12:44:34 AM »
Peter, can I just say one, tinsy thing?  YOU SUCK!  *peace*

I personally think he makes the speculation more fun, haha.  His reluctance to answer certain questions and his habit of only giving enough information to say very little at all keeps me just as hooked as actually reading the stories.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Way of the Kings
« on: December 11, 2009, 12:47:46 AM »
I have no doubt it's going to be well worth the wait.

I just wish I didn't have to, haha.  Lucky for me, I have plenty to read and write to pass the time.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: December 05, 2009, 03:10:09 PM »
Again, Happy, I agree completely.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: The Gathering Storm - First Impressions *SPOILERS*
« on: December 04, 2009, 03:15:57 PM »
We also have been told that the Dark One wants to destroy the Wheel and rebuild it to suit his desires.  I feel that if the Wheel is destroyed, the Pattern has to go along with it.  The Wheel weaves the Pattern, after all.  No Pattern = no world.  I think the Dark One is wanting to hit the Cosmic Reset Button, thus the lives of his followers in the current incarnation of Existence is trivial.  And I think the only person that has stopped to think about it all the way or been told the intention is Moridin.  It's what he's been saying all along, that everyone is just a pawn to the Dark One, and he is Nae'blis, after all.  I'd figure he'd have a bit more insight into it all.

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