Local Authors > Brandon Sanderson

Official WoK Fan Art (Here there be spoilers)

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ok thanks ill attempt it :)

*sigh* as soon as i finish it AGAIN cuz i just totally messed up

hey do you guys think that a shardplate helm showed any of the face or no? I cant recall if it said in the text.

Shardplate helms have faceplates that can be lifted or removed. Brandon doesn't really clearly describe them other than contextually (paraphrasing "Dalinar slammed down his faceplate", "Andolin lifted his faceplate to breathe", etc) so you have a good bit of freedom in how you want to interpret it.

Especially when you get into the magical contexts, because I think that unlike a real plate where you have to look through a slot or pinholes, the face of the shardplate helm goes all smoky transparent when he brings it down. Ideally, this means the exterior of it can look like almost anything, since the issue of vision/protection is moot.

it does have a small eye-slit (see the scene when Kaladin kills the dude by ramming a spear point into said eye slit). Dalinar says that while the helm goes translucent it's not quite enough to allow seeing clearly enough to fight without a slit.


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