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Messages - Jexral

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Everything Else / Re: New Writer Advances
« on: May 19, 2010, 01:06:54 AM »
Terry Goodkind's first book 'Wizard's First Rule' was auctioned for $275,000.  So, that's a bit more than 20,000.  That is, though, the most ever paid for a fantasy novel by a first time writer.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: I dislike this
« on: May 13, 2010, 05:32:43 PM »
I dunno... I like the second one better, myself.  And they aren't really all that bad.

I thought the prologue was really interesting, but I was a little underwhelmed, I suppose... I was kind of expecting something as epic and brilliant as 'Dragonmount', the prologue to Eye of the World.  In my opinion, it isn't as exciting, but certainly my favorite Brandon Sanderson prologue.  <shrug>  Reading through the Wheel of Time right now, so everything else is a little bad in comparison.  <grin>  That's probably all it is.

Anyway, I thought the lashing system seemed really interesting, and I'm curious how it will be developed further.  Also, I really loved all those names that got thrown at us - I always like it when a lot of things get introduced, and I can't quite know what they are the moment they are mentioned.

Video Games / Re: Too Many March Games
« on: May 03, 2010, 04:53:36 AM »
I think that Tetsuya Nomura could save the franchise.  We'll see how Versus XIII is, I guess, but all of his other games are really quite something. 

But yeah, I think the series has really just gotten worse and worse lately.  X was the last decent game, but it's still pretty weak.

All around, Square has really been pretty disappointing lately.  :-(

Rants and Stuff / Re: People who re-inforce stereotypes
« on: May 03, 2010, 04:48:32 AM »
<shrug>   I don't really pay a lot of attention to stereotypes, or the way other people act.  Let them be whatever the want, IMO, so long as they aren't trying to hurt me or people I love.

Video Games / Re: Too Many March Games
« on: May 02, 2010, 10:22:58 PM »
So... not directly related, but pretty close...

Was anyone else terribly disappointed by Final Fantasy XIII?  I mean, it was better than any of the ps2 iterations, but, IMO, that doesn't mean a whole lot.  I thought the characters were a little to generic and uninteresting, and the story was convoluted to the point that you actually have to read it in the little journal thing to really take anything away from it.  I mean, it was gorgeous, but honestly that isn't enough for me....  I didn't hate the battle system entirely, but it was a little too auto-played.  I just had to kind of sit there, and press "x" from time to time.

If I was going to recommend someone a new game for their ps3, I'd tell them to go with Heavy Rain.  It has some problems - actually... a lot of problems - but it was a far superior experience, in my opinion.

 Hironobu Sakaguchi leaving Square doesn't seem to have done them much good, really.  At least we have "The Last Story" to look forward from his Mistwalker studio.

Writing Group / Re: Length of Fantasy Novels
« on: May 02, 2010, 10:10:19 PM »
It's about 75000 words.

Also, thanks... That's what I kept telling myself.  <shrug>  I feel a little silly for worrying about it, really.

Writing Group / Length of Fantasy Novels
« on: May 02, 2010, 10:33:13 AM »
So... I'm very nearly finished with my first novel - I am finishing up all the major revisions that I know it needs, and then passing it out to some people to make sure that I didn't miss something.  I plan on trying to publish it when it is finished, assuming I don't decide it is a pile of garbage (which I don't expect).  However, it is only about 300 pages long, which is MUCH shorter than most fantasy novels that I have read.

Maybe this is an absurd question, but is it too short?  I mean, I tell the story that needs to be told, but I just can't shake the feeling that it is too short.  <shrug>  Obviously you can't really tell me for sure, since you haven't read it, but what do you think?

Movies and TV / Re: Avatwo!
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:54:35 AM »
<shrug>  I dunno.  I thought the first one wasn't that great.

Groundbreaking, sure.  Best CGI that the world has ever seen and, from what I hear, fantastic use of 3D (I am blind in one eye, and thusly unable to view 3D images).  But, the writing was sub-par at best.

It was like it had the budget of an epic along the lines of Gone With the Wind, Ben-Hur, Dances With Wolves, or Laurence of Arabia - but had the script of some sappy Lifetime movie.  I dunno.  It was disappointing, so I can only imagine that the sequel will be equally disappointing, and probably won't be nearly as revolutionary. 

Movies and TV / The Virgin Suicides
« on: May 02, 2010, 09:50:56 AM »
I watched this film several weeks ago, and it has been just playing over and over in my head ever since.  I find myself thinking back to it frequently.  I was just wondering if anyone else has seen it and had a similar reaction.  Like it?  Dislike it?

I think it's so haunting because of its mysterious quality - it's haunting for the same reason that the boys can't stop thinking about the titular suicides. 

I've also seen Sofia Coppola's other films, Lost in Translation and Marie Antoinette, and they share a similar element.  She seems to make great films, IMO.  Her new one should be out this year... Somewhere, I think it is called.

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Vote Rand!
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:42:59 PM »
(or Jaime, if you really want to.  It's your vote, after all)

Brandon Sanderson / Vote Rand!
« on: April 10, 2010, 10:42:00 PM »
Jaime Lannister is going to overtake Rand Al'Thor, pretty soon!  Quickly, guys, vote!

Movies and TV / Re: They're moving Jay Leno because . . .
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:31:23 PM »
Sorry that I'm late to the party, but - I HATE JAY LENO.  He's one of the least funny entertainers I have ever had the displeasure of watching.  Conan was hilarious - bugatti veyron mouse... I died.  :)

Movies and TV / Re: AVATAR
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:27:24 PM »
Interesting,,, I thought AVATAR was really pretty terrible.

It had superb visuals, some decent acting, and a plot that could have been mildly interesting, but... Man... the dialog was SOOOO bad.  I basically think of it of a film with the budget of an epic along the lines of Gone with the Wind and Ben-Hur, but the script of a Lifetime flick.  For me, gorgeous visuals are simply not enough, though I would still recommend people to see it, to see how far CGI has really come.

Honestly, if this film hadn't had such gorgeous CG, it would have been a colossal failure.  It seems that they spent so much money on the visuals, that they didn't have enough to actually pay someone to edit the script. 

Also, Mtbikemom, in what way was it anti- big business?  Maybe anti-"Military-industrial complex".  Very anti-government.  But not so much big business... unless you're only referring to the military-industrial complex.

Movies and TV / Re: Alice in Wonderland ::Maybe Spoilers::
« on: April 09, 2010, 10:12:33 PM »
Hmm... I really like most films by Burton, but hated this one, largely because of the end.  It wasn't, as you say, a "classic Burton ending."  He abandoned the characters in lieu of a relatively uninteresting and unbelievable action sequence.  Look at Big Fish or Corpse Bride.  Sure, they get more exciting at the climax, but he doesn't obliterate all the interesting things about the characters, and make them mindlessly fight.

I dunno.  The only one of his films I liked worse than this one was Sweeny Todd, though, I'm really not sure why I didn't like that movie. 

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