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Topics - Archon

Pages: 1 [2]
Writing Group / Profanity in writing
« on: November 17, 2004, 08:54:45 PM »
I am curious as to how the rest of you regard swearing in fiction. I have a character at the end of this story that is very VERY angry, and I think it would be appropriate for him to swear. Opinions?

Video Games / Halo 2 Spoilers
« on: November 09, 2004, 11:14:31 PM »
So, there are a couple things that I really dislike about the new addition to the series.
1. No Health. I dont get why they did this. It just doesnt make sense. This sucks. Royally.
2. No Fall Damage. Once again, one of those things that really was a bad thing to take out. Now, if you are getting shot, you can just jump off of the nearest ledge, however high it may be. It also takes out the crouch when landing move, which not only looked cool, but it meant that if you knew how to do it, you could jump from higher than someone who didnt know. So it takes a skill from the game.
3. Banshee flies differently. You can't keep it in the air. Also, it is sluggish now, to the point that its usefulness is limited.
4. No combination melee to my knowledge. This was one of the major things that I was looking forward to in this game, and they cut it out.

Suggestions Box / Profiles
« on: October 19, 2004, 12:48:50 AM »
     There are apparently 196 profiles on TWG right now, and the majority of them have barely posted. Why doesn't someone delete some of the profiles that havent been used? I dont really know why someone would make a profile and never post, but why dont we get rid of them? Put out a warning for a week or so and then get rid of them.

Everything Else / Profile Names
« on: September 07, 2004, 05:53:49 PM »
Some people on this board have names that are plays on their real names (ie Stacer, SaintEhlers....) but how did the rest of you come up with your names. I got mine from a couple places. Starcraft was one of them, another is a play off of Archaon in Warhammer Chaos. What about the rest of you?

Everything Else / Bored in Class
« on: August 31, 2004, 05:02:22 PM »
    So I just started school again and not only do I not have friends in most of my classes, but I sit alone at lunch too. Another thing about my classes, I am a lot quicker than the other people in them typically, so I end up sitting in a class where I know nobody and I have no work to do. Any suggestions for what I should do? No electronics allowed.

Rants and Stuff / Must be my lucky day
« on: August 03, 2004, 04:50:00 PM »
     Ok, so my dad works for a cellphone company. And my mom gets a free phone that she carries with her. But she always either leaves it in the car or leaves it turned off. If it is turned off it still might be fine, but she doesnt check her voicemail either. It would even be better for her to say "I don't want to be interrupted by someone calling me" and leave it at home so I would know that I couldnt call her. But no, she decides to just take it along and not use it whatsoever.

  Oh yeah, and my cd player decided it didnt want to work anymore, it might just need cleaning, but who knows?

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