Local Authors > Writing Group

The Horror

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Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
I want him nameless because the setting is the college I go to. And I want that "Oh wow, did that actually happen to someone" factor.

Ah, so you're trying to build it up as a local legend kind of thing? In that case, don't put any of it from the guy's point of view--we can't see the world from a nameless guy's perspective, because he obviously knows his own name. Local legends thrive on the "friend of a friend" vibe, so approach it that way, through the eyes of a third party narrator.

Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
Woot, I finished it. 5 pages it is, it is. So anyone who isn't in the writers group who may want to take a peek at it, just launch me an e-mail asking for it. kaven100 @ canton.edu. Its in the profile too. I'll send it off to the Group tonight.

Gemm: Rock & Roll Star; Born to Rock:
Ok, since I'll probably not be around wednesday eve, feel free to comment liberally upon my work now. Tell me what you think of it overall, and the ending.

Also tell me what you think could/needs improved. And anything else you think could use a comment.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
we'll probably wait to chat about it till you can be there, but I'll finish it up and comment some more.


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