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Messages - DavidB

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Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« on: December 16, 2006, 08:35:29 AM »

I thought of that back on page 13, but MattD set me straight. It was a pretty short discussion; no wonder you didn't see it.

Quote from: davidb
I kind of halfways suspect he [Lightsong] was Arsteel, but I can't remember everything that's been said about that guy, so maybe it's impossible.

I had thought about this initially, too, but Lightsong has been a god for five years, and Arsteel's death was more recent.

It wouldn't surprise me if Peprin somehow dies for Vivenna -- you know, jumps in front of an arrow meant for her or something like that.


Books / Re: What are you reading, part 3
« on: December 15, 2006, 09:16:14 PM »
I just read The Thirteenth Tale, by Diane Setterfield.

I read the first couple of chapters Monday evening, and it seemed kind of mediocre, so I put it down and watched TV instead. On Wednesday, I figured I'd give it another shot, and read a chapter or two before dinner.

I didn't eat dinner on Wednesday. I finished the book just before two in the morning. I still had chores I had to do before I could go to bed.

On Thursday, I read the book again.

You should read this book. But not if you have anything important to do the next day.

why is Scalzi always picking on Brandon's books?

Heh. I expect he's just jealous that even Brandon's worst cover still looks a lot better than his best cover does. (All of Scalzi's covers except for that one just have generic spaceships on them, as far as I can tell.)

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: December 12, 2006, 03:52:49 PM »
I thought the whole point of cutting out his tongue was to keep him from speaking (ie. giving commands that his priests couldn't "interpret" to suit their own ends)...if they had to teach him not to speak, why cut out his tongue in the first place?

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: December 09, 2006, 07:24:43 PM »
Also, how does Susebron eat with no tongue? I can see why he was taught he needed to take in only small pieces of food and eat slowly--wouldn't he choke if he were cramming whole pastries into his mouth?

At a guess, I'd say that immortal undead zombie gods are incapable of choking...what I'm wondering, though, is why Susebron would bother eating,  since he doesn't have to in order to survive, and with no tongue he wouldn't be able to taste any of the food he ate, so I can't imagine that it would be much fun.

Nice chapter, by the way!

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: December 01, 2006, 05:46:51 AM »

Oh no!

WILL Vasher find an unlikely ally in Emo Goth Vivenna?
WILL Vivenna persuade the Hallandrens to attack The Pits of HathsinIdris after all, so as to get the Lifeless out of the city so that she can destroy Hallandren?
WILL Siri be embarrassingly naked (again) when Vivenna and Vasher burst in on her in order to murder Susebron with the incredible talking sword?
WILL Vivenna be about to kill Siri, before turning on Vasher at the last possible moment?
WILL alcohol-ichor burn if it catches on fire? Or will it explode?
WHAT will some wag imply that Jewels and Peprin are doing with Clod in private?


Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker: Free Ebook
« on: November 26, 2006, 01:21:51 AM »
Here are two very, very small nitpicks that nobody else is likely to notice, ever:

Of course, there was far too much clatter at present, but that didn’t stop her from thrilling a little bit at her part in it.

You should remove the emphasis on the word "too".

“If things don’t turn out as I want them to,” she said, taking a deep breath, heart fluttering.  “I want you to get Susebron and I out of the palace.”

You should have a comma, rather than a period, after the word "fluttering." Also, to be grammatically correct, Siri ought to say "Susebron and me."

Brandon Sanderson / Re: Warbreaker Sample Chapters
« on: November 02, 2006, 01:17:49 AM »
Thanks for the read; I've been having a lot of fun with this!

Here -- for your amusement, I suspect -- are some guesses about what's going to happen next:

- I think this chapter makes it pretty obvious that Lightsong wasn't a cop. I'm pretty sure he was on the other side of the law in his former life. I kind of halfways suspect he was Arsteel, but I can't remember everything that's been said about that guy, so maybe it's impossible.

- Vivenna has to become an awakener, so that she can show off your awesome magic system, which up to now hasn't done much of anything. (Also, she'll get to angst about it. But she'll have no choice because otherwise somebody would die or something.)

- When she does, her hair will give her incredible super power. (Awakeners have to drain the color from something in order to get power to do their magic, but Vivenna's hair can change color from bland brownish to vibrant red whenever she wants, making it a limitless source of color-power. Also, the fact that she can grow more as fast as she needs to means that she can easily use it for awakener-dolls and stuff.)

- Peprin Must Die. Either that, or fall in love with somebody other than Vivenna -- probably somebody working for The Other Side, so that he can perpetrate a heartwrenching betrayal. He certainly cannot end up as Vivenna's love interest -- he would have needed way more character development at the beginning in order to do that.

- If Nightblood kills things by draining their color, I wonder if it can be defeated by Vivenna's hair too? (Also, are greys/lifeless immune?)

- I can't decide whether Siri is going to end up pregnant at the end of this story, but I'm pretty sure Susebron is not going to survive. (It just wouldn't work out between them -- he's too old, too mute, and too undead.)

Incidentally, back in Chapter 23, is there any particular reason you picked mussels (or muscles) as the Food That Freaks Vivenna Out? As far as I know, cooked mussels are kind of a bland beige-ish, in black shells, and they're completely, er, organic, so they should be relatively Austre-friendly. If I wanted to freak Vivenna out, I'd have picked something like strawberry ice cream. With sprinkles on top, with all of the sprinkles meticulously arranged in patterns to look like hearts and smiley faces.  For bonus points, the chef is an awakener, and he comes to the table, awakens the sprinkles, and gets them to arrange themselves into cute shapes. (I imagine it would take a ton of life points, or whatever they were called, in order to awaken sprinkles, but so what? The chef gets them all back after.)

Also, I was half-expecting Lightsong to try to get Blushweaver to juggle, in order to see whether that's really something he's remembering from his past life, or if it's just something all gods can do. But I guess he's not quite that dumb.

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