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Messages - wcarter4

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Well, I have several projects some permanently shelved because they suck, others floating around in my head as a series of scenes or in the case of Granite Sunrise a few chapters in the work simultaneously and an ever evolving outline. I don't keep word-counts because I never know how many words a story that changes multiple times will be.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 27, 2009, 11:41:01 PM »
Wow, I thought it was just my computer having fits after I stepped on the screen. It's only happened once or twice and really only in the last two days but I have noticed that not every new post is shown on my screen.

Reading Excuses / Re: Granite Sunrise chapter 1
« on: January 27, 2009, 03:08:27 PM »
I appreciate everyone's input. It's all helpful this time around as I knew it would be. The typos and sentence fragments are typical of my first three drafts so I'm sorry if they put anyone off. I think writing is in the revision. A few phrases shouldn't have been there at all though.  I changed a few things around as I was writing without necessarily deleting everything I should have.
To Deckacards: yeah, I put as much info into short stories as a habit. I'm a newspaper journalism major, I can't help it but I promise to try.
To Jib: Yes, Dahael planned the kidnapping. He's been hired to get hired on by Larraus (as a spy). More on that in future chapters.

Reading Excuses / Re: Granite Sunrise chapter 1
« on: January 27, 2009, 05:01:34 AM »
To Jib, thanks.  The idea about the pear cider was Larraus'. My intentions were that the man knew about it because he had worked at the orchards for a few weeks and used them as part of his plan to kidnap the boy. I will also say that yes Dahael's story is fishy. I'll fix a bit but not too much because he's lying.

Reading Excuses / Re: Granite Sunrise chapter 1
« on: January 27, 2009, 04:56:58 AM »
To Reaves: You're points about the beginning are quite helpful. I was originally going to write the chapter through Moren's eyes as for and a few of the other sentences just didn't flow well either. I'm VERY glad you pointed out the sentences about keeping Moren out of the villages to me. They aren't supposed to be there at all, that was idea I had already killed off.
The reason he paniced when the servant didn't find him was because the first servant he talked to should have already sent the boy to see him. I guess that needs to be reworked. As for the cider thing. Larraus isn't supposed to be thinking of the man as a genius, just someone a little brighter than many of his other workers. They're all unskilled laborers except for a few. I'll be sure and work on explaining that in other drafts and chapters too. Your imput is very helpful thanks.
Oh and if you had figured out what Dahael is up to I would probably shoot myself.

Reading Excuses / Re: 1-26-09 Reaves: Crystalheart chapter Six
« on: January 27, 2009, 01:25:24 AM »
Well, there is a reason I rarely review your submissions (I enjoy your story too much and end up missing a meal for reading it). I must say that by now I would find Tristian just plain creepy if I was in your MC's place. That's just my paranoria but hey.
Aside from emphaising it like Frog said, I think you used the word soulless a few too many times in the story too.
Well, boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy goes off to far away city while girl mourns the loss of her entire family. Who are you Nicholas Sparks?
I think Marlin's scene is enough to find and remember if he appears again if it's withina a chapter or two. Otherwise people might start to forget.

Reading Excuses / Re: deckacards - 01/26/09 - Prologue
« on: January 27, 2009, 12:16:01 AM »
Well, the use of the term Fakhir is certainly clever. They're an interesting bunch of people (whether hindu or Muslim) in reality and they appear to be at least as interesting in your story.

My biggest compliant is the lack of continuity for the point of view. What Dalin's son is doing just sitting there bored at the beginning of the prolouge isn't explained by the end when Dalin's land is apparently plundered.  This is a common problem with 3rd person omniscient narration. The other major problem I saw was a bit of inconsistence in your punctuation with  certain titles and phrases in the first few paragraphs.

As a final word of caution you throw an awful lot of difficult new words and phrases at at the reader in the first three sentences. While inventing new words is certainly not wr0ng, if you use them all at once right away you are going to scare your reader and possibly cause them to put your book down. Spacing them out a bit more should help quite a bit.

I'm not known for giving long critiques. It's mostly because I've been trained to write things in as few words as possible (also there are others here  who are smarter than me). Anyway

Reading Excuses / Granite Sunrise chapter 1
« on: January 26, 2009, 11:32:51 PM »
Note anyone who didn't get a copy and wants one just let me know, the UGA mail system sometimes thinks emails sent to more than one person are spam and blocks them. Oh by the way, anyone who sucessfully guesses what is really going on with Dahael (before reading this) in this chapter is a genius.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 25, 2009, 06:40:46 PM »
well, my luck has been everything but good lately. At least I can still use it as it is, the other stuff that was stolen is gone and insurance will only give me about $30 dollars for the lot of it after deductions which is just not worth it.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 25, 2009, 07:35:58 AM »
sorry, my laptop's screen was cracked last night when someone stepped on it. My fault for having it on the floor. I can still use it somewhat, but I'm going to have to get it replaced within the next couple of weeks. It was my good laptop too (my other one was recently stolen) WHY DOES BAD STUFF KEEP HAPPENING TO ME? At least I can still post my update monday.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 24, 2009, 10:00:58 PM »
Welcome to the mad-house darkcards. For the nominal fee of your eternal soul we can have one of our lovely mods sign you up for the full package. Now, normally we require a blood sacrifice as tribute to The Lord Ruler, but since you already know members we can skip to straight to the Test of a Thousand Pains ;)
Oh and remember there is no way out...

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 22, 2009, 02:51:43 AM »
chapter one of granite sunrise is getting critiqued by my English 3800 class, but I guess I can send a copy to everyone here monday if that's alright. This time I know I'll be able to since it's already done and the odds of my room getting burglarized again are...well hopefully quite small.

Well a lot of people have already stated many of the major points to consider for revision or elaboration  like passive sentences and what have you so I'll keep this brief.
Military's rely on formality and discipline so sloppy dress would be inexcusable regardless of the  amount of time at sea. In fact British colonials would intentionally dress up to go to dinner (even if they were eating by themselves) precisely to keep up morale.
On that note Why would Aric even think that he wouldn't want "even the admiral" to see him dressed casually rather than especially him? He is supposed to be the leader while they are at sea I assume and you don't want your superior (even a temporary one) or your underlings to see you at anything less than your best.
Beyond that little sticking point this is shaping up quite well.

Reading Excuses / Re: Email List + Submission Dates
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:46:22 PM »
Well, your excuse is AT LEAST as good as mine was a couple weeks back. I have a writing group at UGA now that is looking at some of my work so I will probably only be once every two weeks or so myself. I hope she feels better soon and be sure  that you get some rest too. You won't do her any good by becoming ill yourself

Reading Excuses / Re: Expectations for Birthright?
« on: January 18, 2009, 06:46:42 PM »
I too am expecting a character driven plot. I think that the machinations of the noble houses along with the kidnapping could give it a bit of familiarity a la WoT and Mistborn while the birth rights and the unique personalities of your characters could give the originality.
I would need to read a bit further for a more developed idea of what to expect, but it's certainly a good start.

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