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Topics - riftalope

Pages: [1]
Role-Playing Games / "Bluebooking" in your campaign?
« on: October 10, 2006, 12:07:58 PM »
 Do any of your campaign members or groups do what my local gamers call a bluebook?  It's how we flex the novelist in us by penning out character thoughts and away from game events. This is where the GM becomes the editor, with the power to adjust, revise, or flat out remove parts of what you say went on in his world. With bluebooking you get to shine without taking away time from everyone else. Want to solidify that conversation you and your squire had? Bluebook it. Want a clearer background? Bluebook it. Want the GM to know how in love or angry or deluded your character is? You get the point.

As a GM you can encourage good bluebooks by tacking a small experience bonus (one point in hero) for a game with submitted bluebooking.

Movies and TV / The Calimari Wrestler (DVD)
« on: December 31, 2005, 04:09:06 AM »
 :o A reincarnated squid's dream to regain his title.

What can I say? I was shocked to see this off-beat idea turn out to have a real plot! It just starts with the squid punking on the new champion pro wrestler and goes from there into a Japanese soap in the entertainment world. And just when you think it's over a plot twist hits you! Actually it hits our hero. But I won't give away too much plot. It's like when Alien opened- if I tell you anything it will ruin it.

Goofy, bizarre, yet surprisingly coherent, "The Calamari Wrestler" veils sharp social commentary with irreverent humor and corny romance. The production values are erratic, the acting barely adequate, and the effects more cheesy than special — somewhere between "The Muppets" and "Godzilla" — but the film possesses a good-natured charm. — Jeannette Catsoulis, The New York Times

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