Author Topic: MB2 Cover Insight.  (Read 1861 times)


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MB2 Cover Insight.
« on: October 01, 2007, 09:36:55 AM »
Well, I do know how you love to call your books by the "informal" name. Like I remember all of you talking about alcatraz and I was just going crazy with unrestrained anticipation. I, personally like to say the entire name of my book when I'm on a rant and saying everything about nothing. "Oh my god I can't believe that Brandon's third book Mistborn: well of ascension is coming out in august I'm so excited I hope it comes soon because I know how slow amazon ships and I would just die if it didn't get here as soon as physically possible."

So, I loved the fact the the first book was MISTBORN like BOOM I'm here, fantasy fans and fantasy haters alike - get used to it. I'm the awesomest book out there. I was rather disappointed when I got my mb2 book in the mail and I opened it up to see THE WELL OF ASCENSION which still gives a big "I'm awesome" impression, but I think it would really tie it to the first book other than the fact that it's the second book. I was just disappointed.

So, tell that to Tor. Rest assured that you are not the only one who preferred (Holy crap >< can't spell today) the layout of the cover on MB1.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2007, 07:45:03 PM by Swiggly »
I want to be a publisher at Tor Fantasy when I grow up.



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Re: MB2 Insight.
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2007, 01:13:40 AM »
Yeah, I actually always call it Mistborn 2. Poor people at the bookstore got so confused. I think it was kind of a weird change, since the first book was MISTBORN, with the final empire in small beneath, and then for the second book to suddenly be in the opposite format. Not that it looks bad or anything, I can see why they decided to do it, I just still think it's odd.

P.S It was Awesome meeting you in Denver, Brandon! It was well worth the drive. And my parents wanted me to tell you how impressed they were! Totally made my day!


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Re: MB2 Cover Insight.
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2007, 11:54:17 PM »
Thanks you two.  This is good to hear and useful for me to know.  Also, Shi, it was great to meet you and thanks for driving so far.  It's quite humbling when readers are willing to go through so much to meet me.

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