Author Topic: Don't listen to the jerks  (Read 17145 times)


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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #30 on: May 17, 2011, 12:09:51 AM »
Nah, it would probably be more like Hammy from Over the Hedge on an energy drink.


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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #31 on: May 25, 2011, 01:43:06 AM »
My kneejerk reaction is; shouldn't WoT fans be thrilled that the series will be finished at all?

At the end of the day, I know I'd prefer a book that took as much time as it needed to be finished, and was the best it could be. That said, at almost 20 I know some people have waited my whole lifetime for this, so a little impatience is understandable. I sometimes wish I could just read it now, but it's not something I'd go saying all over the Internet.

We don't always think before we type. Should they pause to think about it, I'm sure the 'jerks' in question would realise Brandon's been almost superhuman in finding a balance between the two, putting a phenomenal amount of  hard work into very little time. I don't see how anyone could ask more from the guy! The sheer scope of WoT is incredible. I wouldn't have a clue where to start in Brandon's shoes.  :-\


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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #32 on: May 26, 2011, 01:49:03 AM »
I agree. Whoever it is that whishes to complain about Brandon not writing fast enough when he is working his butt off can just shut their mouth.
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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #33 on: May 26, 2011, 02:44:53 PM »
From 5% to 10% done with the first draft?  Yeah, he's working all right.  I'll admit to being just as impatient as the rest, but then I think about what this must be like for Brandon.  I mean, he's only writing A Memory of Light.  It's not like there are any expectations or anything.  The fanbase is totally reasonable and sane.  And nobody has invested roughly three-quarters of their life to reading it or anything.  So it's a stroll in the park, I'm sure.  No pressure!

Yeah.  I just keep my mouth shut except to point out that it may be a leetle bit trickier than some of the fans seem to think.
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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #34 on: May 27, 2011, 04:08:57 AM »
Brandon's steady stream of updates and tweets are keeping me content for now.  I do have to say that I'm loving the behind the scenes peeks that they give.  It brings a whole new depth to the book.


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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #35 on: June 08, 2011, 10:30:08 AM »
My kneejerk reaction is; shouldn't WoT fans be thrilled that the series will be finished at all?

At the end of the day, I know I'd prefer a book that took as much time as it needed to be finished, and was the best it could be. That said, at almost 20 I know some people have waited my whole lifetime for this, so a little impatience is understandable. I sometimes wish I could just read it now, but it's not something I'd go saying all over the Internet.

We don't always think before we type. Should they pause to think about it, I'm sure the 'jerks' in question would realise Brandon's been almost superhuman in finding a balance between the two, putting a phenomenal amount of  hard work into very little time. I don't see how anyone could ask more from the guy! The sheer scope of WoT is incredible. I wouldn't have a clue where to start in Brandon's shoes.  :-\

Well, a lot of the negative reaction from WoT fans was after the announcement of the split, but before the release of TGS, so many of them had not yet read anything of Brandon's or discovered many of the reasons we already trusted him as an author. There was definitely a perception that the split was a commercial thing to make more money by filling out the book. (which will seem ridiculous to anyone who's read TGS or TofM, but that's what people were worried about)

As for the fans now who think that Brandon should be writing faster and only working on AMoL, it's probably just deep ignorance of the way the writing process works for an author, especially someone finishing up a large series like the Wheel of Time. There are many people who just don't consider that Brandon will need to continually re-read the books to stay anywhere near as familiar with the series as Robert Jordan was, and they probably don't even understand that writing fiction involves a lot of false starts, writing group and alpha-reader feedback, re-writing, and more feedback. Many people just think you sit down and bang out however many hundreds of thousands of words and you're done, lol.


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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #36 on: June 09, 2011, 01:33:58 AM »
That is true. Writing is no mean feat. :-\
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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #37 on: June 09, 2011, 06:05:59 AM »
Ah, that would make sense.

People took it seriously because of certain infamous epic authors who (for whatever reasons, often valid ones) take decades to write a handful of (admittedly phone-book-sized) volumes, and maybe run out of time on the Big Clock before they finish. It's a real and very present concern for fantasy fans in these days of lengthy multi-volume novels.

Brandon has always struck me as being more in the mold of authors like Pratchett or Butcher, who put out good work at a steady pace. He likes to write more (I think) than he likes Being A Writer, and we're all damn lucky that's the case.

In related news, George R.R. Martin's new Song of Fire and Ice book comes out on July 12th.  5.75 years is pretty long between books though.  Not that you named any names, and you may not even have been thinking of him.

Pratchett's pace seems to have been effected by his disease.  I wonder if Butcher is a Pratchett fan too.  I sometimes wonder to myself which is the nerdier author, Brandon or Butcher.  Maybe I just need to read more authors, and then I'd realize that the competition for nerdiest author is far more than I could ever have imagined.


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Re: Don't listen to the jerks
« Reply #38 on: June 09, 2011, 09:51:08 PM »
Ahhhh... George is a poster-child for delayed gratification, but he's not alone in that particular corner.

Pratchett... before the disease, the man banged out a Disc novel every year like clockwork. Since he was diagnosed, he's had to change his writing style but his output doesn't appear to have slowed. He missed a year in 2008, but since then he's had a new one every fall again. This year we get a new Vimes ("Snuff") and then after that it looks like a new Moist book ("Raising Taxes").

« Last Edit: June 09, 2011, 09:53:16 PM by Inkthinker »