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Watch out they're coming for you...

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The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
Convenience, mostly.

But I'm much mroe interested in why the witch hunt?

Fact: Record sales started their current decline before a significant rise in the popularity of p2p sharing

Fact: CDs are overpriced. If the price was lowered, I'd be much happier about paying for a disc.

Fact: shutting down p2p networks hasn't stymied piracy

Fact: before napster shut down, a study revealed that the heaviest downloaders were also more likely to be the most frequent buyers.

It seems to me that the witch hunt is more about control and/or blame for current poor performance than it is about copyright. Sharing and sampling boost revenue, not decrease. Unless of course you've set yourself up in direct opposition to your target market.

There's a lot of other standard argument about cookie cutter bands which produce short term boosts but ignore long term behavior too, but I'll ignore that.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
If you want me to really answer the question though, I guess I'd say somewhere between Civil Disobedience, cost prohibitations, and convenience.

Mad Dr Jeffe:
What get me chuckling is that the industry plans to collect 120,000 or more for a single song that has been pirated, which makes me laugh because I have seen Saints computer and I have a good idea how far his bank account stretches. If he were  making money off the file sharing, like the networks are, I could see such an exhorbinant price being logical but Im sure that Joe Downloader doesnt have several million dollars to spare.

This exact same controversy showed up back when radio tape recorders became common, and record labels launched huge ad campaigns telling people not to share tapes because it was stealing music and would destroy the industry. That eventually died down because it was stupid. The difference now is that the music industry is already on the way down, so p2p showed up just in time to be a scapegoat.

The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers:
They'd never get that much, even if they tried to get me. For one thing, you can't squeeze water from a stone, like you poitned out. For another thing, they'd have to prove that my "piracy" has lost them that much. and it hasn't. At most, it's lost them $1 per song, as I don't redistribute.


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