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Messages - Yourstranger13

Pages: [1] 2
Music / Re: Cool Lyrics
« on: August 02, 2004, 07:39:07 PM »
She had a history of killing herself
I had a habit of dying
I think she gave me something to live for
I guess I helped her pass the time

Music / Re: Cool Lyrics
« on: August 02, 2004, 04:40:40 PM »
Wonderful. I'm a big fan of the Cure. I know this is a lyrics post but I was just wondering what you think of their new stuff. I'm not nearly as fond of it.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Three Word Story
« on: August 02, 2004, 12:05:10 AM »
nothing ever mattered

Everything Else / Re: kids....
« on: August 01, 2004, 04:06:10 PM »
I love kids because they dont feel that there is a certain way for anything to be done. They make things up and pretend. In their mind everything fits in correctly, no doubts about it. I wish I could get in  that state of mind. I"m jealous of my 6 year old sister who can sit in her room and play with anything for ages. She sometimes will have all these invloved stories and plots and reasons why her puppy meows like a cat. It becomes harder and harder to do once you get older. You have more knowledge of the world around you and what is "right and wromg" and who is who. If I were you I would just play with her and try to get in on a peice of that world.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Dubious Work Comments
« on: August 01, 2004, 03:56:34 PM »
I work at an "old folks home" in the kitchen

Me- Here's your supper.
Senior-I want a ham sandwich instend.
Me- Sure, No problem just a second.
*with the ham sandwich* Here you are
Senior- But I asked for bologna.
Me- We dont even have bologna, your old, you've been living here for years, and we never have had bologna! If I ever reach the age were I cant remember what I just asked for less than two minutes ago I hope someone takes pity and shoots me!
* I wish*
Mostly it's wel I'll check and see what else we have, and they tell me how "sweet" and Good" I am. Ha! If only they weren't paying my checks....

Rants and Stuff / Re: Three Word Story
« on: August 01, 2004, 03:44:01 PM »
The horrible ordeal

Movies and TV / Re: Farehnheit 9/11
« on: August 01, 2004, 03:37:34 PM »
I actually went and saw the movie. I thought it might be interesting to see the way he protryed everyhting, and just how bias it would be. Being only sixteen I've never been very political so I dont have much of a opinion on the Bush Adminastration. Walking out of the theather without prior knowlegde of what to expect when I sat down, I would have decided the entire adminastration had been a scandle and I would join a group of "Bush Haters". Gladly I know better. I do agree the controversy with everything that he does draws a crowd. But he has a way of showing things in a manner that appeals to the consciences of the veiwers and makes it easier for him to suck more people in to his opinions. I still dont have a solid idea on what I think of the government right now, but I do find it enthraling how easy it is to get people to listen and agree with you.

Music / Re: Cool Lyrics
« on: August 01, 2004, 03:17:55 PM »
Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You're just like a dream

Just wondering if the "Strange as angels" had anything to do with S E

Rants and Stuff / Re: Three Word Story
« on: July 31, 2004, 02:01:22 PM »
Which was going

Rants and Stuff / Re: Anyone out there a Buddhist...?
« on: July 31, 2004, 02:00:03 PM »
I have a very good friend who is Mormon. She comes from a big family and everyone goes to BYU. So I understand it and thats cool. I havnt been religious ever in my life, so I was just feeling Buddhism out. Thanks for the replies though.

Writing Group / Poetry and Such...
« on: July 31, 2004, 02:33:33 AM »
Just submit poems you have read and like, or orginal stuff. I Just like poetry ingeneral. If you want an opinion or comments on what ou wrote, ask. Otherwise, dont mess around with what people wrote unless that what they put it up for. I'll start off with somethng I worte not too long ago:

This void just a familiar caress,
Time passes, always a second guess,
Questioning why,
What is life being pulled by?
Constantly continuing, never going anywhere,
Nowhere is becoming much too hard to bear,
Is there any good reason to pretend to care?
Habit results in progression,
Life is a worthless competition,
And I cant see the finish line,
If only I could buy some time,
Break this rhythm and this rhyme,
Routine is slowly taking its toll,
Hold so few years, yet feel so old,
Old and worn,
Soul full of scorn,
For a world full of nothing but the same,
Mindless bodies fighting to win the game,
Cant even place, my motivation is lame,
Purpose and passion are what I lack,
Something, anything, to put me back on track,
Find myself and happiness,
Forget all this trouble and this mess,
So tired of feeling so much less.

* Fell free to comment, I dont mind

Rants and Stuff / Anyone out there a Buddhist...?
« on: July 31, 2004, 02:16:58 AM »
I've been contemplating Buddhism but I havnt taken the leap becuase I still dont feel I have enough knowlege on the subject. So if anyone is in practicing or knows anything, passing it on would be greatly appreciated.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Secret lifes dream... or loafing if you like
« on: July 31, 2004, 01:49:51 AM »
Infinate amount of money huh...Well I know the first thing I would do is call you the head Volkwagen dealership and ask them to make me a custom 60's bus. The Vintage look with all the monder conviences. Then I would would travel all around the U.S. going anywhere and everywhere. After I was done in America I would head my way over to Italy and start my way through Europe. So basically just see the world in my hippy van, which will be purple. I have always planed on giving money to the library in my town because it really lacks in selection. I've head this picture of my perfect home in my mind and I will travel all over until I find it. Then I will settle down, take up all the hobbies I've been putting off ( Painting, writing, sewing, etc.) and eventually find the right guy, pop out a few kids and maybe even have a dog.

Rants and Stuff / Re: Sarah
« on: July 31, 2004, 01:36:40 AM »
OH the stick beatings work wonders, as long as he's unconscience. I know him personaily and It' a hell of a job to get him to be quiet

Rants and Stuff / Re: Three Word Story
« on: July 31, 2004, 01:32:24 AM »
gnarled old man

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