Author Topic: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy  (Read 4221 times)


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Re: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2009, 12:56:41 AM »
New Ideas for the God Metals:
Lerasium steals your internal self (mind, thoughts, memories, feruchemical and allomantic powers, etc.) all at once, and
Atium steals your external self (age, strength, appearance, etc.) all at once.
In this way Lerasium would mix your personality with the person you killed.  With both spikes, you would become a complete combination of yourself and the other person.

One thing though:  Steel inquisitors can burn Atium.  So there must be some way to steel the abilities of an Atium Misting.  which Hemalurgic Metal should do this?


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Re: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2009, 04:50:50 AM »
My guess would be Lerasium.  Not sure why though.

I think it would be awesome to have a SI that was made completely of savants(That's the right word isn't it? o.O) and of Feruchemists that have spent their whole lives focusing on using one metal I mean.  Could you imagine how powerful he would be?!?!?

Patriotic Kaz

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Re: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2009, 08:23:06 PM »
Miyabi i love that idea i mean its like a tricked out spook!!!!
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

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Re: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2009, 06:22:20 PM »
An evil Spook.  With spikes instead of eyes.  Eesh....


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Re: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2009, 09:33:06 PM »
There's a lot of room for for Brandon to surprise us. We've only seen what one of the Atium alloys does, even in Allomancy. And we've seen three creatures created by Hemalurgy: koloss and Inquisitors (both made from humans), and kandra (made from mistwraiths). Out of those three, one gained intelligence (kandra), one kept its intelligence (Inquistor), and one lost much of its intelligence (koloss).

I wonder what other creatures are possible?
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Patriotic Kaz

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Re: what the metals do in feruchemy and hemalurgy
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2009, 10:12:44 PM »
Well Sazed now has the ability to create since he has both shards and we may see something new that isn't based on hemalurgy...
"Words are double edged blades. Only the great and the foolish play with knives." - Kaz the Buddah

"Take off your sandals, for you are posting on holy ground." -  Yahweh Kaz

"Chaos, go to your room!" - Momma Kaz