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Local Authors => Brandon Sanderson => Topic started by: Chimera on December 11, 2005, 05:05:29 AM

Title: Buy Mistborn
Post by: Chimera on December 11, 2005, 05:05:29 AM
Yup, that's right, at Amazon.com you can already pre-order Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/076531178X/qid=1134291679/sr=8-3/ref=sr_8_xs_ap_i1_xgl14/104-2301759-8840718?n=507846&s=books&v=glance)--a whole 7 months in advance!

Do they normally put books up so soon? Or is this a sign that they are expecting a lot of sales?

Edit: The cover art is up now.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: Spriggan on December 11, 2005, 02:29:15 PM
I think it depends on the publisher more then amazon, they just put books up when they get info about them.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: The Jade Knight on December 11, 2005, 11:33:49 PM
I've seen WFRP books up a year early.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: Chimera on December 11, 2005, 11:41:49 PM
It just surprised me. I was thinking of buying another copy of the book for a friend, and when I typed in "Elantris" or "Brandon Sanderson" (I can't remember which) on Amazon to bring up the book, it also brought up Mistborn. I was surprised to see you could buy it so early and thought that was kind of cool.

I wonder if we could campaign somehow to get people to buy it super early and make it a top-seller before it even comes out. (Of course, if it was simple, then every author would do that, so it probably won't happen.)
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: Peter Ahlstrom on December 12, 2005, 12:59:36 AM
Whoa, it slipped to the end of July? Didn't it use to be coming in May, and then June? June was the most recent I heard...I would have thought June would be better placement for Campbell exposure. Just one month before Worldcon seem awfully short.

I mean, sure, people who read Elantris will snap it up, but it seems to me that Elantris went out under a lot of people's radars. There were no reviews in any of the major sci-fi/fantasy magazines. PW review was good, and BN online placement was good, and the Hatrack review was great, but the people who read those are not really the ones who go to Worldcon and vote on the awards.

Anyway, I hope that Mistborn can get lots of good, timely reviews.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: 42 on December 12, 2005, 10:09:31 AM
With stuff that isn't release yet, and particularly stuff that doesn't have a specific day of release, I've noticed that Amazon is rather conservative. They often state the month of the release a month or two later than it actually is. Probably so that people don't yell at them when they don't see the item released on the first of the month.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: The Lost One on January 03, 2006, 08:09:33 PM
I have to admit that a late July release works into my budget/reading time better, so I may no be preordering for a while (unless I get a real job again). Also, by way of first impression, doesn't the cover art looks like something off of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? I know this comment will insult all the art history people on TWG so I apologize for my ignorance and will say no more about the cover art.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: The Holy Saint, Grand High Poobah, Master of Monkeys, Ehlers on January 04, 2006, 09:28:13 AM
/me waits for the sibling fight that's sure to develop here.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: EUOL on January 04, 2006, 02:42:54 PM
July was the month I last heard.  It's the place where the book fit best into Tor's lineup.

As for Campbell--well, I suspect that a lot of people will vote earlier in the year, and so June/July would both be too late.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: 42 on January 04, 2006, 05:31:26 PM
/me waits for the sibling fight that's sure to develop here.

I do not need to smack down Lost One for his artistic ignorance. It is generally accepted that he fell away from civilized society many years ago. So rebuking him would be futile.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: The Lost One on January 04, 2006, 08:00:45 PM
Actually, I only fell away from Utah and don't mind be lost while I explore the rest of the world. You should try leaving Utah sometime 42, it is very exciting.  
Also, rebuking me would futile, only because I admitted my artistic ignorance.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: 42 on January 04, 2006, 10:00:14 PM
No you fell away from civilized society when you chose to be a lawyer. We all know that lawyers are basicly barbaric cannibals.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: The Lost One on January 05, 2006, 07:26:09 PM
Like it or not, lawyers command civilization. Thus, I did not fall away from civilization, I just went to a part of civilization that most don't understand and berate because of its unwanted control over their lives.
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: dark prophecy on January 06, 2006, 02:06:11 AM
I went ahead and had the admins at wotmania link the review from Barnes and Noble and the preorder campaign from  Amazon. Brandon, it's my goal to make you a millionaire, with the hopes that you'll share some of it :P
Title: Re: Buy Mistborn
Post by: Robert_Boyd on January 15, 2006, 09:33:43 PM
Well, I went ahead and preordered it at Amazon.  I would just run out and buy it when it comes out, but I'm teaching English in Taiwan and won't be back in the states until October/Novemberish.  I loved Elantris, I think the Mistborn cover looks cool, plus I have to help out my old teacher - so that he'll give me cool review quotes when I get published myself. ;)